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During the discussion in Karnataka high court of the matter which was providing employment to 80 labour’s on contract in Indian Telephones Limited and these labour’s have not accepted from December 2021,although  their employment was from 3 to 38 years.

The Judge S.Govindaraj considered that  any of dislike should be not there and there should be some rules to be passed, The firm has decided to re-employ few labour’s and the remaining as soon as possible.

This Settlement was temporary but the parties didn’t followed the rules due to which it resulted in stoppage of procedure in the negotiations. As a result the judge concluded the hearings by stating that the consideration have came up which temporary in nature thou they should be followed by the participants.

The Government had stated that though labour’s they were employed by contracts but they have to be considered as  non – temporary employees

The Negotiations talks were in place due to the non providence of incentives to labour’s during the Covid -19 pandemic. After which the labour’s came with a petition being filed as per minimum wage s act  for consideration of the statement that these workers were non- temporary employees. In the time of waiting time of hearings the firm tried to remove the labour’s from job and remaining were given warnings.

The filer of Petition central government stated that firm doesn’t want to get back employees, also after giving a written acceptance for immediate dialogue and providing employment to labour’s on without lapse of time and remaining employees as soon as possible.

The Court gave decision that “ The need of industrial dispute act was to provide a platform for communication for both the parties to solve any issue between them and to avoid any future problems.

Following the procedure the Chief of Labour’s Commissioner was ordered to issue the needful instructions in respect to central government’s grief in  45 days.

Case Title: Karnataka General Labour Union And Government of India & others

Case No: WRIT PETITION NO. 9465 OF 2022

Date of Order: 18-04-2023

Appearance: Advocate Clifton D Rozario for petitioner.

Deputy Solicitor General of India H. Shanthi Bhushan FOR R1/R2.

AGA Bhojegouda T Koller for R3/R4

Name :- Shivraj Kadlimatti, Class :- 2nd-year B.B.A.L.L.B, College:- Army Law college pune intern under legal vidhiya


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