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This article is written by Rishav Raj(EVE-TEASING A THREAT TO SOCIETY) RNB Global University


Eve- Teasing is public botheration or sexual abuse of girls by men. Eve teasing additionally refers to the passing of sounding statement, exhausting girls and ladies verbally or physically, and perturbing them. Staring is unhurt however it will create a woman uncomfortable. It is rife almost every place, however in Asian nation, particularly within the metropolises, you can’t be a girl and not are its victim at some point in your life.

Wherever you go in India, be it the mall, the bus stand, the terminus, the theatre, colleges, schools, if you are a lady, you can’t escape it. I will say that Eve teasing is present everyplace. If in a public place disconcerting remarks are passed to a girl, then it’ll be considered as eve-teasing, A public place may be anyplace sort of a road, promenades, or public transports. Eve- teasers may be seen in motorcars, seminaries, sodalities, cafés, theatres, premise etc. The bloodsuckers stalk can kill ladies physically and mentally. This clearly leads to massive crimes or unsafe cases.

It’s estimated, that once each fifty-one minutes a girl is sexually harassed in India, and in each twenty-one minutes one lady is assaulted. The datum is itself discouraging. Something needs to be done on the issue on an urgent basis to prevent it. The impendence of eve- teasing was adding at intimidating rate. There is a requirement of preventative measures and create strict laws by the judicatory to ascertain this evil practice. Numerous efforts were created to form the cops active so they will take action relating to this issue. Numerous laws and regulations have been made until now. Still, the script didn’t change. Or is it the case that, not each lady is alert to these laws? Or laws once knowing the laws, none of them dares to protest thanks to embarrassment or fear


What’s the reason behind the eve- teasing? Numerous people are of the opinion that the size of the dress of a woman provokes men to require similar ridiculous action. Additionally, why the ladies wearing the burkha have to face similar situations? Clearly, the outlook of men and society has to be modified relating to this.

Eve- Teasing well happens in Asian nation mainly in India. This is frequently because we live in a male – dominated society wherever ladies considered as weaker section. Utmost men suppose that they’ve the essential right to treat and bear in any manner with ladies. They show their manly superiority over feminine. Also, ladies are not alert to their own rights. Utmost of them do not even recognize that Eve- teasing could be a Punishable offense. Veritably less similar cases are reported. Also, there hardly any studies or statistics out there with the government agencies to check the trend and attack the matter of Eve- teasing.

Lack of education is a additional contributing issue to such a menace. Illiterate and uneducated individuals suppose that there is nothing wrong with it. Ladies need to be made more aware of their rights and protections handed by the state to them. Faculty and schools ought to particularly take up this task to coach ladies during this regard. No one is alert to the trauma that ladies face once such harassment with the exception of ladies.

A problem that has been in India for long is that the isolation of boys and ladies right from childhood itself. Interaction between the 2 sexes is vital for them to visualize one another as fellow personalities with feelings. This has to modification right from the childhood itself. Interaction between the 2 sexes should be inspired in class, college, societies, etc.

 In Vishakha vs. State of Rajasthan [1], the Supreme Court provides us with the guidelines on the acts that will amount to sexual harassment. These acts include:

Either directly or indirectly, if there is unwelcome sexually determined behavior,

If there is any type of physical contact or advances,

If any demand or request for sexual favours is made,

It includes sexually coloured remarks,

Any other type of physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct which is of sexual nature will amount to sexual harassment.

Outcome of Eve Teasing

There’s several consequence of eve teasing. It affects the women’s life horribly that the effected women should need to take the necessary way for his life. Some of the consequences are given below.
1 Suicide: Suicide is the ultimate path for some straits. Like simian who was a pupil of the institute of fine Arts Bangladesh at Dhaka University was victim of the local boys regularly and choose the path of death by opting self-murder.

2. Lost the mind [2]: Many girls lost their mind and go abnormal or cause mental disease from fast ration. After the victim she don’t go out from home and live in a nightmare of eve teasers, and then followed by depression and atlas lost their mind.
3. Early Marriage; In local villages the local school going girls, garments workers and college girls are victim of eve teasing, so the common script of their family is to give marriage of that girl. It also a reason of early marriage and gestation related death.
4. Reduce the mobility of the women- In fact, within the patriarchal social fabric, eve- teasing is an armament to weaken, hurt or force women to consign to domestic affairs. It restricts women’s mobility in the public sphere, which contributes to their dwindling participation in out-of-door activities.
5. Security [3]; given the strict patriarchal social system, it’s nearly daring for a woman to protest against teasing in public places. That may further jeopardize her security, on the one hand, and there’s possibility that she herself will be held responsible for the incident. In our society, it’s generally the girl who’s eventually held responsible for similar incidents


Education helps in controlling similar incidents. Decent and healthy surroundings at school helps make people admire the opposite sex and understand the restrictions. Other than this, our Indian government must bring some strict measures to check this problem. Harsh corrections should tend to the lawbreakers. Similar cases should be brought into the public sphere for people to grasp and to fear doing any similar thing.

From childhood itself, isolation is made between boys and girls. Gender equivalency knowledge must be given to everyone from the initial so that in future a sense of superiority doesn’t develop in anyone.

Girls should be trained to be self- reliant. In case of any harassment, they should be suitable to speak up and fight back so that the eve teasers don’t dare to abuse any girl or woman in future.

