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About the organisation

Young Leaders for Legal Literacy (YLcube) Foundation is an initiative to motivate and inspire young students on various socio-legal themes and to guide them traverse the righteous path throughout the endeavor of their personal and professional lives. By having a direct interaction and by the exchange of views with experienced legal minds and researching, conceptualizing, and correspondingly reporting according to the selected avenue given below.
YLcube currently functions in the areas of legal publication, internships, Legal Literacy Programs, and Research centres.

About the Summer School

After conducting successful Summer Schools from last many years, YLcube Foundation has hosted students from more than 100 law schools across India; where they undertook more than 50 research projects in the fields of the intersection of law and other facets of society including politics, sociology, policy, psychology, and philosophy. We bring back the opportunity to the students in the summer of 2024.

The students would have a unique opportunity to use their legal acumen, expertise, and experience through this program. Familiarity with the practicalities and complexities of law would broaden students’ knowledge and benefit them in the long run from a professional standpoint.

Themes of projects being undertaken in the upcoming phase:

1. Intellectual Property and Tech Law
2. Environment and Finance
3. Legal Literacy
4. Principles of Criminal Law


2 interns per research project


Interns shall be provided with Internship certificates & a Letter of Recommendation.

To review previous research reports, visit:   https://ylcube.com/intern-reports/

Please note that all researchers and research leads work pro-bono at the summer school.

More information and application link:


Click on the LINK

Last date to apply: 9th June, 2024

Summer school begins on: 15th June, 2024

Duration: 1month

Contact Information

Email Address: ylcubefoundation@gmail.com


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