This article is written by Kaushiki Narayan(GENDER INEQUALITY IN INDIA), Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology,Bhubaneswar
In today’s modern world, Men and women plays a major role for the household in particular and society as a whole. Thus, gender equality is important for the better development of nation. Therefore, the fight for equality has become a matter of concern and one of the main focuses of the women’s movement on a global scale. Women in India have been ignored for long periods of time due to the notion that they are an oppressed category in society. A crucial reality in India is gender disparity. Women are performing exceptionally well in every sphere of society at the present moment. However, gender inequality and discrimination still prevail and creates problems for the majority of Indian women. The gender gap index is one of many variables that contribute to gender inequality. India received a WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM(WEF) score of 0.72 and finished 101st out of 138 countries in 2019. This article aims to explain the causes of gender disparity and offers possible solutions.
Keywords: Equality, Gender disparity, Women’s movement, Gender inequality and discrimination, Gender gap index.
It has been noticed that due to gender inequality females get less opportunities. Although it affects both genders’ lives, statistically speaking, females are more deprived than males. As compared to male’s females have less survival rates, more malnutrition cases are found in them and they are not as lucky to attend preschool as boys of their age. In India, adolescence is not the same for both boys and girls. Here several rules are there in constitution but yet girls have to fight for their freedom of movement. They don’t have this much right to take their own life decisions which effects their employment, education, marriage and social ties. Thus, as a result, as boys and girls grow older and continue into adulthood, the gender gap deepens. According to the poll, only 29% of women in India have official occupations, since many Indian families forbid their daughter-in-law from working. In India, many women and girls do not fully
exercise their rights as a result of deeply ingrained patriarchal ideologies, values, customs, and structures. Nevertheless, there are some female leaders and prominent voices across a range of sectors.
If girls and boys are not given the same opportunities to realize their full potential, India will not completely flourish.
The current work is aiming to find out how gender inequalities can be removed from India. Therefore, my objective over here is to analyse all the schemes, restrictions imposed to minimize the gender inequality. In addition to this current study includes the analysis of news articles, journals, articles, statistic data, books etc. Therefore this research work focuses on:-
(i)Gender inequality and its causes in India (ii)Measures to solve the problems related to inequality in India
In order to find out what is gender inequality? The first thing we have to understand what does the word GENDER really means. When we talk about gender, we’re talking about the socially constructed distinctions that set men, women, girls, and boys apart. Gender is a societal phenomenon that has changed over time and varies from culture to culture.
“Men and women are not treated equally in society, which is referred to as GENDER INEQUALITY”.1
The issue may be brought on by variations in heredity, behaviour, or society cultural norms. While some of these divisions have factual support, others seem to be social constructions. Due to discrimination and gender inequality women and girls are at risk for poor health and wellbeing. When it comes to getting access to health information and services, women and girls frequently encounter more obstacles than men and boys. Therefore, more and more campaigns must be done to spared basic health awareness as this would help a lot in improving
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_inequality_in_India visited on 2-10-2022
health. Mobility issues, a lack of access to decision-making power, lower literacy rates, and discriminatory attitudes among communities and healthcare workers. Another barrier is the lack of education and knowledge among medical professionals and the healthcare systems about the unique health needs and issues of women and girls.
There are various causes of gender inequality or gender discrimination. Traditional value systems, low literacy rates, increased household obligations, lack of knowledge, lack of appropriate direction, poor mobility, lack of confidence, familial discouragement, x are some of the elements that contribute to gender gap in our culture and so-called society. The main motto of this article is to discuss the main issues related to gender inequality, including poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, societal norms, religious beliefs, and sexism.2
The main cause of gender inequality in Indian society is the poverty level. In India around 70% of the entire population living below the poverty level are women. There are various factors which affect the growth of women. Some of causes that lead to poverty are lack of economic possibility available to them and mobility, poor access to financial resources like loan and their limited involvement in decision making in their life and family. Thus, we can say that men enjoy greater portion of economic share as compare to women. In our society, poverty is the basis of gender inequality as still in today’s time almost majority of the women are mostly depended on any male member of the family for their economic upliftment.3
2 ) https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/india-2/gender-discrimination-in-india-6-major- causes/4767 visited on 2-10-2022
3 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315060336_The_State_of_Gender_Inequality_in_India visited on 3-
There are millions of peoples worldwide who are illiterate of which two-third are women. Despite of nation’s remarkable efforts to improve basic education. The real cause of gender discrimination is lack of education given to girls.
