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This article is written by Mustafa Khan of Integral University, Lucknow, an intern under Legal Vidhiya


In the ever-evolving realm of the legal profession, the burgeoning influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents challenges that demand thoughtful consideration. This article ventures into the profound impact that AI is poised to exert on the future landscape of legal practice, underscoring the critical importance of adopting a balanced approach. The exploration extends beyond the technical implications, delving into the ethical considerations that must guide the integration of AI in the legal sphere. Moreover, the narrative emphasizes the imperative for ongoing professional development within the legal community, positioning it as a cornerstone in navigating the transformative waves introduced by AI. As the legal profession stands at the intersection of tradition and innovation, this discourse aims to shed light on the intricate interplay between AI, ethical imperatives, and the continuous evolution of legal practitioners.


Legal Profession, Artificial Intelligence, Ethical Considerations, Professional Development.


In the dynamic intersection of jurisprudence and technological evolution, the impending article contemplates the transformative implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the legal profession. Authored by Mustafa Khan, a second-year LLB student at Integral University, the discourse navigates the intricate landscape where tradition meets innovation. The exploration delves beyond the technical facets of AI, extending into the ethical considerations entwined with its integration into the legal sphere. Khan underscores the imperative for ongoing professional development within the legal community, positioning it as a cornerstone to navigate the evolving waves introduced by AI. As the legal profession stands at the crossroads of tradition and technological advancement, the article seeks to shed light on the nuanced interplay between AI, ethical imperatives, and the perpetual evolution of legal practitioners.

The article, titled “Future of Legal Profession in The Times of Artificial Intelligence,” not only examines the evolving role of AI in legal practices but also delves into the ethical considerations pertinent to its implementation. Through a meticulous examination of AI’s impact on legal research, due diligence, predictive technology, and document creation, the discourse provides a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted implications of AI within the legal domain. Beyond a mere technological exposition, the narrative emphasizes the ethical responsibility of legal professionals in ensuring the just and transparent use of AI tools. As the legal world undergoes a profound transformation, the author articulates the pivotal role of legal professionals in embracing adaptability, refining human-centric skills, and actively contributing to the ethical frameworks that safeguard the integrity of the legal profession in the AI-driven era.


The main goal of this article is to explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the field of law, making it more efficient and accessible. It delves into the ways AI is transforming traditional legal practices, from speeding up research processes to predicting case outcomes. The article aims to paint a vivid picture of a future legal landscape where AI is not replacing lawyers but working alongside them as a valuable tool. It highlights the potential benefits of AI, such as faster legal research, streamlined document creation, and predictive insights for legal investigations. Additionally, it addresses the challenges and ethical considerations associated with the integration of AI into the legal system, emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability, and collaboration between humans and machines. Ultimately, the article envisions a future where AI enhances the legal profession, creating a harmonious partnership between technology and human expertise.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, commonly abbreviated as AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. These tasks include problem-solving, speech recognition, learning, planning, perception, natural language understanding, and the ability to manipulate and interact with the environment.

AI systems are designed to analyze and interpret data, learn from patterns, and adapt to changing circumstances, allowing them to make decisions and solve problems with a level of autonomy. The field of AI can be categorized into two main types:

  1. Narrow or Weak AI: This type of AI is designed to perform a specific task or a set of closely related tasks. Examples include virtual personal assistants, image and speech recognition software, and recommendation systems.
  2. General or Strong AI: This hypothetical form of AI would possess the ability to understand, learn, and apply intelligence across a wide range of tasks, similar to human capabilities. Strong AI remains a theoretical concept and is yet to be realized.

AI technologies can be further divided into various subfields, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and expert systems. Machine learning, a subset of AI, involves training systems to improve their performance on a specific task over time by learning from data patterns rather than relying on explicit programming.

The goal of AI is to create intelligent agents capable of reasoning, problem-solving, and adapting to new situations, ultimately contributing to the automation and enhancement of various aspects of human life and industry. The ethical and societal implications of AI continue to be important topics of discussion as the technology evolves.