Technology can be helpful in this cases the person can set SOS figures of the close ones on his/ her phone. If a person is tone- reliant and can defend himself herself also the cases of eve- teasing can be reduced. Laws should be made stricter and hard corrections should be assessed so that a person shouldn’t suppose of committing similar types of offences.

We’re living in the 21st century so; girls must know how to duly use technologies. Know all the laws and rules related to women safety and avoid ignorance. Girls should always carry shanks or sprays with them for protection.

The attitude of society must be changed. Only girls are criticized in case of any abuse. The mentality of people needs to be changed. The discipline given to the lawbreaker shouldn’t be minor so that any other lawbreaker has a sense of fear before committing similar activities

Eve-teasing complaint letter [4]

A letter can be written to the police superintendent against eve-teasing in the town.

Sample Complaint Letter:


Superintendent of Police

New Delhi-110052

 Sub: Complaint letter against eve-teasing in the town

Respected Sir,

I am Shivani Verma from Ashok Vihar area. Recently, there have been a lot of incidents of eve-teasing in our area by local men. Those men usually use vulgar words against the women or pass indecent comments. Women feel insecure in our area. Yesterday, this happened with my neighbor who was coming back from her college. Please think about this because this problem is increasing at an alarming rate.

So, here I am requesting you to allocate more police force in this area and take strict action against this issue.

Yours Sincerely,

Shivani Verma.


The Indian Penal Code doesn’t define eve- teasing. But the meaning of eve- teasing is carried out under numerous section of IPC.

Section 294 IPC

Various laws that are stated in the Indian Penal Code, 186 (IPC) helps to maintain the dignity of a woman. Any act that affects the quality of women will come under section 294 or section 509 of IPC. If obscene acts are committed intimately or stag words are spoken in public also Section 294 makes the punishment for similar acts obligatory. In section 294, if an individual does any indecent statutes in an extraordinarily public niche or sing recite or mumble any obscene song, hymn, phrases in a very public niche or maybe a locale that is near a public place and such an act effects resentment to others then it will amount to a violation under Section 294.  Imprisonment for over to 3 months will be given to the person. This section isn’t gender- biased. Anyone can be a victim or a lawbreaker. The fine will depend upon the severity of the offense.

Section 509 IPC

A person who expresses words, gestures, acts intending to harm the modesty of the ladies then such person is going to be penalized under Section 509 of IPC. This section is also remarked as eve- teasing section. After looking over this section bone can effortlessly comprehend, that, by acquainting this provision, the council intended that type of assault into a woman’s modesty either by term, deed, won’t be endured.

This section states that an individual’s who has an intention to affront the modesty of a woman either by uttering any word, making any sound, gesture, intrudes upon her privacy then will be penalized with imprisonment up to a year or fine. The fine will calculate on the rigidity of the crime.

The offence under this section is cognizable and bailable in nature. This section can be tried by any justice and it should be kept in mind that this section will be applicable if there’s an intention on the part of the lawbreaker to affront or hurt the modesty of a woman


State of Kerala vs. Hamsa

In the case of State of Kerala vs. Hamsa[5], the accused was winking his eyes at a woman and it was noticed by other people present there. This act by insulted her modesty. The court held that even if those gestures were not noticed by other people except the woman, those acts would also amount to insult to her modesty as she had no intention to reciprocate these actions. The accused had committed an offence under this section. The accused was also held liable under section 354 IPC as he caught holding the arms of the woman which was an obvious act of assault to outrage her modesty.

Eve-teasing- Violation of Right to Privacy

The act of eve-teasing is considered constitutionally immoral because it violates a person’s right to privacy by interfering into his/her personal life. It is also a violation of the Fundamental Right to Life that is provided to us by Article 21 of the Indian Constitution because it not only affects the dignity of a woman but it also affects her self-respect.

In the case of Rupan Deol Bajaj vs. KPS Gill [6], the Supreme Court held that to ascertain that whether the modesty of a woman was outraged or not will depend solely upon the action of the offender. This is the ultimate test to establish an offence under this act. The action should be capable of shocking the sense of decency of a woman. Keeping this view in mind the act of Mr Gill by slapping Mrs Bajaj on her posterior amounted to outrage her modesty because this act was not only abused to the normal sense of feminine decency but also an insult to the dignity of a woman.


Eve- teasing is adding at associate intimidating rate with each fugitive time. it is a drawback that must be addressed as presently as possible. A lot of social control procedure and stricter laws are demanded against eve- teasing. We are able to see men harassing girls on an everyday base. but how many people dare to talk against this? It’s high time now that ladies open up their voices and use the laws handed to them. These conditioning are passing in our society for too long. it’s going to continue unless girls themselves come smart, bold, freelance and alert. Law- makers ought to create a law addressing this issue as a result of it will facilitate in lowering the amount of cases of eve- teasing. Police ought to pay more attention towards this crime and will consider the problem as presently because the complaint is lodged. Eve- teasing would possibly sound lower dangerous crime however it will be converted into a grievous one if not stopped at an early stage.


  1. Vishakha vs. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1997 SC 3011
  2. https://spdattabd.blogspot.com/2013/11/report-writing.html
  3. https://www.lawyersnjurists.com/article/eve-teasing-is-very-common-social-problem-and-every-day-women-come-across-some-form-of-eve-teasing-and-women-should-be-empowered-to-fight-back-due-to-end-this-evil-act-2
  4. https://blog.ipleaders.in/eve-teasing
  5. State of Kerala vs. Hamsa, 1988 9 Crimes 161
  6. Rupan Deol Bajaj vs. KPS Gill, AIR 1996 SC 309


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