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This article is written by Pranita Dhara of 3rd Semester of Lloyd Law College, an intern under Legal Vidhiya


Intellectual property rights are the privileges given to an individual or a person to appreciate money-related benefits and gain selective appreciation for a special making of their mind. The Intellectual property rights innovation freedoms or a right is to lay out a fair framework between the interests of a trend-setter and the overall public. The kinds of licensed innovation comprising of Design, copyright, trademarks, geological signs, licenses, and proprietary innovations.

The issue of overlapping starts when a trendsetter who holds Intellectual property rights attempts to look for insurance under more than one idea. Shapes and examples are safeguarded under the Designs Act 2000. The Trademark Act,1999, and the Copyright Act, 1957. Albeit these Regulations were drafted to satisfy. For various purposes, their functional applications show regular covers, likewise, computer programming has been given assurance under the design act yet in specific cases can obtain security under trademark or copyright.


Intellectual property rights, Designs, Copyrights, Trademarks, Overlapping.


An overlapping issue is one where the holder of the Intellectual Property Right attempts to declare his right under more than one idea. Virtual products are safeguarded under both intellectual property regulations and patent regulations. Essentially, modern plan licenses that could be safeguarded under the Design Act, in unambiguous cases, accumulate security under copyright and trademarks also.

At the point when issues emerge because of covering different kinds of intellectual Property Rights the courts have significantly followed two approaches. Either the courts ought to allow the gatherings to authorize such freedoms and advantage from such cross-over or it ought to restrict the extension by constraining them to request assurance under only one of the regulations.

The advantage of the last choice outcomes in the clear division and better execution of the privileges as the extension and impediment of every right is different.

overlapping generally speaking is inescapable consequently a need emerges to keep an amicable concurrence between these privileges.[1]


As characterized under Section 2(d) of The Designs Act, 2000 a design significantly contains the style of any article or result of production and incorporates elements of:

These are applied to any article which can either be a few layered or in both of these structures. The article ought to be delivered by a modern cycle or different means (mechanical, manual, substance). It tends to be a mix of these cycles or the consequence of a singular one. The completed item ought to be pursued and passed judgment on simply by the eye.

The arrangement bars any method of development by only mechanical gadgets. It likewise bears a brand name characterized under Section 2(1)(v) of the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958, property mark defined u/s 479 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, and any imaginative artistic work defined u/s 2(c) of the Copyright Act, 1957.

Section 5 of the Design Act expresses that the individual professing to be the owner of a modern design can apply for enrollment and it, for the most part, goes on for a long time almost 10 years (can additionally be restored for quite a long time almost 5 years in the wake of paying the reestablishment charges).[2]


It is a heap of privileges vested in the copyright’s creator/proprietor or maker under Section 14 of the Indian Copyrights Act, 1957. Copyright security is conceded to makers of unique works. Work incorporates scholarly works, sensational, music, imaginative, cinematographic movies, and sound accounts. Right to transformation, generation, distribution, interpretation, and correspondence to general society are a few instances of the privileges vested.

The ‘expression of the idea’ is safeguarded as opposed to the actual thought. Computer programs (counting computer data sets communicated in words, codes, plans, or some other structures), tables, and aggregations are put under abstract works. Proprietors of work are simply qualified to practice these freedoms.


As the world globalized, trademarks, brand names, marks, and so on earned massive worth and consequently required some base insurance. The TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) understanding thought of proficient methods to guarantee something very similar and in this way the old Indian Trade and Merchandise Act, 1958 was amended in the year 1999 and the Trademarks Act was established accordingly.

The Demonstration incorporates many arrangements, for example, documenting multi-class applications, administration marks enrollments, expanding the term of enlistment, and so on.

The Indian legal executive has likewise worked proactively in safeguarding brand names by stretching out the security to space names as exhibited in cases like Tats Children and Manu Kosuri & Ors and Yippee Inc. vs Akash Arora. In these cases, the space names were given the situation with corporate resources as opposed to being dealt with like simply one more web address and in this manner are qualified to be safeguarded very much like an enrolled trademark.

A trademark is enrolled for a long time almost 20 years and reestablishment is important in 6 months or less. Section 135 of the Trademarks Act, 1999 arrangements with encroachment and passing off of trademarks.

Overlapping between Design’s Copyrights and Trademark:

Section 15 of the Copyright Act 1957 explains the issue of design and copyright overlapping. The part explains that the copyright won’t remain in force against a plan that is enrolled under the Design Act, and that implies if a design has been enlisted under the designs act, the trendsetter needs to relinquish his freedoms given in the Copyright Act on the off chance that an issue emerges where the plan has not been enrolled under the design act yet the article being referred to is 50 times in a modern cycle, then all things considered likewise the copyright of the pioneer reaches end.

