The Centre for Human Rights and Subaltern Studies (CHRSS) at the National University of Study and Research in Law (NUSRL), Ranchi, invites submissions for a seminar to be organised on ‘The State of Undertrial Prisoners in the State of Jharkhand’.
About NUSRL, Ranchi
National University of Study and Research in Law (NUSRL) is a law school located in Ranchi, established by an Act of the Jharkhand State Assembly in 2010.
About Centre for Human Rights and Subaltern Studies
The Centre for Human Rights and Subaltern Studies (CHRSS), founded on March 7, 2019, is dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights, focusing on various facets of human rights violations. Over four years, the Centre has published numerous books and organized more than 17 National Seminars, Workshops, and Panel discussions in collaboration with government organizations such as the National Commission for Women (NCW) and National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).
Call for Papers
CHRSS invites original and unpublished manuscripts on the theme of ‘The State of Undertrial Prisoners’ for a seminar to be organised on the 10th of December. The guidelines for submission and sub-themes are provided later in the brochure.
How to Submit?
Soft copies of all the entries are to be submitted through the form given at the end of the post. Submission by any other mode shall not be accepted.
Submission Deadline
All submissions must be sent no later than 5th December, Tuesday, 11:59 P.M.
The journal seeks contributions on various contemporary issues dealing with the protection of national and international human rights. Indicative themes include but are not limited to:
· Ensuring the Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial
· Addressing Violations of Human Dignity in Detention
· Legal Aid as a Fundamental Human Right for Under-trial Prisoners
· Protecting the Rights of Juvenile Under-trial Prisoners
· Gender-specific Human Rights Concerns in Detention
· Rehabilitation and Reintegration in the Context of Human Rights
· Technology and Human Rights: Improving Legal Processes
· International Human Rights Standards for Under-trial Detention
· Advocacy and Accountability: Safeguarding Human Rights of Under-trial Prisoners
Submission Guidelines
I. Eligibility
Original and unpublished entries from scholars including students, academicians, researchers and practitioners in the field of law or any other allied discipline of Social Science, Humanities and Management would be accepted for publication.
II. Authorship
Contributions for the Journal shall be accepted only from the original authors. A maximum of two co-authors is permissible for articles, and for notes. Co-authorship is not permitted for case/legislative comments.
Authors must provide their affiliation with complete contact details, including postal and email addresses and mobile numbers. It is the author’s responsibility to disclose any potential conflict of interest regarding the Manuscript.
III.Guidelines on Manuscript
A. Word Limits
Submissions are invited in the following categories (word limits are exclusive of footnotes):
· Articles: 3000-7000 words
· Notes (specific to a single issue): 3000-4000 words
· Case/Legislative Comments: 3000 words
All articles must be accompanied by an abstract of 150-200 words together with approximately 5 keywords.
B. Essential Title Page Information
· Title: should be concise and indicative. Avoid abbreviations in the title.
· Author names and affiliations: Please indicate the authors’ names separately with their affiliations and check that all names are accurately spelt. Indicate all affiliations with a lowercase letter immediately after the author’s name. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation with the email address and phone number of each author.
C. Formatting
· Citation Style: The Indian Law Institute (ILI)/ Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) 4th Edition shall be strictly adhered to by the author/s.
· Headings: Times New Roman, font size 14, centre aligned., 1.5 line spacing.
· Main Body text: Times New Roman, font size 12, justified, 1.5 line spacing,
· Footnotes: Times New Roman, font size 10, justified, single spaced.
· Margins of 1 inch on all sides.
· No borders, headers and footers.
· A one-line gap must be maintained between all the paragraphs and headings.
· All submissions must be strictly word processed. No PDFs shall be accepted.
· Kindly rename the submission to “Name of the Author & Co-Author (if any)”. [e.g.: Sirish Prakash & Ayush Koushik]
IV. Publication Policy
· Submissions must be original and accompanied by a declaration that they have not been published or are under consideration elsewhere.
· Please note that we follow a strict plagiarism policy and papers with more than 10% plagiarism would not be accepted.
· Submissions are subjected to plagiarism checks commensurate with appropriate international standards.
· We also follow a strict exclusive submission policy. No submission should be published or under consideration for publication anywhere else. Any infringement shall be liable for automatic disqualification.
· The Editors reserve the right to delete or edit any article or part thereof whose content is found to be offensive, defamatory, outrightly unethical or if it is suggestive of racism, sexual or religious discrimination, illegal or terror activities, etc.
Contact Details
For any queries, please mail us at: chrss@nusrlranchi.ac.in
Koitoree Nag- +91 99038 70107
Anamika Singh- +91 9065387847
Form for Submission: https://forms.gle/BNrD8G4fwG2tMeRc7