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Difference between Public and Private International Law

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                 Difference between Public and Private International Law 


The rules governing the relations and conduct of sovereign states with one another are the subject of international law, which is also known as the “law of nations.” International law is divided into private and public international law. This research article talks about private and public international law in terms of the difference, nature ,scope and theories as well. . It helps the readers get a clear idea of what comes under what law and what theses laws in particular deal with and who all are accountable to which law. An in detailed analysis of both the laws are discussed to get a proper understanding and knowledge. 

Keywords: Law, Private, Public, International , Jurisdiction 


It is important to know in the start as to what is private and public international law in general sense . Private International Law is that piece of the law of any State which comes into activity when a court is called upon to decide a suit containing an unfamiliar component. The private person, also known as an individual, is the primary focus of private international law. Consequently, the Law of Conflict is another name for international private law. When a private person and the Sovereign State are at odds, these private international laws are used. Private International Law administers the decision of regulation to apply when there are clashes in the homegrown law of various nations connected with private exchanges: which jurisdiction governs the selection of a court, the transfer of proceedings, and the recognition or enforcement of a foreign judgment. Private International Law is primarily derived from national laws. The fields of private international law include international contracts, torts, family law, the recognition of judgments, and child adoption.

Public International Law on the other hand deals with the primary subject , the State which is the Country. As a result, the Law of Nations is also used to refer to international public law. The body of legal guidelines used by the Sovereign States and other international authorities is what constitutes public international law.

Jus gentium, or the Law of Nations, was a set of rules for how sovereign states dealt with one another. Public global regulation is fundamentally worried about the relations between sovereign States but on the other hand, is exposed to people and associations in the States. The subjects of public international law operate within a common framework that is established by public international law norms, which also contribute to the general stability, organization, and consistency of international relations. Additionally, relations between States and non-State actors are governed by public international law; individuals, international organizations, and multinational corporations, for instance, Public  International law gives each person rights, and it’s important to remember that international law doesn’t stay the same. It is developing. Diplomatic relations (diplomatic law) are just a few of the many areas in which international law can be applied. investment and trade; people’s treatment (the law on human rights).


Understanding these distinctions is significant in light of the fact that it assists people and organizations with exploring the intricacies of managing worldwide exchanges and connecting with unfamiliar general sets of laws. Additionally, it provides guidance for the creation of international legal frameworks and institutions aimed at fostering international cooperation and justice. The research article deals with the following objectives mentioned below:

  1. To get a proper understanding of the difference between the laws.
  2. To compare and analyze the principles, concepts, and doctrines that set public international law apart from private international law.
  3. To investigate the sources, strategies, and people who were involved in the creation, interpretation, and application of private and public international law.
  4. To assess the viability, proficiency, and authenticity of private and public worldwide regulation in tending to worldwide difficulties, like transnational wrongdoing, ecological corruption, and financial disparity.
  5. To propose potential reforms or solutions to the gaps, ambiguities, and conflicts in private and public international law.
  6. To offer policymakers, practitioners, and academics suggestions for improving the consistency, coherence, and coordination of private and public international law.

Analytical comparison between Private and Public International Law

Nature of Law

Scope of the Law

The resolution of legal conflicts and the provision of certainty and predictability to parties involved in cross-border transactions is the scope of private international law. It aims to prevent conflicts between the various legal systems that apply to a given dispute by providing a framework for harmonizing them. It covers a variety of legal topics, including:

Public international law covers a wide range of international relations and global governance topics. Public international law covers a wide range of important topics, including:

Sources of the law

National Laws are the essential wellsprings of Private International Regulation, but at the same time are epitomized in settlements and shows, model regulations, lawful aides, and different instruments that control exchanges.

The ways in which legal rules and principles are established and recognized in cases involving cross-border transactions or foreign elements are the sources of private international law, which is also known as the conflict of laws. The following are the primary sources of private international law:

The wellsprings of public worldwide regulation are the manners by which legitimate standards and standards are laid out and perceived at the global level. The following are the primary sources of public international law:


Private International law is an ever-evolving and complicated field that is shaped by a variety of theoretical perspectives. Private international law’s main theories are as follows:

The following are some relevant theoretical perspectives for the study of public international law:


Downsides of private international law:

Negative aspects of international public law:

Case Laws Involved 

Private International Law

A classic illustration of a private international law case is the landmark Hilton v. Guyot case from 1895. Two French citizens were at odds in the case over a contract that was governed by French law. In the case, the US Supreme Court decided that the French judgment should be enforced in accordance with US law and that it was entitled to full faith and credit in the United States.

The issue of forum selection clauses in international contracts was addressed by the US Supreme Court in the 1972 case Bremen v. Zapata Off-Shore Co. The Court decided that, as long as they are not the result of fraud or unequal bargaining power, such clauses are generally enforceable.

Public International Law

The instance of Nicaragua v. US (1986) involved a disagreement regarding US support for the Contras in Nicaragua. By supporting the Contras and mining Nicaragua’s harbors, the United States of America had broken international law, according to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The instance of Prosecutor v. Tadic (1995) was the principal case heard by the Worldwide Criminal Court for the previous Yugoslavia (ICTY). During the Bosnian War, there were allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. International crimes like genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity can now be prosecuted under the legal framework that was helped to be established by the case.

Suggestions to improve 

Increasing consistency: There is a need to increment consistency in confidential global regulation to make it more unsurprising and steadier. This could be accomplished through increased cooperation between national legal systems and the creation of internationally recognized legal instruments like model laws or treaties.

Simplification: Access to justice can be hindered by the technical and intricate nature of private international law. The law could be simplified to make it easier for non-specialists to understand and reduce the cost and time required to settle cross-border disputes.

Concentration on mediation: As a means of resolving disputes in private international law, mediation should be promoted because it has the potential to be both cost-effective and effective.

Strengthening legal institutions: The strength of international legal institutions is crucial to the efficiency of public international law. As a result, efforts ought to be made to improve these institutions’ capacity to enforce international legal norms, such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Getting rid of power imbalances: Endeavors ought to be made to address the power uneven characters that exist in the worldwide framework and guarantee that all states have an equivalent say in the improvement of global lawful standards.


In conclusion, cross-border activities are regulated and international cooperation is encouraged in significant ways by private international law and public international law, two distinct areas of law. Public international law deals with the relationships between states and international organizations, including the enforcement of human rights and the prevention of armed conflicts. Private international law focuses on resolving conflicts between private parties involving foreign elements, such as contracts or torts. There are difficulties in both private and public international law, including a lack of uniformity, complicated procedures, and limited enforcement mechanisms. However, efforts are being made to overcome these difficulties by strengthening international legal institutions and enhancing cooperation between legal systems. The turn of events and advancement of elective debate goal systems, like intervention, can likewise add to more proficient and practical goal of questions. In general, the global legal system relies on private and public international law, which collaborates to advance peace, stability, and justice. 


  1. What is public international law? – Public International law (
  2. Difference Between Public International Law and Private International Law / Law of Conflicts – SRD Law Notes
  3. Briggs, A. (2018). Private international law in English courts. Oxford University Press.
  4. Fisher, S. (2015). Private international law and public international law. In Private International Law in Commonwealth Africa (pp. 22-38). Springer.
  5. Klabbers, J. (2013). An Introduction to International Institutional Law. Cambridge University Press. 

Written by Merwin Emmanuel Richard

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