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JOB POST: Research Assistant and Field Investigator at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow [2-4 Months; Salary Upto Rs. 30k]: Apply by Oct 21

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Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow invites job applications for Research Assistant and Field Investigator for the year 2023. The last date of application is October 21.

About the Position

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow requires committed and motivated Research Staff for a Short-Term Empirical Research Project (2023-24) sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi.

This is a short-term six-month Project which commenced from September, 2023 and it will be completed by March 2024. The job posting shall be at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow.




Job Description

The Research Assistant and Field Investigator shall be working under the direct supervision of Project Director who shall be their reporting officer. The Research Assistant shall assist Project Director in all research work including Preparation of Final Project Report (Hardcopy & Softcopy), Executive Summary of Final Report, data collection, analysis of data etc. during the tenure of research work.

The Field Investigator has to visit to various places in the state of Uttar Pradesh to collect data as per the research design prepared by the Project Director. He shall be solely responsible for data collection during this Research Project.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may send their updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the email id- latest by 21st October, 2023. Only shortlisted candidates shall be called for interview before the Selection Committee, on a date and time which shall be intimated to them over telephone/email/ university website. In case, a candidate is selected, he/ she may be required to join immediately with effect from 01st November, 2023.

The University reserves the right to not to fill the advertised positions. The University’s decision in the selection of the candidate shall be final. Canvassing of any kind shall result in disqualification.

Terms and Conditions of Service

The nature of the job is purely temporary and contractual. The position is co-terminus with the project duration. The Research Assistant and Field Investigator shall be paid a consolidated monthly remuneration as mentioned above. Traffic Allowance (TA) and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DA) for outstation duties shall be at fixed rates as per the University rules.



For inquiries, please get in touch with Dr. Manoj Kumar: 9891601151.

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