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Moorthy Vs. State of Tamil Nadu

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CITATIONCriminal Appeal No.975 of 2011
DATE OF JUDGMENT18 August, 2023
COURTThe Supreme Court of India
CASE TYPEIndian Penal Code,1860(IPC)
RESPONDENTState of Tamil Nadu
BENCHHon’ble JudgeAbhay S. OkaHon’ble Judge Sanjay Karol


The appellant was found guilty of murdering his wife named Shanthi.He thought she had an extramarital affair with the person named Peethambaram.The appellant took her wife to the bank of Punnai river and assaulted her with the stick,she beared several injuries and further he buried her wife’s body.The parents of the deceased went about for the deceased whereabouts to the appellant and he replied that Shanthi was missing.The appellant was charged under Section 302 and Section 201 of Indian Penal Code(IPC) for murdering his wife and disappearing the evidence from the place where the act of commission took place,respectively.

The appellant made extra-judicial confession to a complete stranger after the two months of the act committed and the skeleton of the deceased was identified by the parents of the deceased.On the following submissions in trial court the appellant was awarded with life imprisonment and 7 years of rigorous imprisonment for meddling with evidence.The appellant seeked High Court after not being satisfied with the trial court’s judgment.However,the High Court rejected the appeal and upheld the decision of trial court.The appellant approached the Supreme Court and filed an appeal and claiming that the prosecution’s evidence are merely insufficient to prove the appellant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.The Supreme Court asked the prosecution about the veracity and validity of the elements of the case and after weighing the evidence and arguments made.


Section 302 Punishment for murder

Whoever commits murder shall be punished with death or(imprisonment for life) and shall also be liable to fine.

Based on the criminal jurisprudence not only person who committed crime is guilty but also person conspired to complete the crime is even guilty,Section 201 of Indian PenalCode(IPC)

Section 201 deals with causing disappearance of evidence of offence,or giving false information,to screen offenders.This section deals with the circumstances where person cause disappearance of the evidence with intention to screening the offender from legal punishment.The main elements include in disappearing of evidence is as follows:


  1. Whether extra-judicial confession made by the appellant is considered valid or not?
  2. Identified skeleton of the deceased by parents valid or not?
  3. Well founded the dead body weapon of offence





The Supreme Court reviewed the contention and evidence raised by both the parties.The court lays stress on veracity and reliability of extra-judicial confession and it should be genuine and made voluntarily.This raised a question on appellant’s extra-judicial confession that was made after more than two months and to the complete two strangers.As extra-judicial confession is regarded as a weak evidence in criminal trials.The confession gap to the strangers raised questions about the sincerity and plausibility of the confession.The burden to prove appellant guilty was on prosecution and prosecution failed to do so.The Supreme Court take on that there was cause of reasonable doubt about the appellant’s guilt after conscientiously examining the arguments of both the sides.The Supreme Court accepted the appeal and reversed the decisions by the Trial Court and the High Court.

The Supreme Court’s decision to grant the appeal and exonerate the appellant was founded on a careful examination of the available evidence and a dedication to maintaining the legal maxim “innocent until proven guilty.” To guarantee that justice was carried out fairly and impartially, the Court placed a strong focus on proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and acknowledged the flaws in the prosecution’s case. 

written by Deepika Jain, BM Law College, Jodhpur 5th Semester, Intern at Legal Vidhiya

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