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About OutLawed India

OutLawed India is a not-for-profit company founded and run by NLSIU alums that aims to equip communities with the knowledge and skills required to independently access law and justice.

About the Programme

The Campus Ambassador Programme endeavours to identify students from law schools across the country to advocate for the cause of legal literacy. The Campus Ambassador Programme on the Active Citizen Challenge will run for a period of 3 months from June 20th, 2024, to September 20th, 2024.

Campus Ambassadors are selected from various institutions across the country. The selected Campus Ambassadors will create a group of 2-3 Student Leaders within their institutions who will work with them to complete these tasks.

Students are expected to conduct a minimum of 6 tasks over a period of 3 months and are provided with flexible timelines. Working in teams will make the work impactful but also fun! These tasks are carefully curated to cover various aspects of awareness around the law and also action points. They may include –

  1. Organizing workshops, 
  2. Distributing informational pamphlets, 
  3. Conducting legal aid camps,
  4. Filing an RTI,
  5. Survey of the locality etc. 

OutLawed India will provide resources and the steps to be followed for each task. The team may choose to complete as many tasks as they can in the given 3-month period!

Why be a Part of this Program?

Through the Campus Ambassador Programme, students will get exclusive resources, mentorship, and support from some of the most prominent organizations in the law and justice space. Other benefits include:

  • Training and Mentorship
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Professional Development
  • Certificates and much more!

OutLawed India will recognize and honor the outstanding efforts of the Top 3 groups comprising of Campus Ambassadors and Student Leaders that have demonstrated exceptional dedication and active participation and will award winner certificates. All the participants will also receive participation certificates!

You can read more about the programme on this link

How to Apply?

Interested participants can sign up by the link provided at the end of this post.

We will be accepting volunteers on a rolling basis


For any questions or concerns, please email us at contact@outlawedindia.com 

Click here to apply.


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