1If we were to hold that even by way of a prospective application, notwithstanding the non-compliance under the CrPC, 1989, the appellant shall be permitted to prosecute the respondents, we would only be applying CrPC, 1973 retrospectively which as discussed is not permissible: Supreme court

1If we were to hold that even by way of a prospective application, notwithstanding the non-compliance under the CrPC, 1989, the appellant shall be permitted to prosecute the respondents, we would only be applying CrPC, 1973 retrospectively which as discussed is not permissible: Supreme court

The Supreme Court on Friday, 17th May. 2024 had given its judgment on the case of National Investigation Agency, New Delhi versus Owais amin @ Cherry and others. In the case, the appellant side who were from the National Investigation Agency( NIA) had filed an instant appeal before the Supreme Read more…

The crux of the above decision is that when a dealership agreement is to be cancelled, it has to be so done strictly in consonance with Rules/Guidelines framed in that regard: Supreme Court

The crux of the above decision is that when a dealership agreement is to be cancelled, it has to be so done strictly in consonance with Rules/Guidelines framed in that regard: Supreme Court

The Supreme Court on Friday,17th May,2024 had given its judgment on the case of M/S. HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED & ORS versus DHARAMNATH SINGH & OTHERS. In the ongoing case, these appeals which had been passed  as the Special leave judgment on the date of 5h May,2019. This special leave Read more…

This Court has often interpreted the counter terrorism enactments to strike a balance between the civil liberties of the accused, human rights of the victims and compelling interest of the state: Supreme court

This Court has often interpreted the counter terrorism enactments to strike a balance between the civil liberties of the accused, human rights of the victims and compelling interest of the state: Supreme court

The Supreme Court on Wednesday, 22nd may,2024 had given its judgment on the case against the organization named Popular Front of India ( PFI). The more information about the case is that the ministry of home affairs, CTCR Division had received a credible information that the members and the office Read more…