Imagine machines that can learn like you, solve problems like a chess master, and analyze data faster than any human could dream of. That’s the essence of artificial intelligence, a field pushing the boundaries of what technology can do. In the legal world, AI is poised to change the game, from speeding up research to predicting case outcomes. It’s an exciting new chapter, but like any powerful tool, it’s important to use it wisely and ethically. So, buckle up, legal eagles, the future of law is about to get fascinating!Top of Form

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Law:

In the dynamic evolution of the legal landscape in India, each technological breakthrough has marked a revolutionary stride—from typewriters to computers, libraries to internet portals, fax machines to emails. Now, the legal profession stands at the threshold of another transformative wave: the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI).[1]

Despite being one of the world’s largest legal services markets, it’s widely acknowledged that the legal sector is under-digitized, often rooted in traditional practices and resistant to adopting new technologies. However, as Justice D.Y. Chandrachud emphasizes, technology, including AI, can bring efficiency, transparency, and objectivity to public governance and the legal system. [2] The goal is not to replace but to empower, providing judges with facilitative tools to enhance their work, processes, and judgments, ultimately granting greater access to justice for the common people.

The AI Task Force Report, a significant milestone in India’s AI framework, envisions embedding AI in economic, political, and legal thought processes. Led by N. Chandrasekaran, Chairman of Tata Sons, the task force aims to position India as a leader among AI-rich economies.[3]

The traditional nature of the Indian legal profession, often viewed as labour-intensive, has led to a cautious approach to AI adoption. However, a paradigm shift is underway, with tech-savvy lawyers and leading law firms recognizing the potential of AI to revolutionize legal work. One notable example is Cyril Amarchand and Mangaldas, the first Indian law practice to license “Kira,” a machine learning program designed to analyze legal papers, identify potential issues, and extract provisions efficiently.[4]

Current State of Artificial Intelligence in Law:

The legal services market, valued at nearly $1 trillion globally, remains under-digitized and resistant to change. However, AI holds the promise of transforming the way lawyers work in India.[5] The transformation is already in progress, with AI poised to play a pivotal role in legal research—a field crucial to navigating the continuously evolving Indian legal system.

AI applications in law can be categorized into six main areas, including due diligence, prognostication technology, legal mechanism, documenting mechanism, intellectual possession, and electronic receipt. From aiding in due diligence processes to predicting legal outcomes and enhancing document creation, AI is becoming an indispensable tool for legal professionals.

The integration of AI technology is expected to increase efficiency, offering a faster and more cost-effective approach to legal processes. As law firms embrace AI, there is potential for increased speed, cost savings, and a more progressive and automated approach, ultimately benefitting clients and shaping the future of the legal profession in India.Top of Form

Evolution of Legal Practices with AI

Imagine a legal world where robots aren’t stealing lawyers’ jobs, but becoming their brainy assistants. That’s the picture AI paints in the courtroom now. No more dusty libraries or piles of paper – AI research whizzes can find any legal nugget in seconds, levelling the playing field for solo practitioners and big firms alike.

Due diligence? Forget hours hunched over contracts – AI tools scan agreements like eagle-eyed detectives, unearthing hidden details and red flags. Background checks? AI digs through mountains of data faster than Sherlock Holmes on caffeine, painting a complete picture of anyone in seconds.

But AI isn’t just a research assistant. It’s a futuristic fortune teller, analyzing past cases to predict the future of yours. Need to know the odds of winning? AI can run the numbers and give you a clearer picture than a crystal ball. And while papercuts haven’t gone extinct, AI is generating legal documents with superhuman accuracy, freeing lawyers to focus on their real superpower: strategy. Even patents and copyrights get the AI treatment. Forget combing through mountains of text – AI algorithms sniff out relevant information like bloodhounds, making IP analysis a breeze. And those billable hours? AI takes care of the paperwork, letting lawyers be lawyers, not accountants. Of course, this legal AI revolution isn’t without its bumps. Think data privacy, algorithms gone rogue, and the ghosts of tradition haunting the courtroom. But the tide is turning, and firms big and small are embracing AI, not fearing it. The future of law is about being sharper, faster, and more accessible, and AI is the legal eagle guiding the way.[6]

The legal landscape, steeped in tradition and precedent, is undergoing a profound transformation with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This evolution is reminiscent of earlier shifts—from handwritten legal documents to typewriters, and later, from libraries to online portals. However, the advent of AI is proving to be a revolutionary force, reshaping how legal professionals operate and interact with the law.

