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Questioning state is not anti social

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“The prolem was not really about free speech ,but freedom after speech” in today`s context  this seems true after the statement of India`s law minister Kiren Rijiju ,who labelled retire judges who question “state polices” as “anti india” elements .

Freedom of speech

Accordig to Article 19(1)(a) All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression this implies that all citizens have the right to express their views and opinions freely.

The first identity of any person is its nationality,and for the welfare of the state and people living in it anyone can raise question to state`s government.This is not a act being anti social,this is duty of every awaken citizen.In response either state need to justify their schemes,measures it has adopted or to take the advice.

India`s retired judges are not deprived from their  fundamental rights.Erroneous assumption should be avoided and quoting “will have to pay the price” from union Law minister is intimidatory in its tone. Statement like this from such designated person create a wrong image of democracy.The concerned fact is that if this is the response to retired judges,then ordiary citizens should sudder.The great menance to freedom is an inert people;public discussion is a political duty.

Misinterpreted ideas can harm judiciary

The Legislature,judiciary,executive ; it make laws,ensure their execution, and interpret them while upholding  the spirit of constitution.Democracy is stable and unified when each of its organs work in harmony with others.

Questions asked by someone needs to examined and answered,their intenions should be interpreted,misinterpretation  can harm the relation between organs of democracy.With the fear of “pay the price’’  it will thin the marketplace of ideas.


The Minister`s erroneous assumption are defamatory for Right to freedom of speech provided in Costitution.It should be thinked twice before giving ay statemet like this.

It will also be reasonable to hope and expect that the two high constitutional dignitaries need to discuss this issue and ensure that any further damage to India`s constitutional ethos is mitigated. 

Mahi Pandey (Bba Llb) , Graphic Era Hill University

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