About the Event
The one-day consultation on ‘Promoting Private Sector Participation and Capitalization in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management in India’ aims to bring together stakeholders to develop strategies for increasing private sector involvement and investment in this crucial area.
Recognizing the need for advanced technologies, regulatory reforms, and financial mechanisms, this consultation has the potential to significantly enhance waste management outcomes across India.
The consultation programme is organised by “GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) implementing the Waste Solutions for a Circular Economy in India” along with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) as nodal Ministry and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA) as implementation partner Ministry.
The project engaged Bridge Policy Think Tank to conduct a study on examples of promoting private sector participation. This consultation will help seek inputs on findings of the study and select recommendations relevant for the sector.
Purpose and Objectives
- To discuss the case studies of successful promotion of private sector participation and capitalization in MSW Management Sector and select recommendations.
- To examine and explore the Public Sector’s contribution to facilitating innovative technologies and frameworks for SWM in India.
- To discuss the role of women and the informal sector in India’s waste management landscape, focusing on their contributions, problems, and opportunities for improving sustainability and inclusivity in SWM projects.
- Promoting Private Sector Participation and capitalization in MSW Management Sector.
- Exploring the Public sector’s contribution to facilitate innovative technologies and frameworks for SWM in India.
- Discussing the role of women and the informal sector in India’s waste management landscape focusing on their contributions, problems, and opportunities.
Event Details
- Date: 30th August 2024
- Tenure: 10:30 am to 6:00 pm (IST)
- Venue: Mulberry Hall, Vasant Vihar Club, 88, Paschimi Marg, Block E, Vasant Vihar, New
- Delhi, Delhi 110057.
- Mode of Conference: Physical & Online mode via Zoom & Live Streaming
How to Register?
Interested participants can register using the link provided at the end of this post.
Please note, this is a closed-door consultation with only 50 limited seats! Registration is open on an invitation basis only