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This article is written by Unnati Bhatt of 1st Year of Jiwaji University, Gwalior, an intern under legal Vidhya


Law is super important for helping people start new businesses and make them grow. Firstly, it gives them different ways to legally set up their businesses, like making them into corporations or LLCs. This helps because it protects the people who start the businesses from having to pay for any big problems that might happen. This protection is really important because it lets them take risks and try new things without worrying too much.

Secondly, laws help new businesses get money to grow. Some rules let them get money from investors by selling parts of their company (like stocks) or by getting loans. These rules ensure everyone knows what’s going on and can trust each other. This trust is essential for getting people to invest their money in new businesses. Also, laws make sure that businesses follow the rules. There are lots of rules about how businesses should work, like how they pay taxes, treat their employees, and keep their customers safe. Following these rules helps businesses run smoothly and stay out of trouble.

Another thing is that laws help protect new ideas. If someone comes up with a cool new invention or a creative idea, they can get legal rights to it. This means that no one else can steal or copy their idea without permission. This protection encourages people to keep coming up with new and exciting things.

Good contracts and rules about how businesses should be run also help make sure that everyone knows what they’re supposed to do. This helps businesses run smoothly and helps people work together without any big problems.

Finally, there are rules about what happens when a business wants to stop or join with another business. These rules give businesses a way to sell themselves or become part of a bigger company. This can be a big payoff for the people who started the business and can encourage more people to take the risk of starting their own business. In short, laws provide a solid foundation for new businesses to start and grow. They protect entrepreneurs, help them get money, make sure they follow the rules, protect their ideas, help them work together, and give them options when they’re ready to move on. This support system is crucial for entrepreneurs to succeed and make their mark in the business world.


Corporate law, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Legal framework, Formation and structure, Investor confidence, Intellectual property protection, Contractual relationships, Regulatory compliance, Licensing, Taxation and accounting laws, Labour laws, Mentorship, Education, Access to funding, Networking opportunities, Supportive regulatory frameworks, Case laws, Smith v. Van Gorkom, Diamond v. Chakrabarty


Fostering entrepreneurship involves creating an ecosystem that encourages and supports individuals or groups in initiating, managing, and growing businesses. This comprehensive approach aims to cultivate an entrepreneurial culture and facilitate the development of new ventures. At its core, fostering entrepreneurship is about providing aspiring entrepreneurs with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to succeed in their ventures.

One of the fundamental aspects of fostering entrepreneurship is providing access to mentorship. Mentorship allows aspiring entrepreneurs to learn from experienced professionals who can offer guidance, advice, and support. By connecting aspiring entrepreneurs with mentors who have relevant expertise and industry experience, they can gain valuable insights and avoid common pitfalls. Mentorship can help entrepreneurs navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and accelerate their growth trajectory.

Education is another key element of fostering entrepreneurship. [1]Providing aspiring entrepreneurs with access to entrepreneurship education programs, workshops, and training sessions equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to launch and run successful businesses. Entrepreneurship education covers a wide range of topics, including business planning, market research, financial management, marketing strategies, and legal considerations. By investing in entrepreneurship education, aspiring entrepreneurs can develop a solid foundation of knowledge and enhance their chances of success.

Access to funding is essential for supporting the growth and development of new ventures. Fostering entrepreneurship involves creating opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs to access funding through various sources, such as grants, loans, angel investors, and venture capital. Access to funding enables entrepreneurs to invest in research and development, product innovation, marketing, and expansion efforts. By providing financial support, fostering entrepreneurship helps entrepreneurs overcome one of the most significant barriers to starting and growing a business.

