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This article is written by Abeer Rakesh Wasnik of Maharashtra National Law University Nagpur


The Care and Protection Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) plays a crucial role in safeguarding the rights and welfare of children in conflict with the law. This research paper examines the composition of the JJB, focusing on the individuals involved and their qualifications, as well as the impact of this composition on the effective functioning of the board. Through an extensive review of literature, statutes, and relevant case laws, this study sheds light on the diverse stakeholders that make up the JJB, including judicial and non-judicial members. It explores their roles, responsibilities, and qualifications, and critically evaluates the rationale behind such composition. Furthermore, the paper delves into the influence of the JJB’s composition on the decision-making process and the overall outcomes for juvenile offenders.

The qualifications and expertise of the board members are crucial in ensuring a fair and child-centric approach to justice. The paper also explores the importance of including child psychologists, social workers, and representatives from child rights organizations in the composition of the JJB, as their specialized knowledge and experience can contribute to informed decision-making.[1]

Keywords: Care and Protection Juvenile Justice Board (JJB), Rights and welfare of children, Composition of JJB, Qualifications of JJB members, Statutes, Case laws, Stakeholders, Judicial members, Non-judicial members, Rationale behind composition, Decision-making process, Outcomes for juvenile offenders, Fair and child-centric approach, Child psychologists, Child rights organizations, Specialized knowledge, Informed decision-making.


The Care and Protection Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) is a crucial component of the juvenile justice system, entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the care, protection, and rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law. The composition of the JJB, consisting of both judicial and non-judicial members, plays a fundamental role in shaping the board’s decision-making process and ultimately influencing the outcomes for juvenile offenders. The selection, qualifications, and diversity of the board members are key factors in determining the effectiveness and fairness of the juvenile justice system.

The primary objective of the JJB is to provide a specialized approach to justice that recognizes the unique needs and circumstances of juvenile offenders. The composition of the board typically includes a magistrate or judicial officer who serves as the presiding member, supported by at least two other members. These additional members often include social workers, child psychologists, representatives from child rights organizations, and other experts in child welfare. The intention behind such composition is to incorporate a multidisciplinary perspective that can address the complex social, psychological, and developmental issues faced by children in conflict with the law.

The composition of the JJB varies across different jurisdictions, resulting in a diverse landscape of board configurations. While this diversity can bring valuable perspectives and experiences to the decision-making process, it can also pose challenges in terms of consistency, expertise, and fairness. Some boards may lack representation from specific disciplines, potentially limiting the board’s ability to fully comprehend the unique circumstances of individual cases. Moreover, the qualifications and expertise of the board members are critical in ensuring a comprehensive understanding of child psychology, trauma, and the principles of restorative justice.

The composition of the JJB has a direct impact on the credibility and legitimacy of its decisions. The inclusion of professionals from relevant fields contributes to a more informed and nuanced approach, instilling confidence in the fairness of the board’s determinations. It also ensures that the best interests of the child are at the forefront of decision-making processes, aligning with international standards and guidelines, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


1. To examine the current composition of the Care and Protection Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) in different jurisdictions, including the roles and qualifications of the board members.

2. To analyse the rationale behind the composition of the JJB, focusing on the inclusion of judicial and non-judicial members, and the representation of diverse disciplines and expertise.

3. To evaluate the impact of the composition of the JJB on the decision-making process and the outcomes for juvenile offenders, including considerations of fairness, consistency, and the best interests of the child.


The composition of the Care and Protection Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) plays a critical role in the functioning of the juvenile justice system. The composition refers to the selection, roles, qualifications, and diversity of the board members who are responsible for making decisions regarding the care, protection, and rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law. This detailed analysis will explore various dimensions of the JJB’s composition, including the roles and qualifications of board members, the rationale behind their inclusion, the impact on decision-making, the importance of diversity and representation, and the challenges and potential areas for improvement.

1. Roles and Qualifications of Board Members

The JJB typically consists of a presiding member who is a magistrate or judicial officer, along with at least two other members. The presiding member holds significant responsibility for ensuring the legal integrity and procedural fairness of the board’s decisions. Their qualifications generally include legal expertise, knowledge of relevant laws and statutes, and experience in adjudicating cases. This judicial presence brings a level of legal acumen and impartiality to the board’s proceedings.[2]

The inclusion of non-judicial members is equally crucial. These members often come from diverse professional backgrounds, such as social work, child psychology, and child rights advocacy. Social workers play a vital role in assessing the social context and family dynamics of juvenile offenders. Their expertise enables them to evaluate the child’s living conditions, support systems, and potential risk factors, thereby providing valuable insights into the child’s best interests. Child psychologists contribute their specialized knowledge of child development, mental health, and trauma, helping to inform appropriate interventions and rehabilitation strategies. Representatives from child rights organizations ensure that the rights and welfare of the child remain at the forefront of the decision-making process.

2. Rationale behind the Composition The rationale behind the composition of the JJB lies in recognizing that juvenile offenders require holistic support that extends beyond the strictly legal aspects of their cases. The inclusion of non-judicial members acknowledges the multidimensional nature of juvenile justice, encompassing social, psychological, and developmental considerations. By incorporating professionals from diverse fields, the JJB aims to provide comprehensive assessments and tailor-made dispositions that address the underlying causes of the juvenile’s behaviour, promote rehabilitation, and prevent recidivism.