1. Enhancing Legal Research: AI’s impact on legal research is particularly noteworthy. Gone are the days of manually sifting through volumes of legal texts; AI-powered research platforms can now analyze vast datasets in seconds. This not only expedites the research process but also provides lawyers with unparalleled insights into the dynamic legal sphere. Whether in a large law firm or a solo practice, AI levels the playing field, balancing the costs of legal research while maintaining consistent quality.

2. Due Diligence and Background Information: AI tools play a crucial role in due diligence, uncovering background information swiftly and efficiently. Features like agreement review, legal inquiry, and electronic media analysis contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of legal matters. This not only saves time but also enhances the accuracy of information retrieval, a critical aspect in legal proceedings.

3. Predictive Technology for Legal Investigations: The integration of AI in legal practices extends to predictive technology, generating outcomes for legal investigations and agreement evaluations. This application proves highly beneficial for legal firms, offering predictive insights that aid in decision-making and strategy development. AI’s ability to analyze past cases and predict potential outcomes adds a layer of foresight to legal proceedings.

4. Documenting Mechanism and Paper Generation: AI simplifies the complex process of document creation in the legal field. Various software arrangements assist in generating papers, extracting data, and organizing information efficiently. This not only streamlines documentation processes but also ensures accuracy and consistency, reducing the margin for error in legal paperwork.

5. Intellectual Property Analysis: AI algorithms are increasingly assisting lawyers in examining vast Intellectual Property (IP) files. These algorithms can extract meaningful insights from diverse texts, offering a valuable resource for IP-related legal work. By expediting the analysis of IP documents, AI contributes to faster decision-making in matters of intellectual property law.

6. Electronic Receipts and Billing: The traditional practice of manually creating receipts for legal services has given way to electronic billing with the application of AI. Automating billing processes not only improves efficiency but also allows legal practitioners to allocate more time to substantive legal work rather than administrative tasks.

The evolution of legal practices with AI is not without its challenges. The conservative nature of the legal profession, coupled with concerns about data protection and the potential for AI to make errors, requires a delicate balance in implementation. However, as law firms, both large and small, gradually embrace AI, there is a promising trajectory towards increased efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and a paradigm shift in how legal services are delivered and experienced. The journey of AI in legal practices represents a transformative chapter, promising to make legal services more accessible, efficient, and adaptive to the ever-changing demands of the legal landscape.[7]

AI and the Indian Legal System: A Dance of Potential and Peril

The Indian legal system, steeped in tradition and precedent, is on the cusp of a pivotal dance with a cutting-edge partner: Artificial Intelligence (AI). This technological wave promises a future of efficiency, accuracy, and transformative advancements, but beneath its shimmering surface lie intricate ethical challenges demanding careful consideration.

Steering the Wheel of Decision-Making: Who’s Behind the Algorithm?

As AI assumes roles traditionally reserved for human decision-making, a critical question arises: accountability. The more autonomous these systems become, the murkier the waters of responsibility become. In domains like healthcare and law enforcement, where life-or-death decisions and potential biases hang in the balance, pinpointing accountability becomes a complex tango. Biases woven into the very fabric of training data further muddy the waters, raising fundamental questions about fairness and non-discrimination.

Transparency: Shining a Light on the Black Box

Transparency shines as a beacon in the ethical integration of AI into the legal system. Instances like the use of AI-powered facial recognition during the Delhi riots have thrown the lack of transparency into stark relief. When shrouded in opacity, AI decision-making processes risk eroding public trust in the very foundations of justice. To uphold ethical standards, these processes must be illuminated, allowing for scrutiny and comprehension.

Navigating the Regulatory Wilderness: Charting a Course for Ethical AI

The absence of a dedicated AI regulatory framework in the Indian legal system creates a void ripe for potential pitfalls. While existing laws address data protection and cybersecurity, a specific roadmap for AI is crucial. Initiatives like the Artificial Intelligence Task Force and the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence offer promising steps, but the lack of concrete guidelines leaves gaps in accountability and transparency. The establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Field reflects a commitment to bridging these gaps, but the journey is far from over.

