On a trial basis, the Gujarat High Court began considering hybrid cases on Tuesday.
By combining virtual and in-person hearings, the court’s hybrid operating style enables litigants and solicitors to take part in court proceedings either through online video conferencing or by physically entering the courtroom.
For the time being, cases scheduled on Thursdays before the Division Benches presided over by Acting Chief Justice AJ Desai and Justice Vipul M. Pancholi may be heard in hybrid form.
Advocates who are registered with the High Court and represent parties interested in the mentioned cases can inform the registry of their desire to attend via video conference once the cause list for Thursday’s benches is made public. Additionally, they must indicate any other solicitors or senior solicitors who appeared beside them throughout the virtual proceedings. [1]
These can be done by choosing the option for an online hybrid hearing on the Gujarat High Court website’s case status page no later than 10 am on the Thursday that the issue is scheduled.
In accordance with a High Court circular, hybrid hearings will be subject to the Gujarat High Court (Live Streaming of Court Proceedings) Rules, 2021. The circular also notes that the opportunity would progressively be extended to additional High Court benches after the pilot programme for hybrid hearings is judged to be successful. [2]
The Manipur High Court has begun hearing cases in the hybrid format as well.
The Manipur District Courts are now adopting a hybrid operation, which is being carried out by the Computer Committee of the Manipur High Court.
Written by- Himanshu Mishra, a student at St. Mother Teresa Law Degree College, Lucknow, 2nd Semester, an intern under Legal Vidhiya.
[1] BAR AND BENCH, https://www.barandbench.com/news/gujarat-high-court-introduces-hybrid-hearing (last visited on June 13, 2023);