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A lava field for formed in 2021 in the Grind Vick town in Iceland. This lava was  produced in the Fagradalsfjall volcano near Grind Vick town. The government has  announced the state emergency to protect the citizens and asked to evacuate the  coastal town. The IMO has recorded about eight hundred quakes between  midnight and 2 pm on Friday.  

The protection Agency has announced that it is not recognised that from where  the magma would come over the surface due to that they had requested all  citizens to leave the coastal town. The civil Protection Agency has said that  frequently coming earthquake might make it possible that magma would come  over the surface any time. From last four days frequent Earthquakes are also  observed told by CPA , Iceland.  

Magma is the fluid between the crust and core. It’s temperature is very high and it  is composed of ash and gases. Many more elements are also part of magma.  

The authorities have announced a calm migration and also told that there is no  imminent danger.  


• Iceland declares state of emergency, evacuates residents over threat of volcanic eruption 

• https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/11/europe/iceland-emergency-evacuates-threat volcanic-eruption-intl-hnk 


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