Networking opportunities play a crucial role in fostering entrepreneurship. Building a strong network of contacts within the entrepreneurial ecosystem allows aspiring entrepreneurs to connect with potential partners, collaborators, mentors, investors, and customers. Networking events, conferences, workshops, and online platforms provide opportunities for entrepreneurs to build relationships, share ideas, and explore collaboration opportunities. By fostering a supportive and interconnected community, entrepreneurship ecosystems can create a fertile ground for innovation and growth. Supportive regulatory frameworks are essential for creating an environment that is conducive to entrepreneurship. Fostering entrepreneurship involves advocating for policies and regulations that remove unnecessary barriers to starting and growing a business. This may include streamlining the business registration process, reducing bureaucratic red tape, providing tax incentives for startups, and protecting intellectual property rights. By creating a favorable regulatory environment, policymakers can encourage entrepreneurship and stimulate economic growth.

In summary, fostering entrepreneurship involves creating an environment that nurtures and supports aspiring entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey. By providing access to mentorship, education, funding, networking opportunities, and supportive regulatory frameworks, entrepreneurship ecosystems can empower individuals to turn their innovative ideas into successful businesses. Ultimately, fostering entrepreneurship is about unlocking human potential, driving innovation, and creating opportunities for economic prosperity.


Entrepreneurship and startups are all about making new businesses happen. Let’s break down what each one means in simple terms:

1. Entrepreneurship:

2. Startup:

In short, entrepreneurship is like being the gardener who starts and grows a new garden, while startups are like the fresh, exciting gardens themselves. Just like gardens need care and attention to grow, startups need support and resources to become successful businesses. And just like gardens can be big or small, so can the businesses started by entrepreneurs.


Corporate law has a significant impact on the environment for entrepreneurship and startups in various ways:

1. Formation and Structure: Corporate law offers the legal framework for setting up business entities like corporations, LLCs, and partnerships. This allows entrepreneurs to select the most suitable structure based on factors such as liability protection and taxation, making it easier to start new ventures that meet their specific needs.

2. Investor Confidence: Well-defined corporate laws instill confidence in investors by ensuring transparency and predictability in business dealings. Investors are more likely to support startups when they have trust in the legal framework governing corporate activities, including shareholder rights and governance standards. Strong corporate governance, backed by legal protections, attracts funding for entrepreneurial ventures.

3. Intellectual Property Protection[2]: Startups, particularly those focused on innovation, rely on intellectual property rights for protection. Corporate law provides mechanisms for safeguarding IP assets like patents, trademarks, and copyrights. This encourages entrepreneurs to invest in research and development, knowing that their creations are protected from unauthorized use, fostering a culture of innovation.

4. Contractual Relationships: Startups depend on contracts to establish relationships with various stakeholders. Corporate law governs the formation and enforcement of contracts, ensuring that parties fulfill their obligations and resolving disputes. Clear contractual arrangements provide stability, allowing startups to form productive partnerships and conduct transactions confidently.

5. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with corporate regulations is essential for startups to operate legally and sustainably. Corporate law sets out requirements related to financial reporting, taxation, and consumer protection. By ensuring adherence to laws and regulations, startups can mitigate legal risks, build trust, and maintain integrity in the marketplace.

In essence, corporate law plays a vital role in fostering entrepreneurship and supporting startup growth by providing the necessary legal framework for business formation, investment, innovation, and regulatory compliance. A robust legal system that promotes transparency and protects rights enhances the overall business environment, encouraging entrepreneurial activity and driving economic development.


Licensing Business[3]

Before starting any business, it’s crucial to obtain the necessary licenses required for the specific type of business activity. This licensing process should begin well in advance of launching the startup to avoid legal complications from the outset. The types of licenses needed vary depending on the nature of the business. For instance, an e-commerce company would typically require licenses such as VAT tax, service tax registration, and professional taxes. Additionally, there are common licenses mandated by law that apply to most businesses, one of which is the Shop and Establishment Act of 1953. Entrepreneurs need to ensure they comply with all relevant licensing requirements to operate legally and avoid potential legal disputes.