In 2002, the differences between the literacy rates of men and women became more obvious. From 56% in 1981 to over 76% in 2001, the literacy rate for men grew an increase in female literacy from 30 to 54 percent. Female literacy rates at the state level range from 33% in Bihar to 85% in Kerala. In states like Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, and Rajasthan, the female literacy rate is less than 46%. Furthermore, girls still make up less than 58% of the student body. Gender differences in enrolment are prominent throughout the state at all levels. Only because women are illiterate, are they unable to realise their autonomy, freedoms, and power in every area of life. Therefore, in order to remove gender inequality first illiteracy must be removed from the society.
Even in today’s modern world social behaviours, attitudes, and norms are still applied to women. Men are seen as a family’s primary guardians and providers, while women are seen as merely providing support and taking care of the home. The traditional patriarchal joint family structure restricts women’s duties to the four walls of the house, giving them a lower status, lower level of authority, and less power than males. Accordingly, boys and girls are prepared for various adult responsibilities, prestige, and power. It is a complicated phenomenon that still exists in many cultures to favour boys over daughters. Sons are viewed as economic, political, and ceremonial assets, particularly in business societies, whereas girls are viewed as liabilities. It is sad to say but even today in some families’ girls are treated as burden. Therefore, social prejudice against women is the primary reason for the gender gap in our society.
The majority of women still don’t know their basic rights and abilities. And what’s worse, they don’t understand how socioeconomic and political concerns affect them. They tolerate all types of racism and violence that are still used in our society primarily as a result of their ignorance and illiteracy.
According to Article 15 of the Indian Constitution, no citizen may be subject to discrimination as per their sex alone. The reality is that discrimination against women, which is still common, is a sort of injustice. By putting an end to discrimination based on gender and raising the flag of gender equity, let this age set a historical precedent at the beginning of the next century. Therefore, women must be suitably empowered and made aware of their rights in order to promote gender equality and successfully solve widening gender gap. And to ensure this we can organise certain campaigns. There are also some articles such as ARTICLE- 14,15,15(3),16, 39(a),39(b),39(c)and 42 which is related to Indian constitution are important in terms of gender equality.4
Men and women are both affected by the complicated problem of gender inequality. Domestic violence is one of the main consequences of gender inequality. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2021, Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) is used in the majority (39%) of the 4.04 lakh incidents of crimes against women that were reported, with this number increasing over the epidemic period. Thus, in this male dominant world woman are still thought to be weak and inferior, ready to get violated and abused.5
4 ) https://blog.ipleaders.in/legal-provisions-gender-equality- analysis/#:~:text=According%20to%20Article%2039%20of,to%20serve%20a%20common%20purpose visited on 6-10-2022
5 ) https://pscnotes.in/gender-inequality-in-india-causes-and-effects/ visited on 3-09-2022
Gender inequality is the fundamental cause of child marriage. To establish a family, girls are forced into marriage before they are 18. Rules have been made by the government against this illegal work but still child marriages are taking place in India. This is the outcome of families’ traditional beliefs that education is solely for boys whereas girls are intended to take care of their family and home. Early marriages cause women to get pregnant at a very young age when they are neither prepared to care for themselves nor their unborn child. This affects their heath very badly and increases their death chances. They are again over here forced to have male child and terminate if the pregnancy is a girl.
