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This article is written by Manikantha Padhy of 3rd Semester of Ganjam Law College, an intern under Legal Vidhiya


The first section focuses on basic concepts involving crime and society: the position of criminology in criminal studies, the teaching of criminology, research methods, and interpretation of results. A special chapter introduces different kinds of statistics as indicators of criminal activity and of social control. The second part is devoted to sociological factors in crime and discusses criminality in different types of society, cultural pluralism, demographic factors, different theories explaining crime, and situational approaches (e.g., defensible space). The final section presents society’s response to crime such as different types of prevention, the penal system, public opinion concerning crime and security, and society’s response as a factor in creating crime. Each chapter includes a detailed bibliography, and an index is appended.


 Imagine a crime scene. A dead body lying, things scattered, blood on the floor. A person is accused for the crime. He denies the same. Now, at this point, several questions arise. What can be the reason for the person accused to kill the victim, how did he murder him, is there any evidence that signifies that the accused has indeed committed the crime, what was his mental state and the circumstances. This is the stage where criminology comes to play its part in identifying the circumstances and reasons behind the crime. On the other hand, science helps in establishing a link between the circumstances and the evidences providing accurate, reliable and unbiased information.

Therefore, criminology and forensics go hand in hand in criminal investigation. It is a fact that society is going through major technological changes, and with these changes the perpetrators have also evolved their techniques while adopting better ways to conceal their identity. Along with that, in the present time every person has access to smart phones and internet connection which adds up to better knowledge of science and technology in an average human being. Internet is an easy source to research different methods to commit a crime without getting caught. Use of dark web for criminal activities is even more disturbing as it leaves no trace of information.

The incorporation of science as an essential tool has played a vital role in crime investigation on time. As we know time is of the essence in any investigation, to look for that ultimate truth, we need ample kind of resources which will facilitate the investigators in reaching the conclusion. The technical advancement has made crime available at the tip of the finger. However, the same fingertips can help in investigating the crime too. Forensic science is a tool which is constituted of various concepts such as biology, sociology, criminal psychology, DNA profiling, physics, chemistry, fluid analysis, handwriting analysis, computer science etc. providing for an advanced method for better criminal investigation and justice dispensation.


Major technological advancements are transforming our society. The field of crime and crime investigation are also not untouched by the technological and scientific revolution.

The definition of crime as well as the strategies used by criminals to commit it have drastically changed as a result of advances in science and technology. Criminals have improved their methods of identity

concealment and evolved their methods of crime. The average individual nowadays also has a better understanding of science and technology because everyone has access to cellphones and the internet. Researching many ways to commit a crime without being discovered is simple with the internet. The emergence of dark web as a platform where criminals are lurking at every corner is even more concerning since no traces of criminal behavior are left behind

As criminals become increasingly savvy in using the latest tech and scientific development to commit crimes, investigators can’t be left behind. Crime investigation is also evolving with the times. Investigators can no longer rely only on their time –

honored methods of questioning suspect, gathering information from sources, and surveillance to find criminal activity.

FORENSIC: Application of science in crime investigation

When solving a crime, routine investigation or criminology focuses on determining the specifics and causes of the crime. On the other hand, science assists in drawing a connection between the facts and the evidence, delivering accurate, trustworthy, and objective information.

The term “forensic science” refers to the application of scientific concepts to legal investigation because the word “forensic” implies “about the law.”

In forensic science, crimes are investigated by examining potential evidence using scientific procedures or skills. Forensic scientists examine and analyze different kinds of evidence gained from crime scenes and other location to produce unbiased conclusions that can aid in the investigation and prosecution of crime Perpetrators or clear an innocent person of suspicion.


In crime labs technicians and scientists work on analyzing an infinite stream of evidence.

This challenging research involves a wide range of scientific disciplines, including almost all of the physical and biological sciences as well as computer science.

Some common forensic science laboratory specialties include:

  • Forensic molecular biology (DNA)
  • Forensic chemistry
  • forensic toxicology
  • Trace evidence analysis (hairs and fibers, paints and polymers, glass, soil, etc.)
  • Latent fingerprint analysis firearms and toolmark analysis. Handwriting analysis fire and explosives examinations Digital evidence analysis

In addition to these, forensic pathology, forensic nursing, forensic psychology, forensic entomology, and forensic engineering are a few forensic specialties that are used outside of forensic laboratories.