Taxation And Accounting Laws

The Startup India initiative introduced by the government offers several tax exemptions tailored to the needs of startups. Various tax policies apply to different businesses depending on their tax and business structures. For startups availing of tax exemptions, they can benefit from tax advantages during the initial 7 years of operation. To qualify for these benefits, the organization must be registered as a limited liability partnership or a company, and its total turnover in the initial years must not exceed 25 crores annually. Every business entity is required to maintain accurate accounting records and undergo tax audits to ensure compliance with the country’s taxation regulations.

Labour Laws

Every business relies on its employees or labor force to ensure smooth and efficient daily operations. Numerous labor laws govern various aspects of employee rights and welfare, including minimum wages, gratuity, provident fund contributions, paid holidays, maternity benefits, workplace harassment prevention, and bonus payments.

Furthermore, startups can benefit from exemptions from labor inspections if they consistently adhere to the major nine labor laws of the country, ensuring the welfare of their workers. These laws include:

Implementing comprehensive employee policies not only ensures compliance with labor laws but also fosters higher morale and efficiency among workers.


Smith v. Van Gorkom(1985)[4]

“Smith v. Van Gorkom” is an important court case about how companies are run. It talks about how directors, who are like the bosses of a company, have to be careful when the company is merging with or buying another company. In this case, the Delaware Supreme Court said the directors didn’t do a good job and ruled against them. They said directors must make smart choices that help the people who own the company – the shareholders.

Even though this case isn’t directly about startups, it teaches us something crucial. It shows that when companies are run well, and the people in charge make good decisions, it makes investors feel confident. This confidence is essential for new businesses to thrive. So, the lesson here is that having strong rules and practices for how companies are managed isn’t just important for big corporations – it’s vital for any business environment where new ideas and businesses can grow.

Diamond v. Chakrabarty (1980)[5]

In “Diamond v. Chakrabarty” (1980), the Supreme Court decided in favor of Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty, a scientist at General Electric. Chakrabarty had made a special bacterium that could break down oil, and he wanted to patent it. The big question was whether living things, like this bacterium, could be patented under U.S. law.

The Supreme Court said yes, living things could be patented, including genetically changed microorganisms like Chakrabarty’s bacterium. They said his bacterium was like something humans had made, so it could be patented. This decision widened what could be patented beyond just machines and chemicals to include living things made by people. This decision was a big deal for the biotechnology industry. It encouraged more innovation and investment in genetic engineering and biotech research because now companies could protect their discoveries with patents. It made it possible for companies to patent genetically changed organisms (GMOs) and profit from their biotech inventions.

“Diamond v. Chakrabarty” is a famous case because it changed patent law and boosted entrepreneurship in biotechnology. It showed how important it is to have rights over your inventions, which helps businesses grow and develop new technologies.


In conclusion, corporate law is really important for helping new businesses and entrepreneurs get started. It sets up rules and guidelines that make things fair and clear for everyone involved. Corporate law covers everything from how companies are formed and run to how they get money and eventually close down if needed.

It offers different kinds of legal structures, like LLCs and corporations, that protect business owners’ personal stuff while they work on their big ideas. Plus, it makes sure that the people in charge of companies are doing what’s best for the people who invest in them.

Laws about intellectual property help keep new inventions safe, so entrepreneurs feel confident to keep creating without worrying someone will steal their ideas. And rules about selling stocks and investments make sure everyone plays fair in the financial world, making it easier for startups to get the money they need.

Even though following all these laws can be tough, especially for small startups, they’re super important for keeping things fair and safe in the business world. With the right legal support, entrepreneurs can keep dreaming big, growing their businesses, and making exciting new things happen.



[1] Wikipedia, ( last visited on 14th April 2024)

[2] WTO | intellectual property (TRIPS) – what are intellectual property rights?, ( last visited on 17th April 2024)

[3] Laws for startup entrepreneurship, (last visited on 17th April 2024)

[4] .Wikipedia,, ( last visited on 19th April 2024)

[5] Wikipedia, ( last visited on 19th April 2024)

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