During a hearing on his bail application, Sanjay Prakash Rai, also known as Sanjay Sherpuria, questioned the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday about why businessman Gaurav Dalmia and his wife Sharmila have not been accused in the money laundering case against him. The ED alleges that Rai, who had claimed to be connected to the Prime Minister’s Office, senior bureaucrats, and politicians, conned several individuals. The agency claims that Rai “duped” Gaurav Dalmia and his family out of Rs 12 crore by instilling fear in him about an ongoing investigation by the ED. The ED also alleges that Rai forged documents regarding the payment to conceal the true nature of the transactions. The Youth Rural Entrepreneur Foundation (YREF), of which Rai was a signatory, received Rs 6 crore from the Dalmia Family Office Trust, in which Gaurav Dalmia serves as a trustee. During the hearing, Rai’s lawyer, Advocate Nitesh Rana, asked the ED why the Dalmia’s have not been accused in the case, since they allegedly paid the amount that is considered the “proceeds of crime” and the basis of the case. Rana argued that given the facts and circumstances, Gaurav Dalmia and Sharmila Dalmia should also be accused.
In a recent court case, it was claimed that Rai showed photos and contacts of influential politicians and bureaucrats to Sharmila and promised to help her husband with a case against him for a payment of Rs 6 crore to YREF. The charge sheet filed by the Uttar Pradesh police did not disclose any cases pending against him. Rai’s counsel argued that the case against him was a product of the investigating agency’s imagination, with no evidence to support it. The ED had already completed its investigation and filed a charge sheet against Rai for money laundering under the PMLA. Rai’s arrest followed searches at 42 locations in several cities. Rai’s counsel stated that Rai would abide by any conditions imposed upon him if granted bail. Rai had projected himself as an influencer and associated with the PMO, claiming to be a social worker.
Written by N.Yogendra Mani of KL University Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh ( 5th semester) an intern under Legal Vidhiya