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Name of the intern


Name of your college

Punjab School of Law, Punjabi University Patiala

Name of the course and year of study

BALLB, 3rd year

Name and address of the organization

Office of SH Baldev Raj Mahajan, Senior Advocate and Advocate General of Punjab And Haryana High Court.

Duration of internship

From: 14/06/2023 Till: 30/06/2023

How did you apply for the internship?

Via email address baldevmahajan@rediffmail.com

First-day formalities, infrastructure, first impression

Actually, I went on the second day. The internship coordinator introduced me to the work I had to do. I was given a case file to study and understand the drafting.

Main tasks

The main tasks were Case analysis, synopsis, and research work including finding judgments on various assigned issues, RSA, LPA, and other legal drafting related to CPC, CrCP, and Constitutional law

Work environment

The environment was quite professional. Everyone was busy with their task and the internship co-coordinator was very helpful and friendly nature. She used to handle everyone with a smiling face. Overall the work environment was excellent.

Good things

The internship was full of learning about drafting and office-related work. Since I opted for an office internship I got the opportunity to learn and experience law office work and environment.

Bad things

There are no such bad things in an internship. But yes if you are introverted you may find it difficult as you yourself have to go to the coordinator and ask for the next task because of your busy schedule.


No stipend yet certificates were given on the last day.

Details about accommodation and commute

Since I am local I used to travel by ctus

Anything else?

Learned a lot about the basics of drafting. Yet I would recommend before you apply to try to have good command over typing and MS Office.


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