The Delhi high court has been disposed off a writ petition under article 226 of Indian constitution for seeking direction to the state to register FIR as per the law.
The petitioner’s daughter went missing since 13.05.2023 and the complaint was registered by the police. In the background checking it was found that the petitioner was living with the detenu in Delhi on April 2023 as her husband was got arrested and she left for karnal on 08.05.2023 and her daughter was still stayed with the detenu after that from 08.05.2023 she lost the contact with her daughter since then her daughter is missing. She visited police station for lodging FIR but no response was given from the police even they did not make any affort. In the response of that the learned counsel from state says that in the regular inquiry by the police the detenu was in close relationship with Naveen since then both of them are not found. However, despite all the efforts the they could not found any information about petitioner’s Daughter.
The court had also directed the state if any clue is found about the petitioner’s Daughter, same will be informed to the petitioner.
Article : 226
Case name : Anarkali V. State of NCT of Delhi, December 21, 2023
Name : Supriya, Course : B.A.LL.B (5TH) Semester, Maharishi University of Information Technology
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