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US and UK Targets Russian Oligarch in Latest Round of Sanctions

The United States and the United Kingdom have imposed new sanctions on Russian oligarch affiliates as tensions between the West and Russia continue to escalate. The latest round of sanctions is aimed at individuals and entities accused of engaging in malicious activities, including cyberattacks and election interference.

The US Treasury Department has sanctioned six Russian technology companies and two individuals for their alleged involvement in cyberattacks against the US and its allies. The UK, meanwhile, has imposed sanctions on seven individuals and four entities, including one Russian intelligence agency, for their involvement in a 2015 cyberattack on the German Parliament.

The move comes after US President Joe Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin of consequences for alleged election interference and cyberattacks during a phone call in March. The Biden administration has taken a tougher stance on Russia than its predecessor, imposing sanctions on Russian officials over the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and the Russian annexation of Crimea.

The UK, for its part, has been a vocal critic of Russian activities, including the 2018 nerve agent attack in Salisbury that targeted a former Russian spy and his daughter. The UK has also accused Russia of meddling in the Brexit referendum and other elections.

” By imposing sanctions on many of Russia’s largest companies , we continue to isolate Russia from the global economy , ” said Brian Nelson , Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence . The sanctions , ” along with the actions of our international partners , will continue to limit the ability of the Putin government to finance its dangerous war against Ukraine . “

The latest sanctions are likely to escalate tensions between Russia and the West, which have already been strained over a range of issues, including Ukraine, Syria, and the treatment of opposition figures in Russia.

Russian officials have denounced the new sanctions, calling them a violation of international law and an attempt to interfere in Russia’s domestic affairs. The Russian embassy in the UK has accused the UK of engaging in a “political smear campaign” against Russia.

The US and UK have said that the sanctions are aimed at holding Russia accountable for its actions and deterring further malicious activities. The effectiveness of the sanctions remains to be seen, but they are likely to increase pressure on Russia and further isolate it from the international community.



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