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International Journal for Legal Research and Analysis [ISSN: 2582-6433, Vol 2, Issue 7] (Indexed at MANUPATRA, ROAD, Google Scholar Indexed, 16 Databases, Prize worth Rs 15k, Hard Copy, FREE DOI, LIVE Tracking, Google Scholar, Merit Certificates Included & Other Perks): Submit by Dec 10

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international Journal for Legal Research and Analysis (IJLRA) (ISSN 2582-6433) calls for unique and unpublished research papers, Short Notes, Book Reviews & Case Comments.

About the Journal

International Journal for Legal Research and Analysis (ISSN 2582-6433) is open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal provide dedicated to expressing views on topical legal issues, thereby generating a cross-current of ideas on emerging matters.

This platform shall also ignite the initiative and desire of young law students to contribute to the field of law. The erudite response of legal luminaries shall be solicited to enable readers to explore challenges that lie before lawmakers, lawyers, and the society at large, in the event of the ever-changing social, economic, and technological scenario.


Any appropriate theme related to the socio-legal aspect is acceptable.

Submission Details

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The fee is to be paid after acceptance of the Manuscript.

Contact Information

Click here to visit the official website of IJLRA.

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