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This article is written by Anas Rao of Jindal Global Law School, an intern under Legal Vidhiya


Transnational corruption, such as bribery, embezzlement, and money laundering, erodes good governance, economic stability, and public trust throughout the world. Its pernicious nature-where corruption spills over into many geography-calls for a vigorous international rule-based response. This paper will analyze the role of international law in addressing transnational corruption, with specific reference to the various legal regimes that have already been established against this, such as UNCAC and the OECD’s Convention on Combating Bribery, as well as regional initiatives and the role of international organizations such as the United Nations and Financial Action Task Force in this respect. It outlines challenges, including jurisdiction conflicts, resource inadequacies, and lack of political will, while showing successful and liminal case studies such as the Siemens and 1MDB scandals. This paper serves conclusively by making suggestions to improve enforcement, mutual legal assistance, establish public-private partnerships, and promote procedures to combat corruption globally. Through overcoming such hurdles, international law in the theory and practice of fighting transnational corruption could function to promote accountability and sustainable development worldwide.


International Law, Transnational, Corruption, Scandal, Challenges, Global, Law, Practices, Organization, Recommendation, Stakeholder, Political, Instrument, Economy.


Corruption in the broader context has emerged as one of the greatest challenges against governance, economic stability, and social justice in the modern globalized world. Such an insidious phenomenon that transcends borders strengthens the flow of illegal money, hampers competition in the market, and interferes with the very concept of sustainable development. The new horizon of corrupt practices arising from globalization has opened up new windows toward manipulating the reduced scope of national legislations and international oversight, from money laundering to misappropriating international aid.[1] The ramifications of transnational corruption spread far beyond the confines of individual countries and backdoor destabilization through regional influence on the global governance processes. This corruption constitutes a challenge to the national sovereignty of countries, since it provides foreign actors the opportunity to meddle in the processes of domestic policy-making, resulting in the public having diminished confidence in public institutions and weakening of the democratic processes. Moreover, the fact that there is no standardized approach to the fight against this corruption across jurisdictions adds further severity to the problem since it has also opened up spaces for the countries to serve as flagrant safe havens for corrupt activities.[2]

International law, in the form of both binding and non-binding standards, serves as a road map for each of the stakeholders in addressing transnational corruption, allowing the states to cooperate, establishing requirements of accountability, and allowing cross-border enforcement. Such instruments as the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) set in place a global foundation, supporting preventive measures and promoting international cooperation. However, a wide spectrum of difficulties impedes its effectiveness, such as inconsistent implementation, political resistance, and limited resources in many jurisdictions. Notwithstanding, international law shows a growing meeting of minds on the idea of collective action against corruption. This paper traces the historical development of international anti-corruption instruments to analyze their effectiveness and gaps remaining. It does so through case studies and proposes practitioners’ themes and solutions to satisfy calls for concerted measures, enhanced transparency, and the building of mechanisms that specifically deal with the multi-faceted nature of transnational corruption.[3]


Transnational corruption refers to corrupt activities which include acts such as bribery, embezzlement, and money laundering across national boundaries. Such acts occur mainly through multinational corporations, high-ranking officials, and organized crime syndicates that exploit loopholes within international legal and regulatory mechanisms. The consequences of such corrupt practices are indeed disruptive and multidimensional. They undermine public trust toward institutions, create artificial barriers within the market, and perpetuate inequalities by siphoning off resources away from development projects. In fact, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, transnational corruption is supposed to drain 5% of GDP every year from the global economy, and this causes more than $1 trillion to be coercively paid as bribes. Such a huge figure underlines the importance of international cooperation and accountability mechanisms in the fight against corruption.[4]

This transnational corruption reaches deep into the economic catastrophe and devastates political stability and social cohesion. Through fostering an erosion of governance structures, weakening states’ ability to provide public services, and maintaining law and order, corruption enables illicit financial flows. The rapid lightness of international aid also threatens the integrity of the aid process as the funds are diverted for their original intended humanitarian purposes. The increasing international interdependency of economies has only made dealing with transnational corruption more vexing and remains unwilling to budge without the seamless cooperation of all people in terms of closing all loopholes in national legislation and standardizing all protocols for contracting. Measures to curb the prevalence of corruption must include the enhancement of international legal systems, enforcement mechanisms, and transparency.[5]


United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)

The UNCAC, the most comprehensive global anti-corruption legal instrument, was adopted in 2003. As of 2025, temporarily, there are 189 State Parties, making it a legally binding instrument on its members, containing provisions obliging these countries to implement preventive measures, to criminalize items related to corrupt practices, and to cooperate in enforcement of the aforementioned prohibitions pursuant to international law. Its provisions deal with such areas as asset recovery, technical assistance, and public sector integrity. UNCAC’s mutual review mechanism creates checks on the accountability of States by assessing compliance and exchanging best practices. Nevertheless, UNCAC has been criticized for not having binding enforcement provisions and for the wide variance among national applications, often resulting in differing levels of effectiveness.[6]

