The supreme court issued notice to the DGCA [Director general of civil aviation] in the plea filed by a 72-year-old victim in the Air India incident. This incident has sought directions to the DGCA and Airline companies to lay down the Standard of operation procedure and regulations to deal with the misconduct towards the passengers on board.
On last November, Shankar Mishra was accused of urinating on an elderly woman on the board of Air India flight. In contrast, he claimed that there will be someone else who peed on her or maybe the lady itself has urinated. She was a classical dancer and was facing some issues. He also stated that the lady was raising rubbish allegations against him which were completely falsed.However he was banned from flying for four months.
The petition sought for guidelines as there were several instances from 2014 to 2023 which were not properly dealt by the Air India. It claimed that they coerced the woman to enter a settlement and the DGCA did not treat her with care and responsibility. DGCA’s cabin safety circular requires the airline to report these kinds of behavior to the DGCA directly and additionally submit a report. Both the cabin crew and the pilot in commander failed to alert the Air Traffic controller regarding the incident. Article 22 and 29 of the Aircraft rules 1937 was cited in the petition.” Acts by any person on board an aircraft which constitutes assault, damage to property of any passenger or consumption of alcohol which can lead to jeopardizing other passengers as offenses which are to be dealt with very firmly.”
JUSTICE D.Y.Chandrachud orally asked for the assistance of Tushar Mehta, the solicitor general.
written by- Krishnapriya intern under legal vidhiya.