A Future Bathed in Potential, Grounded in Ethics

Undeniably, AI integration holds the potential to elevate the Indian legal system to new heights of efficiency and accuracy. However, the ethical dimensions of accountability and transparency cannot be relegated to the shadows. The ongoing efforts by committees and institutes are commendable, and the impending launch of India’s AI program holds tremendous promise. Yet, the construction of a robust regulatory framework remains the paramount imperative. This framework must not only guide the ethical use of AI in legal decision-making but also ensure fairness, justice, and trustworthiness, safeguarding the very essence of the Indian legal system.[8]

AI and Legal Evolution: Bridging Past Aspirations with Present Realities

The historical trajectory of artificial intelligence (AI) in the legal realm mirrors the age-old human fascination with merging science and imagination. From ancient Greek visions of humanoid robots to the practical use of automatons in Ancient Egyptian and Indian texts, the concept of automating tasks has persisted through millennia.

In the contemporary legal landscape, the realization of delegating laborious tasks to machines through AI has transitioned from wishful thinking to a burgeoning reality. Legal professionals, long intrigued by the prospect of AI streamlining their work, are now witnessing unprecedented growth in the AI in legal tech market. This evolution prompts an exploration of AI’s historical roots, its current innovations, and the promising vistas it presents for the future of legal applications.

AI’s Nascent Stages in Legal Tech:

The term “artificial intelligence” first surfaced in 1956 at Dartmouth College, with ambitious claims about its imminent resolution. However, early interest waned due to the arduous and expensive nature of the pursuit. It wasn’t until the 1970s that typewriters and electronic document storage systems like LexisNexis began accelerating legal processes. The 1980s introduced faxes and floppy disks, while the 1990s saw the mainstream adoption of personal computers, drastically reducing data storage costs.[9]

In the last two decades, the legal landscape witnessed a transformative wave propelled by CRM software, e-signatures, cloud computing, and the software as a service (SaaS) model. The emergence of AI as a pivotal topic in legal tech five years ago marked a turning point, bringing forth technologies like natural language processing (NLP), blockchain, and machine learning.

Current Landscape and Market Projections:

Presently valued at $548.44 million, the AI in legal tech software market is projected to soar by 17% over the next five years, reaching an estimated $2.6 billion. With in-house legal departments dedicating 50% of their time to contract review, AI emerges as a crucial tool to alleviate bottlenecks and drive business efficiency.

A Gartner study reveals that 74% of highly efficient legal departments have embraced plans for legal transformation, leading to accelerated guidance and governance development. Contrastingly, less efficient businesses lag in transformation plans, grappling with risk-adjusted decisions.[10]

AI’s Role in Addressing Work-Life Balance:

The rise of AI in legal tech is not merely a technological advancement but a response to the evolving needs and concerns of the legal workforce. A notable report indicates that over 70% of young lawyers express concerns about work-life balance, mental health, and limited career advancement opportunities. The integration of AI in legal processes is seen as a solution to replace mundane tasks, allowing young professionals to engage in purpose-driven work.

As the legal landscape increasingly adopts AI to streamline contract review, negotiation, and risk management, it not only enhances efficiency but also aligns with the expectations of a tech-savvy generation. The shift from repetitive tasks to more meaningful work is not just a technological shift but a strategic move to attract, train, and retain talent in a rapidly changing legal environment.

In essence, the integration of AI in the legal sphere marks not only a technological evolution but a profound reshaping of the legal profession, offering a symbiotic relationship between human intellect and machine efficiency. The journey from past aspirations to present realities signifies a transformative phase, with AI emerging as a pivotal ally in the pursuit of legal excellence.

Future Trends and Predictions: The Evolving Landscape of Law Firms

In recent years, the legal sector has undergone a seismic shift, marked by heightened competition and a pressing need to align with technological advancements and changing client expectations. Understanding and embracing these transformative trends is now imperative for law firms, as failure to do so may render them obsolete. Let’s explore the key qualities that are set to define the future of forward-thinking law firms.

