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This Article is written by Anju of Department of Laws, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalya Khanpur Kalan Sonepat, an intern under Legal Vidhiya .


Individuals are granted rights over their creative works known as intellectual property rights. For a predetermined amount of time, they often grant the inventor the sole right to utilize their creation. A computer code or program that is legally protected against theft, duplication, and other uses not authorized by the owner is referred to as software intellectual property, or software IP. The business that either created the software or acquired the rights to it is the owner of the software intellectual property. It is against the law for anyone else to use it without permission. A computer code or program that is legally protected against theft, copying, and usage without permission is known as software intellectual property, or software IP. Creatives’ legal rights over their software products are referred to as software intellectual property. Applications The purpose of intellectual property is to provide software creators control over the uses, distribution, sharing, and modification of their creations. Almost everything that is included in software is protected by intellectual property, including user manuals, built binaries, source code, user interface, underlying algorithms, and specific usage practices.


Intellectual Property rights, Human Rights, Paris Convention, WIPO, Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Trade secret.


Intellectual property rights refer to the rights to property that are granted by trademarks, copyrights, and patents. For a set amount of time, owners of intellectual property rights have the exclusive right to use certain objects or property. In the 19th century, the phrase “intellectual property” first appeared in use. It wasn’t included into international legal systems until the 20th century.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) provide authors with exclusive rights to their mental works, allowing them control for a limited time. These include patents for inventions, copyrights for literary and artistic works, trademarks for brand identification, and trade secrets. Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right to protect moral and pecuniary interests derived from creativity. The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883) and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886) were ground-breaking agreements that recognized IPR. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) administers these rights, which promote innovation, creativity, and economic progress. Intellectual property (IP) refers to mental creations such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and pictures that are exploited commercially. Intellectual property is protected by legal rights such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, which give creators or owners exclusive control. This framework promotes innovation and creativity by offering incentives and protection, ensuring that individuals and organizations can profit from their unique ideas, creations, and innovations for a certain period. The term “software IP” refers to the legal rights that software producers hold over their creations. Software Intellectual property exists so that the authors can control how their software is used, shared, changed, and distributed. Intellectual property encompasses almost everything in software, including source code, generated binaries, user interfaces, underlying algorithms, user manuals, and processes and routines for using specific software.


The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS Agreement) is something that India has committed to as a member of the World Trade Organization.

India is a participant in the World Intellectual Property Organization, an organization tasked with advancing global intellectual property rights protection.

India is also a party to the following significant international treaties and conventions pertaining to intellectual property rights that are overseen by WIPO. These are :


Although each country’s intellectual property laws are unique, there is some broad agreement in the types of legal protection that can be granted.


Protection of Software is also known as Software IP , is a piece of computer code or software that has legal protection against theft, duplication, and other uses not authorized by the owner. The business that either created the software or acquired the rights to it is the owner of the software intellectual property. It is against the law for anyone else to use it without permission.Software can involve many forms of intellectual property, be the result of years of effort and financial commitment, and have a substantial value. It is crucial to take action to safeguard it as a result. The following are the primary intellectual property rights that apply to software and provide specific protection for different software components:



Software is considered a literary work under copyright law. It turns out that this is not as strange as it seems; in fact, it makes perfect sense in the copyright universe. Anything that is written, spoken, or sung qualifies as a literary work, unless it’s a musical or dramatic piece. According to the law, “writing” is defined very broadly to encompass any type of notation or code. It is possible to see computer programs differently, yet at their core, they are all composed of written code.

For copyright reasons, a program may also be a database or compilation, particularly if it is assembled in a modular form. The most intriguing thing is that database rights may also apply, though this is far from definite and most likely does not greatly increase the owner’s rights. If this is the case, there aren’t many changes with regard to copyright because databases and compilations are also literary works.

Not what a program accomplishes when it runs on a device—copyright latches on to the code that a program is written in (and protection extends equally to object code and source code or any other written representation of the program). Copyright holders are the only ones who are allowed to do specific activities with their work, such as making copies for public distribution and duplicating it. You have the right to sue someone for damages and an injunction to prevent them from performing any of these acts with your copyright program or a significant portion of it without your consent.


Is software patentable? Both yes and no. Patents for pure software Inventions, no matter how inventive, would violate the fundamental rule that a patentable invention must have a technological effect. To emphasize the point, although software cannot be issued a patent on its own, those two words allow programs to have some indirect protection. Software may be used in an invention to accomplish a technological advance.


Software companies are no different from other businesses in the importance of trademarks, which serve to identify them and set their products apart in the marketplace. They don’t protect the code per se, but what they do safeguard is the brand, which is a valuable asset that should be treated with the same care as any intellectual property. If your business is international, you will find that most countries only protect trademarks through registration, so you will need to make sure yours are fully protected at least in key markets. Trademarks can be protected by the owner suing for passing off, but it is always better to register them.


For many years, computer icons, screensaver visuals, and graphical user interfaces have been among the goods for which designs can be registered. In order for someone with experience in the industry to remark, “I’ve never seen that before, and it’s different from anything in that field that I have seen,” your design would need to be original and, most all, have unique character. The ease and affordability of registration stems in part from the fact that applications are not reviewed beyond the most fundamental procedures. This implies that your registered designs may be cancelled in the event of a dispute, but considering the cost, it’s a risk you’re willing to take.


Such other organizations, software companies have a lot of trade secrets, whether they are related to their products or to day-to-day operations (such client lists). Contracts of employment, freelance agreements, and licenses for software and other intellectual property all frequently safeguard confidential information of all kinds. A non-disclosure agreement will be useful when someone is interested in purchasing your company and wants to know about any internal business or technical concern.


In addition to copyright, you may also be protected by database rights if a program is likely to be regarded as a database—a collection of discrete works, data, or other items organized in a systematic or methodical manner and individually accessible by electronic or other means. In any event, it is strongly tied to software protection because the data that your program operates on most certainly fits that description.


Software intellectual property is automatically protected by copyrights and trade secrets. However, trademarks and patents need to be applied for and are not always granted. A trademark is registered at the national level, as is a software patent. Even while you are capable of doing it yourself, I would advise most people without legal experience to hire attorneys to complete the applications to the appropriate patent and trademark offices in each nation where you are looking for intellectual property protection.


A few common ways that software intellectual property rights are violated are as follows:


Fundamentally, software is an IP product. The primary source of protection is copyright law, but other intellectual property rights are  equally significant, and software protection requires the same comprehensive approach as other industries. The software industry is built on intellectual property and agreements, so you’ll want to make sure you have the best advice on your company’s IP position and its standard documents. This includes making sure contractors’ copyright is made available to you on acceptable terms, controlling what employees and ex-employees can and cannot do, and allowing customers to use your software on terms of your choosing.



[2] Ibid

[3] ibid

[4] ibid

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