In supreme court of India civil appellate jurisdiction M.A. No. 859 of 2020 SLP© no. 5440 of 2020
Case: was district bar association Dehradun vs shwar Shandilya and ors
Leaded by M.R. SHAH, J decided that there was not any committee for lawyers
After two years Keral high court constitute a committee headed by chief justice svn Bhatti to redress grievance, if any of lawyers, in response to a supreme court order to avert laeyers abstaining from court appearances or resorting to strikes.
The order was passed on 9 june by the registar.
The committee is constituted of the following members;
Chief justice svn Bhatti
Justice A muhhamed mustaque
Justice somaranjan p
Advocate general of kerala
Chairman of the bar council of kerala
President of the high court bar association .
Written by laxmi kumari intern under legal vidhiya