The appropriateness of this part was found on account of Ritika Private restricted v. Biba Clothes Private Ltd,[3] where the offended party had not gained. enrollment for her portrayals under the designs act and the equivalent was duplicated more than 50 times, the court denied any assurance for her representations against the litigant under both the Design and copyright act.

Delhi high court on account of Rajesh Masrani v. Tahliani configuration resolved an issue raised because of covering copyright and design security where the plaintiff presented that the drawings made to foster articles of clothing are his imaginative works safeguarded under section 2(c)(i) of the Copyright Act and the respondent contended that pieces of clothing or drawings can’t be considered as creative works and ought to look for enlistment under Section 15(2) of the Copyright Act, the court allowed insurance to the plaintiff only because the duplicates were not recreated 50 times. The mark of conversation here is that from here onward, indefinitely for quite a while the copyright is treated as an intrinsic right of a craftsman however to look for security under the designs act, one should get it enrolled yet lately it is seen that the courts are applying a contrary goal approach towards such cases.

Additionally, overlapping among trademarks and designs is seen oftentimes in different cases. The overlapping among design and trademarks typically shows up regarding ‘shapes. The issue in such cases emerges during the foundation of assurance against infringement.

On account of Whirlpool India v. Videocon Businesses Pvt Ltd, the court attempted to lay out a test for encroachment, the court expressed that in instances of design encroachment to give security to the plaintiff, the infringement must be decided by the eye alone.

Delhi high court in a huge judgment of the renowned Crocs case held that an enlisted design can’t comprise a trademark.

That’s what presently the inquiry emerges on the off chance that a shape that has been enlisted under the Designs Act, is being utilized as a trademark with the end goal of exchange, would it lose security under the design act, the courts applied the rule of passing off and held that passing off is a right based on common law (Smith Kline v. Hindustan Switch). Despite this Delhi High Court on account of Tobu Undertakings v. Megha Endeavors denied an order on the premise of passing off.

Another significant inquiry emerges here that might a suit of an infringement at any point can be recorded against an enlisted design act under a design by one more enrolled plan under the design act. On account of Mohan Lal, it was held that such a suit can be viable as the declaration of “any individual” under section 22 of the designs act doesn’t bar an enrolled design pioneer.

Trademark and Copyright laws fill two distinct needs in India. Copyright is for safeguarding the freedoms of creation though trademarks are to protect unmistakable signs connected with exchange. All things considered, a cross-over happens between copyright and trademark.

As a rule, the contention emerges in the space of logos, imaginative signs, symbols, short sentences, utilization of imaginary people as business signs, and so on. Any place such overlapping happens individuals attempt to get a combined advantage under both the Copyright and the Trademark Act.

They treat both these regulations as integral and thusly attempt to acquire benefits by taking advantage of both or by applying them to things of an article. For instance, a painter would appreciate copyright insurance over his canvas however if a similar work of art is utilized as a logo for exchange, it would likewise collect the advantage of the trademarks. The image’s trademarks won’t influence the copyright status.

In India, logos qualify as creative works for copyright security.[4]

Overlapping between Design’s Copyrights Law in Indian Perspective:

Intellectual Property Rights being a heap of privileges might include overlap between the freedoms or rights being conceded to its proprietor over a similar topic. This overlapped is apparent in the applied expressions field where both the Intellectual Property Regulation means Copyright, as well as the Designs Law, apply. Nonetheless, the particular Laws in India protecting designs and copyright, i.e., the Designs Act, 2000 (“the Designs Act”) and the Copyright Act, 1957 (“the Copyright Act”) do attempt to set out a differentiation between the works protectable thereunder and the privileges conceded under the two Acts.

Section 2(d) of the Designs Act locks any imaginative work as characterized in clause (c) of Section 2 of the Copyright Act from the ambit of a meaning of a plan which can be enrolled under the Designs Act. Further, Section 15(1) of the Copyright Act gives that no copyright will stay alive in any designs which have been enrolled under the Designs Act. Concerning those designs which have not been enlisted under the Designs Act, sub-section (2) of Section15 of the Copyright Act expresses that the copyright in such designs will fail to exist when the article to which the design has been applied has been repeated more than multiple times as 50 times by a modern cycle by the proprietor of the copyright. Thusly, by the goodness of not having enrolled the plan under the Plans Act and having applied the plan to over 50 pieces of article, the proprietor of such a plan will be dispossessed of any freedoms under both of the two Acts.

