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This article is written by Ritika Sahni, an intern under Legal Vidhiya                                                           


The Conflict of Israel & Palestine is one of the Most Continuing Conflict of the World in the Mid 20th Century.

A Lot of Attempts have been made to Resolve this Conflict and the Issue to bring the Peace among the Countries.

Various Programs & Solutions were being made to resolve these conflicts & issues among the Countries.

The Israel & Palestine conflict was being started in the 19th Century and it is a never-ending Conflict.

The Conflict between these 2 Countries is the Most Complex Conflict among them which directly affects in the National, Political, Territorial, Cultural & the Regional Factors as well.

The Conflict main issue is not only Related to the Land, but it is related to the Right to Self Determination Issue.

Tracing of the Issue Between the Countries:

In General terms, if we talk about this issue, it is a 100-Year-old Issue.

  • It was a huge Story behind this Conflict…When Britian took the control over the area of the Palestine after the Rule of the Ruler who was the Part of the Middle East.                             During, that period The Empire which was to be known as the Ottoman Empire was being defeated up in the World War at that period.
  • At that time, the Land present there was being occupied by a Minority who was Jewish & Arab Majority as well.
  • The tension between the 2 Countries & the People were already started Grewing when the International Community gave the Britain the most important task for the Establishment of the National Home in the Country Palestine for the People Jewish who are already living there before.
  • At that time, when the news was there for the Establishment of the National Home for the Palestine People, at that time Jews who was already living there that place or say land was their Ancestral Home for them, but at the same time Palestine Arabs claimed for that Land & tried to be opposed that move.
  • But in the year 1920 and the year 1940 the number of the Jews who arrived there and was already living there started growing with the Time and the Period as well.
  • Between the Jews & the Arabs the Violence was also started and with the time it was Raised rather than being Stopped.
  • In the Year 1947, the United Nation (UN) suggested that the Palestine should be Parted Up into the Separate States of Jewish & Arab to make the Jerusalem as an International City.[1]


                                    CREATION OF THE COUNTRY ISRAEL

  • In the Year 1948, when the Britishers were unable to resolve their Issues & Problems at that time they left that Place or say Land, the other left people who remained there were the Jewish people on that Particular Land, when the Britishers left they declared that Particular Land as the Creation of the State which was to be known as the Israel.
  • The few Palestinians who were also left on that Particular Land objected on this Creation of the State and this held to the War between the Palestinians & the Jewish people.
  • When the United Nation suggested that the Palestine must be divided up into the Jewish & Arab States to make the Jerusalem as an International City, now that same City of Jerusalem was being divided up into the 2 forces which were to be known as the Israeli Forces which were being situated in the West, & the Jordanian forces which were being situated up in the East.
  • There was still not no Peace between the 2 Countries & also there was no Agreement between those Countries, so it continued to the War & Fighting among each other putting up of blames among each other and it continued for many more years till now.


  • The Country Israel claims that the Jerusalem is the Capital of their Country, while on the other hand the Palestinians claimed that East Jerusalem is their Capital and their own Future Palestinian State as well. The 2 Countries never agreed on the same point as their points were totally different & they differed from each other. So, that’s why they were unable to reach to a Particular Conclusion ever.
  • The United State is the only Country who has recognized the Israel as the Country’s Capital.
  • Over the past decades of around 50 Years Israel has built up the Settlements in the Various Areas where there are more than population of 6 Lakh Jews live today.
  • But the Palestinians has stated the Statement that the Israel performing every activity is totally Illegal under the International Law and affecting the Peace of the Country, but this Statement is totally denied up by Israel.[2]


                                     CURRENT SITUATION OF THE COUNTRIES.

  • Right now, there is a lot of tension among both the Countries & the level of Stress is very high among these Countries & their related problems & issues as well.                            The huge tension is between the Israel & Palestinians who are living in the East of the Jerusalem, as well as the Gaza and the West Bank.
  • Here, the Gaza is being ruled up by the Military Group of Palestine, which is termed as the Hamas, who has fought against the Country Israel many a times.                      Israel & the Country Egypt tried to control the Gaza Boders strictly to stop the Transaction of the Weapons which are getting to the Hamas.
  • Palestinians who are living in the City or State of the Gaza & the West Bank as well. They stated that they are being affected by the actions of the Israel & their Restrictions as well.                                                                                                                                            Isarel stated in the statement that the country is doing this is only to protect themselves from the Violence of the Palestine Country. [3]



There are a lot of Reasons & Issues upon which the Israel & Palestine is not going to be Agreed & due to their Non –Agreement Issues they are not ever going to reach to a Particular Solution or a Particular Conclusion.

Some of these issues are on which the Israel & the Palestine is never ever going to be agreed are as follows:

  1. What is Actually going to be happened up with the Palestinian Refugees?
  • The Jewish Settlements which were engaged up Near the West Bank should stay or should be Removed.
  • The 2 sides of the Jerusalem should be shared up with the Israel or the Palestine should be Shared or Not. A thought which is to be imagined with full Concentration & only then the Decision should be Made.
  • The Most Important point whether the State of the Palestinian should be build up or created up along the side of the Israel or not. As the countries are already having the issue among themselves.

