The Centre for Labour Laws (CLL), established in 2019, is dedicated to promoting labour rights and awareness through research, training, and advocacy. It serves as a platform for research on policy, legal, and regulatory issues concerning labour and employment laws. The Centre focuses on academic, policy-oriented activities, and outreach programs to create a more equitable environment for labourers and workmen across India.
The NLIU-JLEL is a peer-reviewed annual labour and employment law journal which aims to create meaningful debate and discourse to build a fair and equitable regime of workspace laws and to study the dynamic confluence of the academic and the human resource represented by such laws.
The Intersection of Gig Work and Social Security: Challenges and Solutions in New Labour Codes
As the gig economy continues to expand, traditional labour frameworks are increasingly being questioned. Gig workers, often excluded from formal social security systems, face unique challenges in securing protections such as healthcare, pensions, and insurance. The introduction of new labour codes in India has sparked debates on how these evolving forms of work should be regulated, particularly regarding the social security and welfare of gig workers.
Original, genuine and unpublished contributions from students, academicians and practitioners for the Journal are welcome. However, submissions must be of contemporary relevance and may include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Insolvency and the Gig Economy: Protecting Gig Workers’ Rights in Corporate Insolvencies
- Arbitration in the Gig Economy: Resolving Disputes and Protecting Workers’ Rights
- Legal Status of Gig Workers under the New Labour Codes
- Social Security Provisions for Gig and Platform Workers
- Impact of Technology on Labour Rights
- Comparative Analysis of Global Gig Economy Regulations
- Role of Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining for Gig Workers
- Judicial Approaches to Gig Work and Labour Rights
The submission can be made under any of the following categories:
Articles (4,000 to 10,000 words): The article must be a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the problem(s) or idea(s) dealt with by the author and should include references to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions. The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
Essays and Short Articles (2,000 to 4,000 words): The essay must be an analysis of the problem(s) or idea(s) dealt with by the author and should include references to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions. The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
Case Comment (2,500 to 5,000 words): The comment must be a critical analysis of a recent judgement, bringing out its relevance in light of development of laws, views expressed in the judgement and views of the author(s). The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
Book Review (1,500 to 3,000 words): The review must be a crisp account of a recently published book including the issues explored and the related arguments of the author. The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
Legislative Comment (2,000 to 4,000 words): The comment must analyse a recent legislative enactment. It must examine the objective of the legislation and the legal impact the same is expected to have. The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
NOTE : Submissions in the categories of book review(s), case comment(s) and legislative comment(s) will be highly appreciated
- All original submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words which is exclusive of the word limit and should be included within the document of the manuscript. The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the submission, beyond the existing available literature, the practical utility of their recommendation. The abstract must also contain 5 keywords at the end.
- All submissions must be in MS Word format (.doc) or (.docx), with Times New Roman font (body: size 12, line spacing: 1.50; footnotes: size 10, line spacing: 1.15).
- The Journal uses only footnotes (and not endnotes) as a method of citation. The footnotes must conform to the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA, 4th Edition). Non-compliance with this may lead to disqualification.
- The submissions made should not be plagiarised. Any submission in contravention of this rule shall be summarily rejected.
- The manuscript itself must not contain any information as to the name(s) of the author(s), the institution, address or any other information that may reveal or indicate their identity.
- Co-authorship is permitted for up to 2 authors. However, co-authorship is not allowed in case of Case Comment, Book Review and Legislative Comment.
- Submissions are accepted for publication on the condition that they do not infringe the copyright or any other rights of any third parties. If the submission is found to be violative of any of the rights of the other party, the author(s) shall be solely responsible for such violation.
- Submissions made should be on an exclusive basis i.e., submission should be unpublished and should not be under any concurrent consideration.
- The editorial board reserves its rights to suggest changes/make amends/request to add or delete any portion in the submitted manuscript, based upon the discretion of the editor. The author(s) are supposed to incorporate the suggested changes within the specified time limit.
- If the manuscript is selected for publication, the Centre for Labour Laws will have the copyright over the same, and the authors will be granted the moral rights for the same.
- Last date for submission of manuscript: 13th September 2024. Late entries will not be entertained.
- Please submit your papers to the google form attached herewith. Submissions made through any other means will not be considered for publication
- Last date for submission of manuscript : 28 January, 2025
- No late entries will be entertained.
- Link for Submission of Manuscript : https://forms.gle/QWeUSxWH85gPmwLy5
Zaier Ahmad
Editor-in-Chief | NLIU Journal for Labour & Employment Laws
+91 70070 24982
Vivek Rajurkar
Content Head | NLIU Journal for Labour & Employment Laws
+91 94049 02301
Ali Asghar
Managerial Head | NLIU Journal for Labour & Employment Laws
+91 76938 80552
Any doubts relating to the submissions for NLIU-Journal for Labour and Employment Law must be addressed to jlel@nliu.ac.in with a subject line “Query Journal for Labour & Employment Law – Volume IV”.
Link to the Brochure: