Internship Opportunity at the Madhya Pradesh State Judicial Academy (JOTIR), Jabalpur [3-4 Weeks; No Stipend]: Apply Now!

Internship Opportunity at the Madhya Pradesh State Judicial Academy (JOTIR), Jabalpur [3-4 Weeks; No Stipend]: Apply Now!

About the internship The Madhya Pradesh State Judicial Academy proposes part time non-residential internships for students pursuing LL.B and LL.M. Interns will be required to participate in a variety of activities related to the work of Academy, including research, writing and assisting in conferences and seminars. Interns will be associated Read more…

Applications are invited for Online Internship Opportunity at Lawminds for July,2024. The last date of application is June 30

Applications are invited for Online Internship Opportunity at Lawminds for July,2024. The last date of application is June 30

About the Organisation In the dynamic landscape of legal education, the pursuit of knowledge and the cultivation of essential skills are paramount for aspiring law students. Lawminds emerges as a beacon, dedicated to enhancing the skill set of law students—a mission that addresses a critical gap in traditional law school Read more…