The differentiation between the security allowed under the two Acts has been examined in a few decisions conveyed by the Courts in India. The Delhi High Court’s judgment on account of Microfibers Inc vs. Girdhar& Co looked to bring some clearness over the first imaginative works protectable under the Copyright Act and the designs registrable under the Designs Act. The current realities of the case, in a nutshell, are that Plaintiff participated in the production of upholstery materials and brought an activity against Defendant for copyright encroachment of the creative works in the upholstery materials. The Defendants then again, satisfied that the supposed creative work was fit for being enrolled as a plan under the Designs Act and the Plaintiff having not enlisted it so and having repeated it over multiple times, had no freedoms under both of the two Demonstrations. The Division bench while dismissing the Plaintiff’s case of copyright encroachment held” … a well-known painting will keep on partaking in the security accessible to an imaginative work under the Copyright Act. A design made from such a work of art with the end goal of modern application on an article to deliver an article which has highlights of shape, setup or example or decoration, or synthesis of lines or varieties and which requests to the eye would likewise be entitled design security as far as the arrangements of the Designs Act. Accordingly, on the off chance that the plan is enlisted under the Designs Act, the Design would lose its copyright insurance under the Copyright Act however not the first canvas. If it is a design registrable under the Designs Act yet has not so been enrolled, the Design would keep on getting a charge out of copyright security under the Acts since the edge furthest reaches of its application on an article by a modern cycle for more than multiple times is reached. Yet, when that breaking point is crossed, it would lose its copyright insurance under the Copyright Act. This understanding, in our view, would orchestrate the Copyright and the Designs Act as per the administrative aim.” The Court additionally proceeded to explain that the expectation behind both Acts was to give longer security to works that are imaginative when contrasted with the works which are intended for commercialization.

This decision of the Delhi High Court likewise framed the premise of the judgment delivered in Ritika Private Restricted v Biba Apparels Private Limited, wherein the Single Appointed authority of the Delhi High Court excused the Offended party’s case of copyright encroachment by temperance of the use of Section 15(2) of the Copyright Act. The Court in the moment case saw that the Respondent was creating dresses vide a modern cycle for utilization of drawing or the sketch and didn’t accept the Offended party’s protected work all things considered and attached it onto the dresses. Consequently, the instance of copyright encroachment was not made out.

In a judgment delivered by the Bombay High Court, which included the inquiry concerning the security of the challenged work under the Copyright Act and the Designs Act, the Court held that an ‘article’ is not the same as the ‘first imaginative work’. The Court repeated that the first imaginative work will keep on getting a charge out of security under the Copyright Act regardless of the structure wherein it is replicated. In any case, the second it is applied by a modern cycle on any article, other than the creative work in itself in a few layered structures, it will fall inside the meaning of a design and on the off chance that enrolled under the Designs Act, will be qualified for security for a lesser timeframe. That being said, by prudence of Section 15(2) of the Copyright Act, on the off chance that the plan has not been enrolled under the Designs Act, the copyright in such a design will fail to exist once the 51st article with the plan has been imitated. “In any case, as a unique creative work, it would keep on partaking in the full copyright under the Copyright Act, what it would fail to appreciate is the copyright security in its modern application for the creation of an article.”

In the Delhi High Court’s judgment of 2017, it was seen that the conjoint perusing of the significant arrangements of the Designs Act and the Copyright Act clarifies that the design of an article for the motivations behind modern creation thereof is a design registrable under the Designs Act. Be that as it may, if such a design has not been so enlisted the proprietor thereof will lose the copyright in the design once he/she creates more than 50 such articles. The Court held that the Plaintiff in the moment case had arranged the designing drawings with the end goal of the development of the ATL gadgets. In this manner, the drawings of the ATL gadgets were designs registrable under the Designs Act. In any case, Plaintiff, having not enrolled its design and not denying the way that it had previously produced more than 50 ATL gadgets by a modern cycle, had likewise lost the copyright in the design by ideals of Section 15(2) of the Copyright Act.[5]


With advancement, every day, the covers and consequently problems increment with regards to concluding the cases connected with Intellectual Property Rights. It is the need of great importance that the council accompanies better regulations that oversee the issues connected with overlapping rigorously and unambiguously.

What exists right presently are simply approaches and perspectives embraced by the courts of the country to manage the covering. It isn’t the occupation of the legal executive to explore their direction through vague regulations. It is basic that the assembly takes awareness of the issues and fixes them.

Such covers frequently emerge because of duplications of assurance given under the IP freedoms. In the event of such covers, the court can either allow the gatherings to appreciate security under two-act or more demonstrations or can either limit the gatherings to get assurance just under one demonstration, in the instances of encroachment the court applies either the translation of the sculptures or without regulation the court frequently utilizes its own still, small voice to the judgment.

[1] The overlap between copyright, design and trademark | Challenges and Solutions | Litem( Last visit 4th August 2023)

[2] The overlap between copyright, design and trademark – iPleaders ( Last Visit 4th August, 2023)

[3] SCC Online® | The Surest Way To Legal Research( Last visit 5th August 2023)

[4] The overlap between Copyright, Design, and Trademark (legalities. in)( Last Visit 5th August 2023)

[5] Overlap between Design and Copyright Law: An Indian Perspective – Lexology( Last visit 6th August 2023)

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