  1. Innovations in Client Service: The future landscape will witness a paradigm shift in how legal services are delivered. Law firms are poised to revolutionize their approach, presenting clients with innovative, cost-effective solutions. The conventional billable hour model is expected to give way to a Performance-Based Pricing Strategy (PBPS), fostering stronger client relationships by aligning financial incentives with shared goals.
  2. Profitability Over Revenue Growth: As competition intensifies and the demand for legal services stabilizes, future law firms will shift their focus from mere revenue growth to enhancing profitability and margins. Strategies aimed at optimizing financial returns will take precedence, reflecting a strategic response to the challenges posed by a dynamic and competitive legal landscape.
  3. Technology as the Growth Foundation: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming integral to legal operations, enhancing efficiency and client-centricity. Legal tech startups are leading the charge with AI-based solutions, from E-Discovery tools to contract drafting automation. Future law firms will not only adopt existing technologies but actively engage in collaborative efforts to develop bespoke AI solutions tailored to the unique needs of the legal industry.
  4. Elevating Brand Value: Future law firms will place a heightened emphasis on building and maintaining their brand presence. A single misstep could have lasting repercussions on a firm’s reputation. To safeguard and enhance brand value, law firms will leverage AI-based solutions and tech-savvy professionals. Active participation in conferences and global events will be pivotal in shaping a positive and expansive brand image.

Adapting to an AI-Driven Future: A Proactive Call for Legal Professionals

As the legal landscape charts its course into an AI-driven future, legal professionals must embrace adaptability and proactivity. Continuous learning, a nuanced understanding of AI capabilities and limitations, and a focus on uniquely human skills will be critical in navigating this transformative era.

Continuous Learning and Adaptability: A proactive engagement with AI tools is essential, demanding a commitment to continuous learning. Legal professionals must stay informed about the evolving landscape of AI to harness its full potential.

Focus on Soft Skills: While AI excels in data management, human skills such as empathy, ethical reasoning, and negotiation gain prominence. Legal professionals should prioritize and refine these skills, setting themselves apart in areas where machines may lack finesse.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The intersection of law and technology necessitates increased collaboration with experts from diverse fields. Legal professionals must forge partnerships with data scientists, software developers, and AI ethics experts to navigate the interdisciplinary challenges of the evolving legal landscape.

Ethical Responsibility: Legal professionals bear a heightened responsibility to ensure the ethical use of AI tools. Understanding biases, advocating for transparency, and actively contributing to ethical frameworks will be essential to maintain the trust and integrity of the legal profession.

Client Relations in the AI Era: Trust remains the linchpin of the legal profession, even in the age of AI. Transparent communication about AI usage, ensuring clients feel valued, and preserving the human touch in client relationships will be instrumental in sustaining trust.

New Specializations: As AI becomes ubiquitous in legal processes, new specializations may emerge. Professionals specializing in AI ethics, legal tech consulting, and managing litigations arising from AI-related issues could become indispensable in the evolving legal landscape.[11]

The transition to an AI-enhanced legal industry presents challenges, but it also offers unprecedented opportunities. Legal professionals who proactively embrace this change, equip themselves with the right skills, and uphold the core values of their profession will not only navigate this transformation but also play a very important role in shaping the future of law.

Robots in Robes? The Future of Law and Public Perception

Imagine walking into a courtroom and seeing, not a stern judge in a black robe, but a sophisticated algorithm delivering verdicts with lightning speed. Or picture your legal woes tackled not by a seasoned lawyer, but by an AI program that can sift through mountains of case law in seconds. Sounds like science fiction, right? Not so fast. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already transforming the legal world, and its impact on the future of law is sparking lively debate.

Public Perception: A Mixed Bag

The public’s view of AI in law is a kaleidoscope of opinions. Some are excited about the prospect of faster, cheaper, and more accessible justice. Imagine settling contract disputes through AI-powered mediation platforms, or getting legal advice from chatbots available 24/7. Others, however, harbor concerns. Job displacement fears loom large, with worries about AI replacing lawyers altogether. Questions about bias and fairness also echo, with critics wary of algorithms potentially perpetuating existing inequalities in the legal system.

Navigating the Ethical Maze

These concerns are valid, and addressing them head-on is crucial. As AI takes on more roles in the legal sphere, ensuring ethical and responsible use is paramount. Robust transparency measures are essential, allowing the public to understand how AI decisions are made and preventing hidden biases from creeping in. Human oversight and accountability must remain paramount, with AI acting as a powerful tool to augment, not replace, human legal expertise.

