About the Conference
- When: 23-24th January 2024
- Time: 2.30 pm (9 a.m. GMT/5 p.m. SGT onwards)
- Registration as a participant is exclusively free
- Mode: Hybrid Mode
- First come First serve will follow for the limited seats
- Certificates will be provided to all the participants
- CONFERENCE VENUE: Moot Court Hall, Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India
Keynote Speakers
FILIBERTO E. BROZZETTI, Professor of IT Law, Director, LSE Law Technology and
Society Group, Academic Director of LSE Online Programmes
PROF. SUBHAJIT BASU, FRSA Chair in Law and Technology, Co-Director PGR Studies,
Editor-in-Chief IRLCT Fellow, ACCP,
School of Law, University of Leeds, London.
PROF. ZAID HAMZAH, AI & Data Practitioner, Executive Education Fellow School of Computing, National University of Singapore.
LUKE STARK, Assistant Professor,
Faculty of Information & Media Studies (FIMS), Western University, London.
FILIBERTO E. BROZZETTI, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Law AI, Law and Ethics, LUISS Guido Carli
University, Italy
PROF. CHRISTOPHER MARSDEN, Director of the Digital Law Group at Monash, Monash University, Australia.
Call For Papers
- Navigating the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Law
Topic of Interest
- Foundations of AI in Legal Practices
- Regulatory Strategies for the AI-Driven Legal Future
- AI and Access to Justice
Note: The selected writings will be published in the form of a Book
- Abstracts should be 300 words or less and must provide a clear overview of the research objectives, methodology, and key findings.
- Full papers should be in English, between 5,000 to 8,000 words (including references), adhering to the prescribed formatting guidelines.
- All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process to ensure quality and relevance.
- Accepted papers will have the opportunity for presentation during dedicated sessions or inclusion in the conference proceedings.
Participants Registration Link: Register Here
Call For Papers Registration: Register Here
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline 15th December, 2023
- Notification of Abstract Acceptance 20th December, 2023
- Full Paper Submission Deadline 31st December, 2023
- Notification of Paper Acceptance 15th January, 2024
- Conference Date 23-24th January, 2024
FOR SUBMISSIONS: intconlex.amu@gmail.com