You have many options to choose from once you have successfully passed 12th grade. You can be anything that you wish. A doctor, an engineer, a dancer, a pilot, there are just endless possibilities. But why would you choose law? You see, law is a fundamental concept of any society. Everyone has a different perception of what law means, and perhaps that is the reason why law has too many definitions. I wouldn’t say that any of them is wrong, however, not all of them can fully and truly describe what law is.
For a lawyer, law is a subject which helps one understand his rights and also creates sensitiveness to those of others. But from a layman’s perspective, we could understand law as “a body of rules and principles that regulate the conduct of human beings, through the authority of the state”.
Coming back to the point, i.e., why choose law as a career?
Thomas Jefferson has rightly quoted “The study of the law is useful in a variety of points of view. It qualifies a man to be useful to himself, to his neighbors, and to the public”
We’ve all heard the saying that “power corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” But is it only applicable on the bureaucrats? Now just imagine that the society has been given total liberty, what would happen? Bloodshed, loot, harassment, and helpless victims; that is what the society will be like.
Law is a mandate which makes society more humane and livable. It governs what we can and cannot do. It is used to settle disputes, to punish, conduct business and protect rights of people and render justice. Similarly. a state uses law to meet the ever-changing needs of the society. In short, law helps maintain peace, protect rights and establish standards of conduct.
Law as a profession is in great demand these days due to the changing social and economic circumstances and the ever-increasing regulatory role being undertaken by the government there is a rising demand for the lawyers. Moreover, law is not only financially lucrative, but also is an exciting field.
A lawyer is held in high esteem in our society and there remains faith that when everything fails, one can still take the path of legal system. In our daily lives too, we come across situation where we might need the advice of a legal professionals who analyze and interpret law properly. The most important work you’ll do as a lawyer is advice your clients about their legal rights and recommend course of action in a conscientious manner. Oh, and don’t forget that law is not limited to choosing between a judge or an advocate. As a law graduate you’ve endless career opportunities to choose from!
Coming to the pros and cons of being a lawyer.
- Diverse practice areas to choose from.
- Rewarding both in terms of perks you get and respect among clients.
- Boredom will never be an issue as you’ll be fighting a new case each time.
- Long working hours and tight deadlines.
- You have a lot of responsibility as a lawyer, therefore it can be quite stressful at times.
- Very tough competition.
So if you are someone who is looking forward to working with and working for people you should consider choosing law.