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention

The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention adopted in 1997, is designed to out-and-out combat any instance of bribery in the commission of commercial transactions involving foreign public officials. The main focus of the Convention is aimed at creating an instrument to level the playing field for businesses all over the world by criminalizing acts of corruption and economic distortion. These include corporate liability, whistleblower protection, and international cooperation. However, enforcement is uneven among signatories with wide differences across prosecutorial activity. Some countries are evidently doing well, some are slower due to issues of resource mobilization, and certain others do not even seem interested due to the lack of political will.[7]

Regional Legal Instruments

Regional frameworks exist to spotlight corruption problems pertaining to specific regions in line with parallel support from global options in these issues and therefore enhance regional cooperation. Notable examples include the AUCPCC and IACAC. Such instruments highlight issues like asset recovery, mutual legal assistance, and promotion of ethical governance. These regional frameworks encounter various constraints and tend to suffer setbacks in their implementation on grounds of limited availability of financial resources, political instability, and not having in place a capacity to go to court.[8]


United Nations and Specialized Agencies

The United Nations, through its agencies, including the UNODC, is at the forefront of supporting those states that wish to undertake innovative and vigorous actions against corruption through technical assistance, capacity building, and policy advice. Beyond that, the UN has also been introducing and supporting investigations and prosecutions relating to international cooperation, increasing government transparency, and building public awareness of the harmful effects of corruption. Through its Global Programme against Corruption, the UNODC has led to an impressive array of initiatives across the world that will strengthen institutional frameworks and legal mechanisms.[9]

Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) lays governing rules for combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and sometimes mingled with corruption. Their recommendations give a benchmark for countries to adherently institute a means of avoiding certain corroded utilizations of financial systems. Its peer-review processes, called mutual evaluations, assess compliance with said standards by various member countries, recognizing areas to improve. The work completed by the FATF has widely improved general financial transactions’ transparency and cooperation, mainly in following the logistical flow of illegal financial affairs on an international level.[10]


This will not detract from existing comprehensive frameworks against transnational corruption, but rather would highlight the constant shackles which impede their full implementation and enforcement:

Sovereignty Issues

Many nations hesitate to permit external scrutiny of their inner governance affairs. This could easily be put as an impediment to fuller, timely, and effective cooperation by member states in countering transnational corruption. Entangled with sovereignty issues, self-prioritized approaches emerge as the norm. The resulting uneven application of anti-corruption standards offers corrupt actors and organizations further opportunities for exploiting weaknesses in law enforcement in other countries.[11]

Lack of Resources

The effect of duties on corruption is felt the most within developing nations. Where states are still grappling to disentangle their economies from the molasses of corruption, inadequate financial and technical resources make the implementation of ant-corruption projects virtually impossible. These lead to the failure of establishing and rendering vital functions of mostly state institutions, investigations, and prosecution. The disparity creates a profoundly uneven global situation. Some countries may not have adequate courage to administer corruption control comprehensively and consequently not.[12]

Conflict of Jurisdiction

With regard to transnational corruption, twisting legal dilemmas arising among jurisdictions appear to be case specific. These differences in legal systems, definitions of corruption, and levels of evidence complicate cross-border investigations and prosecutions. For example, a specific payment could constitute a bribe in one blockade but not in another. The differences serve as gaps that can be exploited by lawbreakers. The overlaps in the respective jurisdictions further compound one another’s efforts to act in coordination and calculate justice in calculable time.[13]

Absence of Political Will

The resistance sometimes posed by political elites who gain from corruption in order to protect enterprise may be real. These individuals may undermine international efforts to take down domestic institutions to avoid participation in multilateral agreements. The absence of political will adds to the problem of accountability on the scale of corruption. It entrenches the same actors as extremely powerful against such bids, therefore politically unaccountable.[14]


Siemens Series Scandal

The Siemens bribery case allows a glimpse into the novel tussles and decent grievances amid international cooperation on corporate crimes. Immediate investigation establishes a bribe for shining and covering on contracts to the tune of an astounding sum exceeding $1.4 billion in at least 12 countries. It was determined that the case arose from coordinated activities of both German and American authorities whereby the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention enforced penalties and initiated stringent reform within Siemens scion. The case demonstrates that corporate corruption requires effective enforcement and international collaboration if those allegedly involved are to escape the grip of the law.[15]

