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About the School of Law, Forensic Justice and Policy Studies, NFSU, Gandhinagar

School of Law, Forensic Justice and Policy studies has been established with the aim of imparting professional legal education with a special focus of forensic application in all allied areas of law and policy framework. The school aspires to be the leading provider of forensic justice understanding to all professionals from different areas of governance including justice administration. Through forensic lenses it focuses on crime prevention, crime reduction, crime mapping, speedy and fair dispensation of justice, thereby contributing to overall welfare of people. The school envisions to produce sound techno-legal experts who can contribute in all areas of governance improving the efficiency leading to peace and happiness amongst the people.

About the Journal

The NFSU Journal of Forensic Justice is a flagship journal of the School of Law, Forensic Justice and Policy Studies, National Forensic Sciences University: An Institution of National Importance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. This double-blind, peer-reviewed, international journal promotes interdisciplinary studies on Law and Forensic Science. The Journal is online, and carries the eISSN 2584-0924.

Themes for this Volume

The Journal invites original and previously unpublished articles, notes, comments, and book reviews for its third Volume, to be tentatively released in March 2025, from academicians, professionals, research scholars, and students enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate program in a university.

 Authors can contribute articles on any of the following themes or any topic related to the areas mentioned below:

 1. Procedural

1.1 Review of Legislations Relating to Forensic Justice

1.1.1 Critical Review of New Legislations and Policies Impacting Forensic Justice

 1.1.2 The Evolution of Procedural Safeguards in Forensic Investigations

 1.1.3 Ensuring Fair Trials: Bridging Gaps in Forensic Evidence Utilization

2. Investigation

2.1 Crimes Scene Management

2.1.1 Advancements in Crime Scene Management: Challenges and Best Practices

2.1.2 Role of Technology in Enhancing Crime Scene Investigations

2.1.3 Evidence Preservation vs. Privacy Concerns: Striking a Balance

 3. Judicial

3.1 Admissibility of Forensic Evidences

3.1.1 Judging Scientific Evidence: The Role of Judges in Interpreting Forensics

3.1.2 Admissibility of Forensic Evidence: A Comparative Legal Analysis

4. Scientific

4.1 Ballistic

4.1.1 Ballistic Forensics in Mass Shootings and Terrorist Attacks

4.1.2 Role of AI and Machine Learning in Firearm Evidence Analysis

4.2 DNA

4.2.1 Ethical Issues in DNA Profiling and Database Maintenance

4.2.2 DNA Evidence in Cold Cases: Reviving Justice

4.3 Environment

 4.3.1 Environmental Forensics: Tackling Pollution Crimes through Science

4.3.2 Climate Change and Forensics: Investigating Environmental Violations

4.4 Digital Forensics

4.4.1 Cybercrime Investigations: Modern Trends and Challenges in Digital Evidence

4.4.2 Forensics and AI: Analyzing Deepfakes, Data Manipulation, and Encryption

4.5 Medico-Legal: Toxicology

4.5.1 Emerging Trends in Forensic Toxicology: From Drug Overdose to Chemical Warfare

 4.5.2 Post-Mortem Toxicology: Challenges in Identifying Rare Substances

4.6 Behavioral Forensics

4.6.1 Behavioral Profiling in Serial Crimes: Emerging Patterns and Limitations

4.6.2 Psychological Autopsies in Forensic Investigations

 5. Anthropology

5.1 Wildlife Forensics

 5.1.1 Wildlife Crime Investigations: Techniques and Legal Frameworks

5.1.2 Role of Forensic Science in Combating Illegal Poaching and Trade

6. International

6.1 Humanitarian

6.1.1 Forensic Justice in Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Disaster Recovery

6.1.2 Role of Forensic Science in Identifying Victims of Mass Atrocities

 6.2 Marine

6.2.1 Investigating Maritime Crimes: Piracy, Shipwrecks, and Environmental Spills

6.2.2 Underwater Forensics: Advancements in Evidence Collection

6.3 Forensics in Conflict Zones

6.3.1 Challenges of Forensic Investigations in War and Conflict Areas

 6.3.2 The Role of Forensic Science in Documenting War Crimes

7. Criminal Justice System

7.1 Interoperable Criminal Justice System

7.1.1 Data Integration and Forensics: ICJS as a Model for Evidence-Based Justice

 7.2 Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System

7.2.1 Digital Forensics and CCTNS: Unlocking the Future of Crime Detection

7.3 Contemporary Developments

7.3.1 Innovations in Forensic Science: Meeting the Needs of Modern Justice

7.3.2 The Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Criminal Justice System

7.4 E-courts

7.4.1 Virtual Hearings and Digital Evidence: Challenges in Ensuring Fair Trials

 7.5 Access to Justice

7.5.1 Role of Forensic Science in Ensuring Equitable Access to Justice

7.5.2 Overcoming Barriers in Justice Delivery through Scientific Interventions

Submission Guidelines


The Journal allows co-authorship up to two authors.

Types of Submissions, and Word Limit:

• Research Articles: 6000-8000 words.

 • Notes/Comments: 3000 – 4000 words. These may include critical assessments of contemporary adjudications, policy decisions, legislations, or developments in the field of science of technology relevant to the field of forensic justice.

• Book Reviews: 1500 – 2500 words. This may include critical analysis of the arguments and findings expressed in recently published books related to the field of forensic justice. The aforementioned word limit does not include the footnotes.

Manuscript Formatting and Style:

1. Submissions of any of the aforementioned kind of manuscript must be made in the Word format. Submissions made in pdf or other formats shall be rejected at the preliminary stage.

2. All submissions (except Book Reviews) must contain an Abstract (of no more than 250 words) and at least 5 keywords.

3. The title of the paper must be reflective of the arguments portrayed in the manuscript. The title must be in no more than 15 words. The title shall be kept in Justified alignment with the font size of 16.

4. The main text of the manuscript must be in the font style Times New Roman with

All submissions are to be made through the portal available on our website. No submission shall be accepted through email. For formatting guidelines, submission checklist, and other details, kindly refer to the Call for Papers here.

Submission Deadline:

February 15, 2025

Contact Details:

Website: https://jfj.nfsu.ac.in/

Email Id:  journalofforensicjustice@nfsu.ac.in


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