The multidisciplinary composition of the JJB ensures a more nuanced understanding of the unique challenges faced by juvenile offenders. It recognizes that the needs of these children are complex and extend beyond punishment alone. By considering the social, psychological, and developmental factors, the board can adopt a child-centric approach that seeks to address the underlying issues and facilitate the rehabilitation and reintegration of the juvenile into society.[3]

3. Impact on Decision-Making

The composition of the JJB has a direct impact on the decision-making process and the outcomes for juvenile offenders. A diverse composition, encompassing various disciplines and perspectives, helps ensure a fair and comprehensive assessment of each case. The multidisciplinary approach enables the board to consider the individual needs, circumstances, and potential for rehabilitation of the juvenile offenders. By drawing on the expertise of different professionals, the JJB can develop appropriate dispositions that prioritize the well-being and future prospects of the children involved.

The inclusion of non-judicial members brings a humanistic and rehabilitative perspective to the decision-making process. It helps to ensure that the board looks beyond the immediate offense and considers the underlying factors that may have contributed to the child’s involvement in conflict with the law. By considering the child’s social and psychological context, the JJB can craft dispositions that address the root causes of the behaviour and provide appropriate rehabilitative measures. This approach aligns with international standards and guidelines, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which emphasize the best interests of the child and the importance of rehabilitation over punitive measures.[4]

4. Importance of Diversity and Representation

Another crucial aspect of the JJB’s composition is diversity and representation. It is essential that the board reflects the diversity of the community it serves, including representation from different genders, ethnicities, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds. A diverse composition ensures that the decisions made by the board are not biased or skewed towards any particular group. It helps prevent the marginalization or discrimination of certain sections of the society and promotes equal access to justice.

Diversity in the composition of the JJB brings a range of perspectives and experiences to the decision-making process. It allows for a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by children from different backgrounds. For instance, a board member who has firsthand experience working with marginalized or disadvantaged communities can contribute valuable insights into the unique needs and barriers faced by such children. This diversity fosters empathy, sensitivity, and cultural competence among the board members, leading to more informed and equitable decision-making.[5]

5. Challenges and Potential Areas for Improvement

While the composition of the JJB holds immense potential, there are challenges and areas for improvement that need to be addressed. One significant challenge is the variations in the composition of the JJB across different jurisdictions. Some boards may lack representation from specific disciplines, potentially limiting the board’s ability to fully comprehend the unique circumstances of individual cases. This can lead to less informed decision-making, overlooking critical aspects of the child’s needs and potential interventions.[6]

To overcome these challenges, it is imperative to establish clear guidelines and criteria for board membership that prioritize a multidisciplinary approach and ensure representation from relevant disciplines. This may involve setting minimum qualifications and experience requirements for board members, as well as developing comprehensive training programs to enhance their understanding of child development, trauma-informed care, restorative justice principles, and relevant legal frameworks. Regular capacity-building programs should be implemented to keep members updated on emerging research, best practices, and evolving legal frameworks.

Efforts should also be made to increase diversity and representation within the JJB. This could involve proactive outreach and recruitment strategies to encourage individuals from underrepresented communities to apply for board membership. Training programs should also focus on promoting cultural competence, anti-bias training, and sensitivity to the specific needs of marginalized and disadvantaged groups. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the JJB’s composition and its impact on decision-making are essential. Regular assessments can help identify areas of improvement, ensure compliance with established guidelines, and address any biases or imbalances in the board’s functioning.


the composition of the Care and Protection Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) is a critical aspect of the juvenile justice system that significantly impacts the outcomes for children in conflict with the law. This research paper has provided a detailed analysis of the various dimensions of the JJB’s composition, including the roles and qualifications of board members, the rationale behind their inclusion, the impact on decision-making, the importance of diversity and representation, and the challenges and potential areas for improvement. The rationale behind the composition lies in the understanding that juvenile offenders require holistic support that extends beyond the legal aspects of their cases. By incorporating professionals from diverse backgrounds, the JJB aims to promote rehabilitation, prevent recidivism, and safeguard the best interests of the child. The inclusion of non-judicial members brings a humanistic and rehabilitative perspective to decision-making, considering the social, psychological, and developmental factors that contribute to juvenile offenses.

Diversity and representation within the JJB are crucial for equitable and inclusive decision-making. A diverse composition ensures that the board reflects the community it serves, prevents bias, and promotes equal access to justice. It brings a range of perspectives and experiences that enhance empathy, cultural competence, and sensitivity to the unique needs of children from different backgrounds. While the JJB’s composition holds immense potential, there are challenges to address. Variations in the composition across jurisdictions and potential biases need to be mitigated. Clear guidelines and criteria for board membership, ongoing training programs, and efforts to increase diversity and representation are necessary steps forward. By continuously evaluating and improving the composition of the JJB, the juvenile justice system can better serve the needs of children in conflict with the law. A well-composed board, with members possessing the necessary qualifications and expertise, promotes fair, informed, and child-centric decision-making. Ultimately, the composition of the JJB contributes to the protection, rehabilitation, and successful reintegration of juvenile offenders, ensuring a more just and compassionate society for all.

[1] Powers and Functions of the Juvenile Justice Board, ipleaders,, visited on June 6th 2023

[2] Guidelines to facilitate Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs), nextias,, Visited on June 6th 2023

[3]Critical Analysis: Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015, lexforti,, Visited on 7th June 2023


[5] Anku Anand, Juvenile Justice System: A Comparative Study, Social Science Research Network

February 23, 2021,, Visited on 8th June 2023


[6] The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2021, prsindia,, Visited on 9th June 2023

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