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Mr. Jayaprakash, father of the deceased son Shri. Sidharthan moved a petition towards the Kerala High Court seeking for quick investigation of CBI into the suicidal case of his son.

On 18th February 2024, Sidharthan, a Second Year student pursuing his UG in Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry from College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences in Pookode, Wayanad  was found dead in college hostel bathroom. In initial investigation, it was revealed that Sidharthan was alleged to inhuman treatment by his college students in form of ragging. 

FIR was registered in the Police Station of Wayanad, wherein the death was recorded as unnatural. Upon all, the post mortem report submitted on 19th February 2024, made it clear that Sidharthan’s body has traces of ante-mortem injuries. State Government ordered for a CBI investigation, as the matter seems to have deep roots of ragging. 

Father of the deceased victim moved to the Kerala High Court aggrieved by the delay in State Government’s forwarding to Union Government to constitute a CBI investigation. The case appeared before Justice Bechu Kurian Thomas. Looking into the serious repercussions and the graveness of the offence, Justice concluded that delay in the investigation would lead to further complexity. Stating that delay in investigation would pave way for prejudice, Hon’ble High Court directed Union Government to set up CBI investigation as soon as possible without any further delay before the next posting. Where the posting was dated on 9th April 2024. 

Reference : Jayaprakash T v. Union of India and Ors. WP (Cr.) No. 377 of 2024(S)

Written by- GOPIKA PR, Second Year of B.A.,L.L.B, The Central Law College, Salem, Intern from Legal Vidhiya in Legal Journalism. 

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