On Thursday, the Delhi High Court overturned a Delhi University (DU) decision that had prevented Lokesh Chugh, the National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) national secretary, from attending the university. Chugh was accused of arranging a screening of a BBC documentary about Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav cancelled the DU’s decision and reinstated Chugh’s enrolment.
According to the Court’s ruling, the order of March 10, 2023, cannot be upheld, and as a result, the petitioner’s admission is being reinstated, and appropriate actions will be taken. The student leader was banned from taking any university exams for a year following a protest on January 27 at DU, during which the BBC documentary titled India: The Modi Question was purportedly screened publicly.
According to the university’s statement, Chugh was instrumental in leading the protest and actively participated in showcasing the documentary on campus. On Monday, DU informed the Delhi High Court that students who screened the banned documentary on Modi without permission and organised protests despite the imposition of prohibitory orders were demonstrating “gross indiscipline.”
The University claimed that it took action against the students who arranged the screening of the documentary based on newspaper reports indicating that the two-part series had been banned in India. R Venkataramani, the Attorney General for India, represented the Delhi University in court. Lokesh Chugh was represented by Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal and advocates Naman Joshi, Ritika Vohra, and Abhik Chimni.
Written by-Vaishnavi goel 6th semester (BA.LLB), Punjab school of law, Punjabi university, Patiala