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It’s been almost 40 days since the Israel-Hamas war and no conclusion or solution has come yet. More than 2.3 civilians from Gaza have left their homes since the war began. Israel’s army confirmed that they have lost their 46 troops since the war began. The USA has imposed its third round of sanctions on Hamas leaders and their finances.  These sanctions will stop Iran from outside help to Hamas militants.

In the middle of war, everyone is going through their interests and relationships with both countries but nobody is seeing the humanitarian crisis in Israel and Gaza. Israel’s bombing in Gaza blockaded the development of Gaza for the next 16 years. Gaza is destroyed by Israel’s air strikes. Millions of people are leaving Gaza or vacating the northern side. But, Egypt which shares its Rafah border with Gaza is not ready to open it. Even Jordan is not ready to take refugees from Gaza in their state. Similarly, Turkey and Qatar who have supported the Hamas have refused to take refugees in their state. Algeria, Kuwait, and Malaysia who are in constant support of Hamas have also refused to give shelter to refugees from Gaza. Iran, Qatar, Turkey, Malaysia, Kuwait, and Algeria have supported the Palestinian Jihadists for decades which now leads to destruction and misery for Gaza’s common people. It is the hypocrisy of the Arab world that they have empowered Hamas and criticized Israel but when it comes to giving shelter to refugees, all Arab countries pull out their hands. It raises the question- “if the Arab world does not care about the people of Gaza then why would Israel care about the civilians of Gaza before the bombing?” Arab world only cares about the leaders of Hamas and grants them citizenship to them. 

A recent summit of the Arab world brought a resolution to cut all ties with Israel but Saudi Arabia, UAE, and seven other countries blocked it. The resolution was to cut all diplomatic and economic relations with Israel. The oil-producing states should stop selling oil to Israel. The Arab States should stop giving their Air Space to Israeli flights. This resolution was brought to bring a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas but it was blocked.


https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/israel-hamas-gaza-palestine-war-conflict-updates-november-14-2023/article67530990.ece (last visited on 14th November 2023)

https://theconversation.com/gaza-has-been-blockaded-for-16-years-heres-what-a-complete-siege-and-invasion-could-mean-for-vital-supplies-215359 (last visited on 14th November 2023) 

https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d (last visited on 14th November 2023)

 https://www.livemint.com/news/world/saudi-arabia-uae-7-others-block-proposal-to-snap-all-ties-with-israel-at-islamic-nations-summit-reports-11699781557828.html (last visited on 14th November 2023)


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