The Human Touch Remains King

While AI promises efficiency and precision, it can never replace the human touch. The empathy, critical thinking, and ethical judgment that define good legal practice are uniquely human qualities. AI can analyze data and churn out legal solutions, but it cannot navigate the nuanced complexities of human relationships, understand the emotional weight of legal conflicts, or provide the comfort and reassurance that clients seek.

A Future of Collaboration, Not Conflict

Therefore, the future of law doesn’t lie in a battle between humans and machines. Instead, it lies in a harmonious collaboration. Imagine lawyers wielding AI tools as powerful allies, using them to research, draft, and analyze, while reserving their own skills for strategic thinking, client interaction, and ethical guidance. In this future, AI isn’t the enemy, it’s the legal profession’s secret weapon.

Embracing the Change, Shaping the Future

Accepting AI into the legal system requires both public education and legal reform. Openly discussing its potential and limitations, while actively mitigating risks and biases, is key to building public trust. Simultaneously, the legal profession itself must adapt and evolve. Embracing AI and developing the skills to work effectively alongside it will be crucial for lawyers to remain relevant and thrive in the changing legal landscape.

The future of law in the age of AI is far from clear, but one thing is certain: it will be a future shaped by our collective choices. By embracing ethical AI development, promoting public understanding, and fostering collaboration between humans and machines, we can ensure that the legal profession remains a beacon of justice, fairness, and humanity, even in the face of technological revolution.


The legal world, steeped in ancient traditions and dusty tomes, is getting a high-tech makeover. Artificial intelligence, once a sci-fi whisper, is now strutting center stage, its algorithms whirring and code clinking like tap shoes on a courtroom floor. This legal drama, however, isn’t a courtroom thriller starring robots in robes. It’s a nuanced dance between humans and machines, a tango where efficiency twirls with ethical questions, and innovation waltzes with centuries-old values.

Yes, AI throws open doors of opportunity. Imagine legal research that’s not a dusty library crawl, but a lightning-fast data dive. Picture contracts drafted at the speed of thought, and due diligence that’s not a tedious chore, but a blink-and-you-miss-it scan. AI, the tireless legal assistant, can free lawyers to focus on what machines can’t: strategy, judgment, and that human touch that clients crave. But hold on, the plot thickens. Robots lack emotional intelligence, empathy’s delicate dance eludes their circuits. They can’t improvise in front of a judge, their arguments lack the fire of human passion. And while data is their kingdom, the ethical concerns lurk like shadowy figures in the courtroom’s corners. Privacy worries whisper algorithms can be biased, and the ever-present question looms: will AI be a legal eagle or a tech vulture? The answer, like any good legal drama, lies not in absolutes, but in finding the right balance. We need a robust regulatory framework, a legal firewall to keep AI in check, its ethical compass firmly calibrated. We need transparency, to shine a light on the algorithms’ black boxes and ensure justice isn’t dispensed by code alone. And we need collaboration, not competition. Lawyers aren’t being replaced, they’re being upgraded. AI becomes their techy sidekick, their research ninja, their data-wrangling hero.

So, as the curtain rises on this AI legal drama, remember, it’s not a story of machines replacing humans. It’s a tale of partnership, of innovation intertwined with tradition, of a future where justice is served not just efficiently, but wisely, where technology becomes the legal eagle’s sharpest feather. The future of law isn’t written in dusty statutes, it’s coded in bits and briefs, a symphony of technology and humanity, and the conductor? We, the legal minds, hold the baton, ready to compose a future where justice sings a harmonious tune.


