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On 15th July 2024, a division bench of Justices Mahesh Sonak and Kamal Khata slams Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation the richest civic body in the country  and cannot act arbitrarily towards its citizen for failing to provide either the rent  or the alternative accommodation to project affected person. 

This is the case where the petitioners premise had been demolished in November  2017 in the context of Tansa Pipeline and the petitioner was eligible for the rent  or the benefits of Petitioner alternate accommodation, however the petitioner was  deprived of any such benefit. The learned counsel of Mr. Godbole submitted that  the petitioner was offered PAA at Mahul, but the petitioner refused to accept the  same. It was also submitted that the BMC is in the process of acquiring alternate  tenements, also BMC at present is not in position that when will the tenement will  be available and will be provided to the Petitioner. 

The learned counsel of petitioner submitted that in an order dated 23 September  2019 the relief was granted to the petitioner by offering accommodation at Mahul  and Ambapada but the same was not accepted by the petitioner as there was  serious air pollution and is unfit for human habitat. Also, it was admitted in the  judgement that no person will be forced to accept the accommodation and those  who has been allotted with the accommodation shall be provided with other  alternative. Till alternate accommodation is made available, they should be paid  Rs.15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) per month as transit rent with a security  deposit of Rs.45,000/- It was also submitted that even without referring to the  order BMC cannot claim that presently the corporation is not in position to  compensate the petitioner or provide the rent in lieu of the said PAA, such  contentions will involve the infringement of Article 14 and 21 of the Constitution  of India. 

The learned counsel of Petitioner admitted that PAPs who had accepted the  allotment was given the option to shift and until then they have been provided  with Rs15,000/- as rent with a security deposit of Rs.45,000/- Mr Godbole had  not made any statement regarding this This is despite the fact that the Hon’ble  Supreme Court has declined to stay this Court’s order. The only distinction made  between the Petitioner and others is they have accepted the allotment and the  petitioner have not, NGT has also accepted the poor air condition which is unfit  to live and considering the same it should not be the reason for discrimination. 

The record shows that the Court had directed BMC on 23 September 2022 to file  an affidavit within three weeks. Still, on 5th June 2023, no affidavit was filed and 

the counsel for BMC reported no instructions. On 5th June 2023, Court once  again requested the Municipal commissioner to impart proper instructions and to file a proper reply in this matter but till date no instruction has been filed. The  richest civic body i.e. BMC can not act arbitrarily towards its citizen and ignore  the plight of Petitioner and for the ad-interim relief court directed BMC to pay an  amount of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) per month to the Petitioner. The  first such payment should be made on or before 12th July 2024 as ad-interim relief. 



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