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This article is written by Riya Bhatnagar of 2nd Semester of Galgotias University


This abstract provides an overview of the duties and functions of a service provider, emphasizing their vital role in delivering quality services and satisfying client needs. Service providers are responsible for understanding customer requirements, designing and implementing customized solutions, and providing ongoing support. They play a key role in managing customer expectations, maintaining service quality standards, and adapting to technological advancements for efficient service delivery. Moreover, service providers are tasked with optimizing resource allocation, ensuring operational efficiency, and upholding ethical and legal responsibilities. By comprehending and fulfilling these duties, service providers can establish strong client relationships and thrive in a competitive market.


 Service provider, duties, functions, customer satisfaction, service quality, communication, problem-solving, expertise, reliability, efficiency.



A service provider is a company or organization that offers services to individuals, businesses, or other entities. These services can range from technology-related services, such as internet service providers or cloud computing providers, to professional services like accounting, legal, or consulting services.

Service providers typically specialize in a particular area or industry and have expertise in delivering specific services. They may offer their services on a contractual basis, charging fees or receiving payment for the services they provide.

Service providers play a crucial role in various sectors, including telecommunications, information technology, healthcare, finance, and many others. They enable businesses and individuals to access and benefit from specialized services without having to develop or maintain those capabilities in-house.

Examples of service providers include telecommunications companies like AT&T or Verizon, cloud computing providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS)[1] or Microsoft Azure, consulting firms like McKinsey & Company or Deloitte, and internet service providers (ISPs)[2] like Comcast or Spectrum.

Service providers play a vital role in various industries by offering a wide range of services to customers. Whether it’s in the fields of healthcare, technology, hospitality, or consulting, service providers are responsible for delivering quality services that meet customer needs and expectations. Understanding the duties and functions of a service provider is essential for both service providers themselves and the customers they serve.

The duties and functions of a service provider encompass a diverse range of responsibilities that are geared towards ensuring customer satisfaction, maintaining service quality, and fostering positive customer relationships. These duties go beyond simply delivering a product or performing a task; they involve a holistic approach to service provision that takes into account the unique requirements and preferences of each customer.

Service providers are entrusted with the responsibility of meeting and exceeding customer expectations. This requires a deep understanding of customer needs, effective communication, and the ability to tailor services to individual requirements. By focusing on customer satisfaction, service providers can build trust and loyalty, leading to long-term relationships and potential referrals.

Another crucial aspect of a service provider’s duties is the maintenance of service quality. Customers expect consistent and reliable services that meet or exceed industry standards. Service providers must adhere to established procedures, deliver services within specified timelines, and continuously improve their service delivery processes to ensure high-quality outcomes.

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful service provision. Service providers must possess excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to listen actively to customers. Clear and concise communication helps service providers understand customer requirements, address any concerns or issues, and provide relevant information throughout the service delivery process.

Problem-solving is another critical function of a service provider. As challenges or issues arise during service delivery, service providers must analyze the situation, identify potential solutions, and resolve problems promptly and effectively. A proactive and solution-oriented approach helps maintain customer satisfaction and demonstrates the service provider’s commitment to meeting customer needs.

Moreover, service providers are expected to possess expertise and knowledge in their respective fields. This enables them to offer specialized services, provide accurate information, and deliver solutions that align with industry best practices. Customers rely on the expertise of service providers to guide them through complex processes and make informed decisions.

Reliability is an essential characteristic of a service provider. Customers depend on service providers to deliver services consistently and dependably. Reliability establishes trust and confidence in the service provider’s capabilities, fostering long-term customer relationships and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Lastly, service providers strive for efficiency in their operations. By optimizing resources, streamlining processes, and ensuring timely service delivery, they can meet customer needs effectively while maximizing productivity and minimizing costs.


  The duties of a service provider can vary depending on the specific industry and the type of services being provided. However, in general, the responsibilities of a service provider typically include:

Service Delivery: The primary duty of a service provider is to deliver the agreed-upon services to the client or customer. This involves performing the tasks, activities, or operations outlined in the service agreement or contract.

Quality Assurance: Service providers are responsible for ensuring the quality of the services they deliver. This includes meeting or exceeding the standards and expectations set by the client or industry, performing quality checks, and continuously improving service delivery.

