Keywords: Supreme Court of India, Patna High Court, Caste Census, Bihar Caste survey
The Patna High Court’s ruling upholding the Bihar Caste Survey has been appealed to the Supreme Court. The State’s decision to conduct the caste survey was fully justified, according to the High Court.
On August 1, the Court ruled that the survey is intended to identify the economic, educational, and other social aspects of various communities, classes, and groups in furtherance of a compelling public interest and a legitimate State interest.
The entire survey was supposed to be completed by May 2023. But was halted by a single-judge bench of the High Court on May 4 observing that the survey was actually a census and could only be carried out by the Central government and stayed the caste census. The Bihar government then moved the Supreme Court to overturn the stay order.
The Patna High Court has scheduled the case for final hearing on July 3; the top court declined to lift the interim stay and instructed the State government to approach the High Court.
The Division Bench of the High Court finally heard the case and dismissed the appeal on August 1.
Written by- Apoorva Chandra, College name – Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Malappuram, Semester- 3rd an intern under Legal Vidhiya
[1] BAR AND BENCH, Appeal filed in Supreme Court against Patna High Court verdict upholding Bihar Caste Survey (barandbench.com) (last visited on August 3, 2023)