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Act ID: 195525
Act Number: 25
Enactment Date: 1955-05-18
Act Year: 1955
Short Title: The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
Hindi Title:  हिंदू विवाह अधिनियम, 1955
Long Title: An Act to amend and codify the law relating to marriage among Hindus.
Ministry: Ministry of Law and Justice
Department: Legislative Department
Enforcement Date: 18-05-1955
Last Updated: 17-12-2018

The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955:- https://legalvidhiya.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/The-Hindu-Marriage-Act-1955.pdf

हिन्दू विवाह अधिनियम, 1955 :- https://legalvidhiya.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/हिन्दू-विवाह-अधिनियम-1955.pdf