Customer Service: Service providers must maintain a high level of customer service to ensure client satisfaction. This involves addressing customer inquiries, resolving complaints or issues, and providing support throughout the service delivery process.

Timeliness: Service providers are expected to meet deadlines and deliver services within the agreed-upon timeframes. They should manage their resources and schedules efficiently to ensure timely completion of tasks or projects.

Communication: Effective communication is crucial for service providers. They need to maintain clear and open lines of communication with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Regular updates, progress reports, and timely responses to inquiries or requests are essential.

Problemsolving: Service providers should be capable of identifying and addressing any issues or challenges that arise during service delivery. This may involve troubleshooting technical problems, resolving conflicts, or finding innovative solutions to meet client needs.

Documentation: Service providers often need to maintain accurate records and documentation related to their services. This includes documenting service agreements, contracts, project plans, progress reports, and any other relevant information.

Compliance: Service providers must adhere to legal and regulatory requirements relevant to their industry. This includes data protection, privacy, health and safety, and any other applicable regulations. They should also comply with any specific industry standards or certifications.

Continuous Improvement:  Service providers should strive for continuous improvement in their services. This involves seeking feedback from clients, analyzing performance metrics, and implementing changes or upgrades to enhance service quality and efficiency.

Professional Development: To stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, service providers should engage in ongoing professional development. This may involve attending training programs, conferences, or acquiring certifications related to their field of expertise.    


 A service provider refers to an organization or entity that offers services to customers or clients. The specific functions of a service provider can vary depending on the industry and the type of services being provided. However, here are some common functions performed by service providers:

Service Delivery: The primary function of a service provider is to deliver the services to the customers or clients. This involves executing the tasks, activities, or processes required to fulfill the service agreement or contract.

Customer Support: Service providers often offer customer support to address inquiries, issues, or concerns raised by their customers. This can include providing technical assistance, troubleshooting problems, or answering questions related to the service.

Service Management: Service providers are responsible for managing the overall delivery of services. This includes activities such as service design, planning, implementation, monitoring, and improvement. Service management ensures that the services are delivered effectively and efficiently.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management: Service providers establish SLAswith their customers to define the agreed-upon service levels, performance metrics, and responsibilities. They are responsible for managing and meeting these SLAs, which may include aspects like response time, uptime, or resolution time. Raskspace Us Inc, Mumbai vs Dcit (It) 4(1)(1), Mumbai on 29 May, 2019

Service Maintenance: Service providers are often responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the service infrastructure. This can involve activities such as regular updates, patches, upgrades, or repairs to ensure the service remains operational and secure.

Service billing and Invoicing: Service providers handle the billing and invoicing processes for their services. They generate invoices, track usage or consumption, calculate costs, and collect payments from customers. This function ensures that the financial aspect of the service provision is managed accurately and efficiently.

Service Reporting and Analysis: Service providers may generate reports and perform data analysis to evaluate the performance of their services. These reports can provide insights into service utilization, customer satisfaction, key performance indicators (KPIs), and areas for improvement.

Relationship Management: Service providers often engage in relationship management with their customers or clients. This involves building and maintaining positive relationships, understanding customer needs, and identifying opportunities for upwelling or cross-selling additional services.

Compliance and Security: Service providers must adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. They need to implement security measures to protect customer data, maintain privacy, and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Continuous Improvement: Service providers strive for continuous improvement by seeking feedback from customers, analyzing performance metrics, and implementing enhancements or optimizations to their services. This function ensures that the service remains competitive and meets evolving customer expectations.                             


  • COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957[6]



This case is related to the refund of service tax.  The appellant claims for the refund. It was appeared from the record that pursuant to Finance act 2000 The service tax paid by the appellant was not refunded. Because the act nullifying the Judgement, order etc.

The main ground on which commissioner appeal was rejected for the request of refund. Because the said act was given the retrospective effect.


The case is related to the meaning of “service”.  Related to sharing of floors in apartment buildings as per consumer protection act for construction of apartment .FC Gulati is a landowner (plaintiff – appellant) who agrees with builder for sharing of constructed area but after completion of the construction builder didn’t provide certificate and C&D Forms from MCD. MCD is threatening to demolishing the construction. After filling the appeal, the appeal was dismissed because of the joint agreement. agreement consisted of the “sharing of constructed area” that is the agreement didn’t have any element of hiring of service, therefore the appeal was not a “consumer” and the builder was not a service provider.  Therefore, the appeal was file by special leave against the decision of national commission. Judgment of the case was that the sharing of floor was a consideration which cannot be termed as joint venture. It can be termed as a rule of partnership.

