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Internship Opportunity at The Office of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vikram Nath, Supreme Court of India: Apply Now.

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About the Opportunity

The Office of Hon’ble Mr Justice Vikram Nath, Supreme Court of India, is accepting applications for internships on a rolling basis. 



Eligibility Criteria

Students in their final year, 5th year of a 5-year BA/BBA/BSc.LL.B program (or its equivalent) or in the 3rd year of a 3-year LL.B program are eligible to apply.

How to Apply?

Apply by filling out the form given below this post.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submitting the form is the 15th of every month, prior to the intended month for the internship.



Contact Information

Any other queries related to the internship can be sent to

Application Form

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