The 1MDB Scandal

The original scandal of 1MDB case reminds one of the importance of international law in asset recovery and prosecute. Conceiving on this manner were several high-ranking officials, several other scheming banks, financial institutions, and a myriad of shell companies in several jurisdictions. Recovery of misappropriated assets and prosecution of several major figures, including former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, was facilitated by the cooperation of the relevant authorities in the U.S., Switzerland, and Malaysia. This case further brings to light the key relevance of international legal frameworks in enabling the tackling of organized corruption schemes.[16]


To make international law more effective, especially in fighting corruption, cross-cutting strategies may have to be put into effect:

Reinforcing Enforcement Mechanisms: Establishing a robust enforcement body under instruments like the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNAC) would enhance accountability and ensure compliance. Empowering these bodies with full and effective investigatory and punitive powers is necessary to deter violations.[17]

Simplification of Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA): Streamlining and standardizing MLA processes can speed investigations and prosecutions. Establishing common standards for gathering and sharing evidence would work towards homogenization and facilitate effective collaboration across jurisdictions.[18]

Encouraging Capacity Building: It is critical, when closing implementation gaps and enhancing institutional capacity, to provide the right level of technical and financial support to developing nations. Training of law enforcement, judicial personnel, and policy-makers is included so that they may effectively teach and combat corruption and the implementation of international frameworks.[19]

Encouraging Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration with business and civil society organizations can enhance public transparency and global accountability. Initiatives, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), have demonstrated the power of multi-stakeholder approaches to reduce corruption risks and promote ethical conduct.[20]

Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation: Such mechanisms allow for identifying shortcomings in the implementation of international frameworks against corruption, thus fostering continuous improvement. This could ensure momentum is sustained in global anti-corruption efforts through periodic and transparent reviews.[21]

Collectively, these measures may be chained to strengthen international law, promote global cooperation, and build a culture of transparency and accountability in the conduct of nations.


Over the years, international law has developed useful frameworks, built cooperation and initiatives of enforcement to curb transnational corruption. The presence of challenges such as overlapping jurisdiction, unequal resource distribution, and political opposition still require concerted efforts to strengthen the legal instruments and boost international cooperation. A coordinated response from international law could effectively suppress the degenerative effects of transnational corruption and make way for fairer and more transparent order in the world.


[1] Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index, Transperancy.org (2023), https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2023.

[2] Anti-Corruption and Integrity, OECD, (2022) https://www.oecd.org/gov/ethics/.

[3] Ibid.

[4] UNODC Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, UNODC, https://www.unodc.org/corruption/en/index.html.

[5] Poalo Moro, Why Worry About Corruption?, IMF, (1997) https://www.imf.org/EXTERNAL/PUBS/FT/ISSUES6/INDEX.HTM

[6] United Nations Convention Against Corruption (2003), https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/treaties/CAC/.

[7] OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (1997), https://www.oecd.org/corruption/oecdantibribery-convention.htm.

[8] African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (2003) https://au.int/en/treaties/african-union-convention-preventing-and-combating-corruption.

[9] United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “Corruption”, UN. https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/corruption/index.html.

[10] Financial Action Task Force, US department of the treasury. https://www.fatf-gafi.org/whatwedo/.

[11] Artem Khavanov, Challenges in Implementing Anti-Corruption Compliance Functions in State Authorities, LinkedIn (2023) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/challenges-implementing-anti-corruption-compliance-khavanov-phd-t64bf#:~:text=Jurisdictional%20Challenges%3A%20Corruption%20cases%20that,when%20multiple%20countries%20are%20involved.

[12] Ibid.

[13] Ibid.

[14] Ibid.

[15] Zhu Wenzhong and Fu Limin, A Case Study of Siemens’ Violation of Business Ethics in

Argentine Based On Stakeholder Theory, Global Journal of Management and Business Research.12, (2012) https://globaljournals.org/GJMBR_Volume12/8-A-Case-Study-of-Siemens-Violation.pdf

[16] Hannah Ellis-Peterson, 1MDB scandal explained: a tale of Malaysia’s missing billions, The Guardian (2020) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/25/1mdb-scandal-explained-a-tale-of-malaysias-missing-billions.

[17] United Nations Convention Against Corruption, 2349 U.N.T.S. 41(2003)

[18] U.N. Office on Drugs & Crime, Manual on Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition 10–15 (2012)

[19] Ibid.

[20] The World Bank, Public-Private Partnerships: Reference Guide Version 3 12–16 (2017), https://ppp.worldbank.org/public-private-partnership/library.

[21] Transparency International, Strengthening Monitoring Mechanisms for UNCAC Implementation (2019), https://www.transparency.org/en/publications.

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