According, to the above points –

Various Peace Talks are taking place. Along with these various countries are trying to resolve this Conflict between the Palestine & Israel.

But, as a result today after 25 Years the Conflict has not been Resolved Till now. The conflict is still the same and no country is ready to resolve it in a Peaceful Manner.[4]



There are Many Countries opinions on the Conflict issue of the Israel & the Palestine Country. That are as follows:

  • The Countries which contain the Non-Muslim Members (there no Muslim Person present in these Countries) they have recognized the Israel Rightness & they have maintained the Relations with the Israel Country without having any issue with that Country, but on the other hand some are against the Israel Country & with the Treatment that Israel is giving to the Palestinians & also with their ongoing Occupation with the West Bank as well. 
  • Half of the World Countries believed that the Israel is the only country who has the Control over the West Bank and does an Illegal & Unlawful Military Occupation wrongful Manner. Some sees the Israel as a Rivalry country against them. They believe that the Country should be Boycotted, and the Rights and all the necessary decisions should be given in the hand of the Palestine Country.
  • One Movement also tried to help in the Conflict issue between the Israel & the Palestine Country by its movement which is known as the BDS Movement (Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Movement) which was being merged in the year 2005, and it aimed at to support and help in reducing the International Anger which the other World Countries are showing against the Country Israel.

The Main Agenda of this Movement is to create the Costs to the Country Israel against        the Palestine Country Policy. This was done in a way like boycott of the Israel Goods & its other Institutions from the Developed Countries of Israel.

Basically, the main Motive behind the BDS Movement was to provide the Palestine Country people with the Equal Rights & the Other Opportunities. To make people live in a Peaceful Manner. Rather than, creating the War against each other, plotting of plans against each other to stop all this.

It always wanted to remove this Conflict between the Israel & the Palestine Country so that people should not Suffer against them & these 2 Countries should live Peacefully without creating any Chaoites among them.

India also tried to ensure the Balance among the 2 Conflicting countries & has tried to tie a knot & to grow its relations with the State Israel & the Palestine as well.

India also introduced various Policies & Statements to reduce the Conflict against them so that the People living there can live Peacefully with each other.



The main Target or say Goal is to reach the Final Status of the Agreement which is going to establish an Agreement which is full of Equality likely that Palestinian to establish a State in Gaza & for that West Bank in Exchange of it.

Palestinians agreeing upon this Agreements to end the Permanent Attacks against the State Israel & ending of the Conflict issue among them. This is a Formula of Peace maintained among them.

Before, achieving to the Success there were many Hurdles against them which they needed to sort at the first:

  1. The very first hurdle which they faced was that the Israel continued to have the Control on the West Bank & was in a mood to expand the Settlements in them. Palestine founded that it was totally against them & their State People.
  • The Palestinis ensured that they remained Politically divided up between the Fatah & the Hamas so that they can’t negotiate easily.
  • The third and the last hurdle was how to start the talks among the conflicting countries because both were ready to start a war against each other.[5]



There are mainly 2 Solution to end this Conflict permanently against the Palestine & the State of Israel:

These Solutions are to be termed as the – 1) Two State Solution

                                                                   2) One State Solution as well.

  1. Two State Solution: This Solution basically stated that it would be Creating an Independent Israel & the Palestine as well which will totally end the Conflict and all the Issues among them.

The main idea behind these 2 different establishments of State was that – one State named as Israel wanted the Jewish State on the other hand the other State Palestinians wanted their own Palestinian State. So, 2 states having totally different Scenario was one of the Issue. So, in this case the 2 State Solution was totally Valid for them.

      2) One State Solution: This Solution stated that it would be merging the State Israel with the   West Bank & the Gaza Strip into one of the Biggest Country in the World.

It usually contained the 2 Versions in it:

  • One version was that it was being favored by the some of the Leftists & the Palestinians as well which would be helping in the Creation of the Single Democratic Country. This will result in the increase in the number of the Arab Muslims which will totally lead or say intend to end the Israel State with the Jewish Members & its Capital as well.
  • Other version was that it was being favored up by some of the Rightists & the Israelis as well which would involve the Creation of the West Bank and removing of the Palestinians from the State or taking away their Rights.

So, these were some of the Solutions which would be helping in the Reduction or simply say Ending of the Conflict among the Countries of Israel & Palestine as well.[6]



So, under this Report we have discussed about all the Conflicts & the Issues which are going on among the 2 Countries that is the Israel & the Palestine.

Reasons behind the Conflict, what are views of the World or say Other Countries Views upon them? We have at the last discussed about the Solution which is Permanent Resolvent for this Conflict Problem among the Countries.

Lastly, NO COUNTRY ACTION IS LEGAL HERE as a note Each & Every Country has their Different Scenario of looking after the Issues. There is a lot of Clashes in the Issues these 2 Countries must take a Serious Action & should resolve their Issue & all the Conflicts among them.                             

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org

[2] https://www.insightsonindia.com

[3] https://www.insightsonindia.com

[4] https://www.insightsonindia.com

[5] https://www.insightonindia.com

[6] https://insightsonindia.com


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