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DATE OF JUDGEMENT10th April 2024
COURTSupreme Court of India


In the case of State of Chhattisgarh v. Ravishankar Tandon, the appellants were found guilty of Dharmendra Satnami’s murder. On January 2, 2023, the High Court of Chhattisgarh upheld the judgement and sentence. Following a report of Dharmendra missing from his father Ramavtar (PW-1), an investigation was launched. During the course of the investigation, the appellants reportedly confessed to the murder, claiming to have strangled Dharmendra and dumped his body in a pond. The police filed a FIR and started legal processes in response to this confession and the body’s finding. The prosecution was unable to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, according to the defence, and there was insufficient circumstantial evidence. The prosecution said that, in light of the facts, the trial court and the High Court appropriately determined the appellants’ guilt. Now, the claims must be assessed by the Supreme Court in light of the stringent guidelines for circumstantial evidence established in Sharad Birdhichand Sarda v. State of Maharashtra. These guidelines stipulate that the evidence must be definitive and rule out any alternative plausible explanation for the defendant’s innocence. In order to confirm that the information led to the discovery of facts known to the accused, the admissibility of the appellants’ statements under Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, will also be carefully examined. The application of circumstantial evidence in criminal cases will be impacted by this ruling in the future.


  1. During questioning, it was discovered that the accused had planned to kill the deceased in exchange for Rs. 90,000. 
  1. According to the appellant’s statements, the police retrieved the deceased person from the Bhatgaon pond. 
  1. Throughout the trial, a number of witnesses gave testimony, and the prosecution produced 37 documents to support the accused’s guilt. The accused chose a trial and entered a not guilty plea. 
  1. Following the death, a missing person’s file was filed, and the post-mortem examination verified that the victim had asphyxiated from strangulation. 
  1. The current appeals contest the ruling and directive issued by the Division Bench of the Chhattisgarh High Court in Bilaspur on January 2, 2023. 
  1. The appellants were found guilty after the trial court determined that the prosecution had established the case against them beyond a reasonable doubt. 
  1. While Accused No. 4 was found guilty under Sections 302 and 120B of the IPC, Accused Nos. 1, 2, and 3 were found guilty for crimes under Sections 302, 120B, and 201 of the IPC. Each of the defendants received a life sentence in jail and penalties. 
  1. The conviction and sentence imposed by the trial court in Sessions Trial No. 10 of 2012 were upheld by the Division Bench of the High Court, which also dismissed the appellants’ criminal appeals. 


  1. Were the statements made under Section 27 of the Evidence Act allowed as evidence, especially in proving their connection to finding the dead body?
  1. Can we trust the testimonies of witnesses like Ramkumar (PW-5) and Ajab Singh (PW-18), given the differences in their accounts about when and how they learned of the murder and the discovery of the body?
  1. Is there a disagreement about whether certain evidence, like statements under Section 27 of the Evidence Act, is legally valid? This raises concerns about how accurate the prosecution’s evidence is and if the case was handled correctly.




In the case of Ravishankar Tandon vs. State of Chhattisgarh, the appellants challenged their conviction and sentence for the murder of Dharmendra Satnami. The prosecution’s case relied on circumstantial evidence, including the memorandum statements of the accused and the subsequent recovery of the victim’s body from a pond. The court emphasized the importance of circumstantial evidence, stating that for a conviction to be upheld, the circumstances must be fully established and must lead to no other conclusion than the guilt of the accused.

Furthermore, the court discussed the application of Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, which allows for the admission of incriminating statements made by the accused if they lead to the discovery of a fact within their knowledge. It highlighted that only the information directly related to the discovered fact can be admissible as evidence.

Upon analyzing the evidence presented, the court found that the prosecution had convincingly demonstrated that the recovery of the victim’s body was a direct result of the information provided by the accused while in police custody. Therefore, the court concluded that the appellants’ guilt had been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

As a result, the court upheld the conviction and sentence imposed by the trial court, dismissing the appeals filed by the appellants. This case serves as a significant example of the legal principles surrounding circumstantial evidence and the admissibility of statements made by the accused during police custody.



The conclusion of the case was that the court upheld the conviction and punishment of the accused individuals for the murder of Dharmendra Satnami. The court found that the prosecution had successfully proven the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt based on circumstantial evidence and the statements made by the accused themselves. As a result, the appeals filed by the accused challenging their conviction were rejected, and the decision of the trial court was upheld.


  1. SCC Online

This article is written by Vedika Tiwari, student of Allahabad University, Prayagraj, intern at Legal Vidhiya.

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