  1. ipleaders.in, “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Law,” blog post, [05.01.24].
  2. Lex Check, “The Past, Present and Future of AI in Legal Tech,” blog post, [04.01.24]
  3. Lex Check, “The Past, Present and Future of AI in Legal Tech,” blog post, [05.01.24]
  4. www.outlookindia.com Chandrachud, D.Y., “Justice D.Y. Chandrachud on the Role of Technology in Public Governance,” India Law & Tech., Oct. 26, 2022, https://www.outlookindia.com/national/technology-a-powerful-tool-in-legal-system-to-improve-efficiency-accessibility-chandrachud-news-256517https://www.outlookindia.com/national/technology-a-powerful-tool-in-legal-system-to-improve-efficiency-accessibility-chandrachud-news-256517. [05.01.24]
  5. India, Gov’t of, Report of the AI Task Force, June 2019, https://dpiit.gov.in/whats-new/report-task-force-artificial-intelligencehttps://dpiit.gov.in/whats-new/report-task-force-artificial-intelligence.[05.01.24]
  6. THOMSON REUTERS How AI Document Understanding Makes Lawyers Superhuman https://legal.thomsonreuters.com/content/dam/ewp-m/documents/legal/en/pdf/white-papers/how-ai-document-understanding-makes-lawyers-superhuman-wp.pdf 06.01.24
  7. LEGAL SERVICE INDIA E-JOURNAL Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Legal Education And Legal Profession https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-12037-role-of-artificial-intelligence-in-legal-education-and-legal-profession.html 06.01.24
  8. SPRINGER LINK The future of ethics in AI: challenges and opportunities https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00146-023-01644-x 06.01.24
  9. “Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas First Law Firm in India to License Kira, AI-powered Legal Research Platform,” Sept. 29, 2022, https://kirasystems.com/company-announcements/cyril-amarchand-mangaldas-is-indias-first-law-firm-to-embrace-artificial-intelligence-technology-as-part-of-legal-innovation/:[06.01.24]
  10. LEXCHECK The Past, Present, and Future of AI in Legal Tech https://blog.lexcheck.com/the-past-present-and-future-of-ai-in-legal-tech-lc 06.01.24
  11. MONDAQ “The Rise Of AI In The Legal Arena: Opportunities, Challenges & The Way Forward” https://www.mondaq.com/india/privacy-protection/1353136/the-rise-of-ai-in-the-legal-arena-opportunities-challenges–the-way-forward 06.01.24Top of Form

[1] . ipleaders.in, “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Law,” blog post, [05.01.24].

[2] Lex Check, “The Past, Present and Future of AI in Legal Tech,” blog post, [04.01.24]

[3] Lex Check, “The Past, Present and Future of AI in Legal Tech,” blog post, [05.01.24]

[4] www.outlookindia.com Chandrachud, D.Y., “Justice D.Y. Chandrachud on the Role of Technology in Public Governance,” India Law & Tech., Oct. 26, 2022, https://www.outlookindia.com/national/technology-a-powerful-tool-in-legal-system-to-improve-efficiency-accessibility-chandrachud-news-256517https://www.outlookindia.com/national/technology-a-powerful-tool-in-legal-system-to-improve-efficiency-accessibility-chandrachud-news-256517. [05.01.24]

[5] India, Gov’t of, Report of the AI Task Force, June 2019, https://dpiit.gov.in/whats-new/report-task-force-artificial-intelligencehttps://dpiit.gov.in/whats-new/report-task-force-artificial-intelligence.[05.01.24]

[6] THOMSON REUTERS How AI Document Understanding Makes Lawyers Superhuman https://legal.thomsonreuters.com/content/dam/ewp-m/documents/legal/en/pdf/white-papers/how-ai-document-understanding-makes-lawyers-superhuman-wp.pdf 06.01.24

[7] LEGAL SERVICE INDIA E-JOURNAL Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Legal Education And Legal Profession https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-12037-role-of-artificial-intelligence-in-legal-education-and-legal-profession.html 06.01.24

[8] SPRINGER LINK The future of ethics in AI: challenges and opportunities https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00146-023-01644-x 06.01.24

[9] Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas First Law Firm in India to License Kira, AI-powered Legal Research Platform,” Sept. 29, 2022, https://kirasystems.com/company-announcements/cyril-amarchand-mangaldas-is-indias-first-law-firm-to-embrace-artificial-intelligence-technology-as-part-of-legal-innovation/:[06.01.24]

[10] LEXCHECK The Past, Present, and Future of AI in Legal Tech https://blog.lexcheck.com/the-past-present-and-future-of-ai-in-legal-tech-lc 06.01.24

[11] MONDAQ “The Rise Of AI In The Legal Arena: Opportunities, Challenges & The Way Forward” https://www.mondaq.com/india/privacy-protection/1353136/the-rise-of-ai-in-the-legal-arena-opportunities-challenges–the-way-forward 06.01.24

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