Numerous forensics facilities have been set up in India to swiftly solve criminal cases using laboratory and field investigations.

Forensic scientists examine the evidence that crime scene investigators gather. The evidence is collected and analyzed in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the law.

Experts in forensic science have specific procedures for assessing, gathering, and conserving all forms of evidence. The physical evidence is generally categorized as living physical evidence and non-living physical evidence. In this context, “living physical evidence” refers to anything that belonged to a living body, such as fingerprints, type prints, glass or bullets.


In certain instances, forensic psychologists and psychiatrists are called upon to develop criminal profiles as an additional tool to help investigators sieve through leads. In order to do this, these behavioral scientists will review all of the available data from a crime, which gives them crucial about the likely offender. The prospective age, race, and marital status of a criminal are all possible details in a profile.


Forensic research scientists can aid investigators in learning how a crime was committed, including what tools were used, when the crime occurred, and where it occurred. For example forensics used in a crime by looking at the bullet casings, and a forensic pathologist can tell whether a victim had been abused repeatedly by looking at a body.


Criminals can be located with the aid of evidence that forensic experts have examined. Crime scenes are no different from any other environment in that every time someone interacts with it, something is left behind. Criminals may leave behind evidence that can be used to identify them, such as fingerprints that can be compared to data held in criminal databases or blood, semen, and hair that may provide DNA evidence.

Even though forensic science has significantly aided the criminal justice system, there will always be limits to the application of the law. The criminal justice system places a high value on forensic science and has relied on it for making decisions for centuries. Forensic reports have been viewed as a belief offered by specialists and are regarded as the bible by many courts. However, courts are not obligated by the reports and may rely on additional evidence.

Equally important when solving crimes and getting justice for victims is the application of criminal law and forensic evidence in itself is not enough.


The advancements that are being made in the forensic methodology are capable of doing wonders in the future. While the present-day forensic analysis is not flawless, the future might offer better technique. DNA analysis is going to make some major developments in criminal justice system. Let’s have a look different forensic tools that are going to offer much in the future- DNA Phenotyping- This technique is going to be big change in the world of forensics. Using this technique, a portrait of a person can be created by using a DNA sample only. Genes are responsible for physical features such as skin colour, hair colour, height, eye colour, face shape and sometimes even weight. A DNA is a store countless features of a human being and according to experts can even tell the geographical ancestry of person. However, there are some aspects of human body that the DNA does not carry. DNA phenotyping is still being researched upon, and if its credibility is proved, it will be a remarkable development for criminal investigation. Degradation of sperm in a used condom- The semen of a man carries DNA with it. Therefore, the DNA carried in an old used condom can be used to identify the time when the rape was committed. Bacterial signatures- Research is being conducted on the bacterial traces that people leave everywhere, not just the surfaces that we touch, but also the air that we breathe. Scientific studies say that human bodies are home to many bacteria that are unique to everyone. These bacterial samples can be taken from faces of the suspect for matching with traces found on the crime scene. Fingerprints- Fingerprints have been used to identify a person since a long time. But there have been incidences where they have led to wrongful conviction, implying that these are not infallible. However, recent studies have shown that the fingertips secrete many substances such as fats and proteins which a person consumes as a part of his diet. These things maybe in future be also able to tell what the person whose prints are being examined consumes in his diet. However, such advanced methods are not yet being used by investigators at the present times. CONCLUSION From the above discussion, it can be construed that DNA is going to be future of forensic sciences in criminal investigation. DNA is contained in several components of the body. It can be extracted from samples of nails, hair, saliva, semen, skin tissue, blood etc. Further, DNA sample comes to aid in cases where there are multiple suspects. Apart from DNA, computer and artificial intelligence in future might be telling everything about a suspicious place or person on the basis of location and other personal information without having any eye witness required. Maybe the advancement in artificial intelligence and other areas of forensics in future might be able to accurately tell as to who should be suspected and who should not.