Frequently, women have little control over their bodies. Infant mortality rates have increased as a result of sex discrimination, particularly in places like Rajasthan and Haryana where many females do not live past the age of 18. We all know that there are so many acts and rules against sex selective abortion but still daily few cases are seen in newspaper where a mother is forced to terminate if it is a female child. As family belief that sons will provide financial and emotional care during old age. In some regions of the nation, cruel practises like human trafficking and female genital mutilation (FGM) still exist.6
The Government of India, particularly in the last ten years, has developed a number of new noteworthy policies and programmes, as well as enacted new laws or changed existing ones, to close the gender gap. The provisions include quotas for women in locally elected bodies (panchayats); legislation safeguarding girls from abuse and women from domestic violence (Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2000); legislation ensuring equal access to education (Commission of Protection of Child Rights Act 2005); legislation outlawing child marriage (Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006) , Support for the Training and Employment Program for Women (STEP). ; The Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme). The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. In addition, the government must create more effective “conditional cash transfer” programmes like Apni Beti-Apna Dhan, which pays cash into a savings bond account in exchange for the girl’s family keeping her in school rather than forcing her into an early marriage. Several other slogans like “Beti bachao Beti padhao” , “Girls are the base of life, educate them and empower them” etc.7
6 ) https://conventuslaw.com/report/what-are-the-causes-and-effects-of-gender/ visited on 5-10-2022
7 https://pib.gov.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=132945 visited on7-10-2022
Similar programmes might be implemented to guarantee that kids attend schools and medical facilities.
As a result, I’d want to draw the conclusion that India still has a way to go before it can call itself a “gender neutral” country. It is now necessary that we eliminate those outdated traditions and practices. However, because gender gaps are rooted in cultural and societal behaviours, there are no quick fixes or clear solutions to the problem. To help the governmental authorities, the business community, and civil society in reducing this inequality, a system of accountability should be implemented
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_inequality_in_India visited on 2-10-2022
- https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/india-2/gender-discrimination-in-india-6-major- causes/4767 visited on 2-10-2022
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315060336_The_State_of_Gender_Inequality_in_India visited on 3- 09-2022
- https://pscnotes.in/gender-inequality-in-india-causes-and-effects/ visited on 3-09-2022
- https://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/gender-inequality-in-india/ visited on 3-09-2022
- https://blog.forumias.com/answereddiscuss-various-initiatives-taken-so-far-by-the-government-towards- gender-equality-in-india-why-such-initiatives-have-had-a-limited-impact/ visited on 5-10-2022
- https://believe.earth/en/10-ways-to-promote-gender-equality-in-daily-life/ visited on 5-10-2022
- https://conventuslaw.com/report/what-are-the-causes-and-effects-of-gender/ visited on 5-10-2022
- https://blog.ipleaders.in/legal-provisions-gender-equality- analysis/#:~:text=According%20to%20Article%2039%20of,to%20serve%20a%20common%20purpose visited on 6-10-2022
- https://pib.gov.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=132945 visited on7-10-2022
- ^ “Gender equality”. www.unicef.org. Retrieved 16 February 2022.
- ^“Gender Equality in India – Empowering Women, Empowering India”. Hindrise. 23 November 2020. Retrieved 16 February 2022.
- ^“Literacy in India”. Census2011.co.in. Retrieved 10 September 2012.
- ^ “Working women face longer days for lower pay”. Wageindicator.org. 29 May 2012. Retrieved 10 September 2012.
- ^ “Rising number of dowry deaths in India: NCRB”. The Hindu. 7 August 2013. Retrieved 6 October
- ^ “Convention for the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women”. United Nations. Retrieved 29 April 2014.
- ^ Muthulakshmi, R. (1997). Female infanticide, its causes and solutions. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House.
- ^ Babu; Babu (2011). “Dowry deaths: a neglected public health issue in India”. Int. Health. 3 (1): 35– 43. doi:10.1016/j.inhe.2010.12.002. PMID 24038048.
- ^ Chandrashekhar, Dr Mamta (2016). “Human Rights, Women and Violation”. Sex Ratio.
- ^ Promotion and Strengthening of Mahila Mandals Archived 23 April 2012 at the Wayback Machine Govt of Haryana
- ^ Delhi Ladli Scheme 2008 Archived 8 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine Government of Delhi
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Result Announced for 1st National Article Writing Competition 2022, organized by Legal Vidhiya - Legal Vidhiya · December 6, 2022 at 7:09 pm
[…] : Kaushiki Narayan(GENDER INEQUALITY IN INDIA), Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology,Bhubaneswar (cash prize- 500rs, […]