Basic scheme of the agreement was that builder construct and deliver a house to the owner and if there was any deficiency in fulfilling the obligation taken under in any connection with that service then there would be deficiency in service therefore the builder was a service provider and owner was a consumer.

Therefore, appellant complaint held maintainable.


In this case respondent sent a consignment of pig iron wire rod through railway Vishakhapatnam to Faridabad, Jalandhar and Batala at railways risk the consignment was receive by union of India which carried the same and deliver to the respondent. Therefore, consignment was received in the pilfered condition. therefore, the respondent demand and railways show shortage certificate thereafter respondent filed an application of recovery of damage caused to him. In the Judgement court dismiss all the appeals.

Utv Software Communication Ltd. … vs 1337X.To And Ors on 10 April, 2019[10]

The Court considered a batch of 8 suits filed by companies engaged in the business of creating content, producing and distributing cinematographic films around the world including India (“Plaintiffs”). The Plaintiffs sought injunction restraining the Defendants from infringing the Plaintiff’s copyrighted works in cinematograph films by communicating it to the public without any authorization which were none other than identified websites and also multiple internet service providers. The Plaintiffs produced samples of infringing content to support their one-point case that the infringing websites were primarily engaged in hosting pirated content and allowed streaming and downloading of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works without any authorization.

The Court concluded that the Defendant Websites were rogue websites .The court observed that the act would amount to infringement under section 51(a) (I ) of the Copyright Act, if the publication has been made without authorization and in the present case the publication made on the website of the Defendant is made without any licence and authorization and hence was considered in violation of the said provision .The Court held that a blocking injunction order against the entire website is permissible however, in doing so, courts must be guided by proportionality. The onus is on the right holders to prove to the Court’s satisfaction that each website which is sought to be blocked is a ‘rogue website’, primarily engaged in facilitating the widespread copyright infringement. The Court granted a permanent injunction in favour of the Plaintiff, along with awarding the cost of the litigation. The court further recommended that should frame a policy to issue warnings to the consumers watching infringing content. In the event that viewers continue to watch the infringing content, then fines may be levied against such viewers.


Service providers play a crucial role in delivering services to customers or clients. Their duties and functions encompass a range of activities, including service delivery, customer support, service management, SLA management, service maintenance, billing and invoicing, reporting and analysis, relationship management, compliance and security, and continuous improvement.

Service providers are responsible for ensuring that services are delivered effectively and efficiently, meeting the agreed-upon service levels and performance metrics outlined in SLAs. They provide customer support to address inquiries and resolve issues promptly. Service maintenance and security measures are implemented to ensure the uninterrupted operation of services and protect customer data.

Billing and invoicing processes are managed to accurately track service usage, calculate costs, and collect payments. Service reporting and analysis help evaluate service performance and identify areas for improvement. Relationship management fosters positive interactions with customers, understanding their needs, and exploring opportunities for additional services.

Service providers must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards to ensure legal and ethical practices. They strive for continuous improvement by gathering customer feedback, analyzing performance metrics, and implementing enhancements to stay competitive and meet evolving customer expectations.

Overall, service providers play a vital role in delivering high-quality services and maintaining customer satisfaction. Their functions and duties are diverse, aiming to provide efficient and effective services while ensuring customer support, security, compliance, and continuous improvement.


[1] https://www.mygreatlearning.com/blog/amazon-web-services-aws/

[2] https://www.britannica.com/technology/Internet-service-provider

[3] Indian contract act 1872 https://blog.ipleaders.in/section-27-of-indian-contract-act-1872/

[4] https://corporate.cyrilamarchandblogs.com/2022/01/product-liability-under-the-consumer-protection-act-2019-an-overview/#:~:text=Section%2085%20of%20the%20Act,by%20the%20product%20service%20provider.

[5] https://www.drishtiias.com/daily-updates/daily-news-analysis/information-technology-act-s-section-69a

[6] https://carajput.com/learn/copyright-services-as-per-copyright-act-1957.html



12 https://www.casemine.com/judgement/in/5d91998b714d587fe94dbc5a



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