At this point, criminology begins to play a role in determining the specifics and causes of the    crime. On the other hand, science assists in drawing a connection between the facts and the evidence, delivering accurate, trustworthy, and objective information.

 Studying crime helps discover and analyse its causes, which can be used towards crime reduction policies and initiatives. It helps understand the mindset of criminals: Criminology helps understand the mindset of criminals, why they commit crimes, and the factors that affect them.

Science. Contemporary criminology self-identifies as a science. Its emphasis is on empirical research and scientific methodology. However, in its early development in the mid-eighteenth century, criminology was not grounded in science but rather in social philosophy.


 The most intense theoretical efforts have focused on individual variations in offending. Six major themes in theories of individual differences in criminal behavior have emerged: personal defects, learning, strain/deprivation, identity, rational choice, and control/integration. Each of these themes promotes a fundamental concept or causal process that is plausible and empirically viable. Criminologists have recently begun to focus on criminal propensity as it varies throughout the lifespan. Moffitt’s two-path theory contends that as a result of neuropsychological deficits, some people have a more or less constant pattern of misbehavior throughout life. Others go through limited periods in which they have high probabilities of offending, primarily in the teen years. The age-graded theory emphasizes that career patterns of offending stem mainly from the nature and quality of an individual’s social bonds as they intersect with and help crime turning points in the life course. A third prominent line of theorizing in criminology attempts to explain why crime rates vary from society to society or among such social units as cities or communities. These theories can be broadly divided into those that focus exclusively on macro-level phenomena and processes; those that apply at the macro-level but have individual-level analogs; and those that simply reify individual-level explanatory principles for application to aggregates. The fourth category of theories, theories about differences in criminal behavior among situations, focuses on the immediate contexts of criminal behavior. Situations can be viewed as unique arrangements of physical and social stimuli that emerge from the various social settings to which individuals are exposed. The chapter concludes with a discussion of signs of progress and directions for the future. 224 references


STATE V. KARUGOPE, (A.I.R. 1954 PAT.131)

the Patna High Court ruled that the fingerprint expert’s assessment was adequate proof of guilt.

Exchange principle: Edmond Locard established this principle by noting that “contact exchanges traces. It simply suggests that the offender either leaves his traces after a crime has been committed or picks them up. In situations where a weapon is used, it leaves its mark on the victim’s body. If the two parties get into a physical altercation, the perpetrator may leave DNA traces on the victim’s fingernail or hair strands. The relationship between the victim, offender, and evidence is established by forensic science.

Ballistic fingerprinting connects the bullet casings to the weapon used to fire them. Used condom sperm aids in the capture of the rapist. It is possible to match the suspect’s teeth to bite marks on the body. In situations where a weapon wasn’t available, the type of wound can reveal the type of weapon that was used. Blood, footprints, narcotics, and just much any other material found at a crime scene can be used to infer information. Most likely, everything in criminal inquiry talks, not just the deceased.


From the above discussion, it can be construed that DNA is going to be future of forensic science in criminal investigation. DNA is contained in several components of the body. It can be extracted from samples of nails, hair, saliva, semen, skin tissue, blood etc.

Further, DNA sample

Although these advancements will lay down a roadmap for criminal investigation, there are many challenges that will be still faced. The judges do not have such deep scientific knowledge and only experts can understand whether a procedure has been correctly followed or not. Such issues lead to a conservative approach that is adopted by the court. To take benefit of forensic science in criminal investigation officers and judiciary should understand and appreciate it as a reliable too for investigation, and it can work wonders in crime solving.

 comes to aid in cases where there are multiple suspects. Apart from DNA, computer and artificial intelligence in future might be telling everything about a suspicious place or person on the basis of location and other personal information without having any eye witness required. Maybe the advancement in artificial intelligence and other areas of forensics in future might be able to accurately tell as to who should be suspected and who should not.


  1. CRIMINOLOG:  https://lexpeeps.in/the-criminology-of-the-future-how-science-helps-in-crime-investigation/
  2. DEVELOPMENT: https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/recent-developments-criminological-research-modern-advances
  3. FORENSIC SCIENCE: https://www.legalbites.in/criminology-of-the-future/


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